Software Updates


Back Office > Help > About


Software Updates to SwiftPOS Software can be checked and downloaded as follows:

  1. For sites that have Internet access then select the Check for Web Updates button via the Help > About screen.
  2. For sites that DO NOT have internet access then download the install file (MSI) from the Web Site and then this file can be used to manually install the update at the site.


Note : Always make a backup prior to installing updates.


Check for Web Software Updates


To check for latest updates:

  1.  Select the Help menu option
  2. Then select About from the drop down. The following screen should be displayed:


  1. Select the Check for Updates button. This will start the C:\Program Files (x86)\Samford Software\Updates\SoftwareUpdaterv4.exe application.
  2. The following screen will be displayed:


Select the Advanced Settings button to change the settings as required. The above



Please use About > Check for Software Updates to get the latest version with new settings.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Samford Software\Updates\SoftwareUpdaterv4.exe" - Make sure you are using the SoftwareUdaterv4.exe if you have a shortcut on your desktop.

All sites running 4.13.177 will require NetPOS.Net to be started as there is no direct communication between SwiftPOS Touch and SwiftPOS Back Office for Members and Accounts.




You will notice above, that the version that you are about to download is the previous release. If you want the version 4.13.177 then you have to go into advanced settings and select that version from the drop down list.



If you want to download the installers, then you can select the version number that is available on the web site. Click on the option to download the installers.



This is the software update menu which will allow you to just download changes or Force Update all which will bring down all the files from the server. This would not normally be required.

If you are updating the SwiftPOS Back Office, then you will also need to update your SwiftPOS Touch Software to ensure that both systems can communicate correctly.

If you have Multiple terminals you can send the updates to the other terminals from the SwiftPOS Back Office. To utilise this feature you must have a copy of SwiftPOS Touch installed on the same terminal as SwiftPOS Back Office.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Samford Software\Updates\SoftwareUpdaterv4.exe" /NLB - the command line switch /NLB is for "no local backups"

Details Button - This will bring up the advanced options. These are not normally changed unless advised by support staff.

Always update the database after you have completed a software update.

NetPOS.Net Test Confirmation - This must be completed after any software update to ensure that functionality is working as expected.


How to restore from a backup that has been done during the update process


How to restore your Database

Each time you download an update, the update process will automatically create a backup of your existing software store it in a zipped folder.


C:\Users\{UserName}\Documents\My Backups is the folder where all these backups are stored.


If for some reason you need to roll back to a previous version, all you have to do is stop all your services in SwiftPOS, exit all the running applications and restore the zipped up backups into the respective directories on your PC.



  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Samford Software\BackOffice - for SwiftPOS Back Office on 64bit Windows
  • C:\SwiftPOSTouch - for SwiftPOS Touch
  • C:\SwiftPOSMenu - for Menu Board Software
  • C:\SwiftPOSKVS - for Kitchen Video Software
  • C:\SwiftPOSConnect - for SwiftPOS Connect when you are using Task-Manager


If you are unable to restore files, it would only be because services are still running, in which case, you may have to open Windows Task-Manager to shut down the SwiftPOS Services manually.

Also, if your updated system is running smoothly, you may also wish to delete all these backups that are no longer required because they can take up a lot of space.


Supporting Multiple Languages



Click on the Supported Languages and select from the list below. You need to do this for SwiftPOS Touch and SwiftPOS Back Office.



Once you have downloaded these additional files, then you need to translate your language and enable multiple languages at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal and on the Receipt/Kitchen Order.


Advanced Settings



The default software update is "V3" which is the released version of 322 as at the end of March 2012. If you want the latest Version 4 then select "V4" from the menu above.

Advanced settings normally require you to create a password to access these features. Make sure it is a password that you remember, otherwise SwiftPOS Support can provide a password that is valid for 1 day.

Use Alternate Location - This allows you to manage your own updates from a different server than the default SwiftPOS server.

Use Proxy Settings - Universities and Government Departments, quite often need additional information here to access the update via a Proxy Server.

Local Drive / Folder - If you want to create a network share or USB stick update, then you can specify the path here.

Updates can also, simply be provided via a zipped up installation file for each application.


Updating all the SwiftPOS Touch terminals


Touch Terminal update


Related Topics


  1. About
  2. Features/Enhancements
  3. Installation
  4. NetPOS.Net Overview
  5. Software Registrations