Back Office > Data Export > Setup Budgets
This menu item is used to define daily Budgets for each Location. Budgets can be setup for each day during any period for each Location, and can be either manually entered or automatically calculated. A Budget wizard is used when creating a new Budget to make the automatic calculation of a Budget much easier.
Note : This feature is currently only used with 3rd party analysis software but will be incorporated into some SwiftPOS reports in the future.
Setup Budgets
This screen is accessed from here.
The grid displays the: Location, Trading Date and Budget. Note : To edit an entry in the grid, double click a row. Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.
- New - Select to invoke the Budget wizard and create a new Budget. For more information ...
- Save - Select to save changes.
- Undo - Select to undo changes made.
- Delete - Select to delete the selected row in the grid. Multiple rows can also be selected and deleted.
- Close - Select to exit.
Budget Wizard - Destination
This screen is accessed from here.
The Budget Wizard caters for the quick creation of Budgets. Budgets are created for each day within the date range specified below.
This screen is accessed from here.
Select one of the following options:
This screen is accessed from here.
This screen is accessed from here.
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