

Back Office >Members > Member Marketing




This menu item is used to send Letters, Emails or SMSs as well as issuing Vouchers to Customer/Members.


Note : Want to generate marketing emails, including graphics and feedback on how many of the emails were read? There are a number of options, please discuss these with your Reseller.


To Be Considered


  1. The Email Settings must be set to be able to use the Email feature.
  2. The SMS Provider and Settings must be set to be able to use the SMS feature.


Member Marketing



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Sort Order - Select from the drop down list one of the following in order to sort the content of the grid:


  • Members Listed - Displays the number of Customer/Members currently displayed in the grid.




  • Member Number - Displays the Customer/Member Number.
  • Member Name - Displays the Customer/Member's Name.
  • Mobile - Displays the Customer/Member's Mobile number.
  • Email - Displays the Customer/Member's Email Address.
  • M/E/S - Displays an X when the Customer/Member has opted out to receive Mail/Email/Sms texts.
  • V - Displays a Y when a Voucher has been issued to Customer/Members using the Issue Voucher button in the Footer. All issued Vouchers will appear in the in the Voucher Ledger
  • Status - Displays the status of the marketing material. For example : Unsent/Sent/Issued/Successful.




  • Build List - Select to open the Member Marketing List Builder screen below, to generate a List of Members. One of the Generate Merge List button options will need to be selected to ensure the Customer/Member list is populated in the grid.
  • Tools - Select from the drop down list one of the following :


  • Import/Export - Select from one of the following:


    • Member CSV Import - Select to import a list of members from a CSV file. The CSV file MUST have the Customer/Member's number as the first field.  If there is anything other than the Customer/Member number in the first field, that line will be skipped.
    • Member Voucher CSV Export - Select to export all Customer/Members that have been issued with a Voucher (that is, those with a Y in the column V of the grid) to a CSV file.
    • Upload to MailChimp - Select to export all Customer/Members listed in the grid to Mailchimp. Note : A Mailchimp API Key will need to be setup here.


  • Remove All Rows - Select to remove all rows in the grid.
  • Remove Selected Row - Select to remove the selected row in the grid.
  • Remove Successfully Sent - Select to remove all rows in the grid that have a status of sent.
  • Set all rows as Unsent - Select to set the status of all rows in the grid to Unsent.
  • Member Voucher CSV Export - Export to a CSV type file all Customer/Members issued a Voucher (Status = Issued).


  • Print - Select from the drop down list the required Marketing Document (Letter) to be printed and then click the Print button to print the selected document for all Customer/Members in the grid.
  • Email - Select from the drop down list the required Marketing Document (Email) to be sent and then click the Email button to send the selected document to all Customer/Members in the grid. Email address will be validated prior to emailing.
  • SMS - Select from the drop down list the required Marketing Document (SMS) to be sent and then click the SMS button to send the selected document to all Customer/Members in the grid. Mobile numbers will be validated prior to SMSing.
  • Campaign - Select from the drop down list of Member Campaigns the Campaign all Customer/Members in the grid are to be added to. Then click the Add to Campaign button to add.
  • Vouchers - Select from the drop down list of Vouchers the Voucher to be issued and then click the Vouchers button again to display the Ledger Edit screen below to issue the selected Voucher to Members.
  • Barrel - Select from the available Barrel Promotions a promotion to which all Customer/Members in the grid will be added when the Barrel button (not the drop down list) is selected. Note : Only enabled Barrel Promotions will be displayed in the drop down list.
  • Reports - Select from the drop down list of reports.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Member Marketing List Builder



  • In this example, all Members having a Birthday that falls in the month of January will be added to the list.


Ledger Edit



Related Topics


  1. Accounts
  2. Customer/Members
  3. Reports - Generate Merge List