Check Barcodes


Back Office > Administration > SQL Tools > Database Doctor > Check Database Tables > Check Barcodes



Expand the Check Barcodes menu to select one of the following options:


  • Report Invalid/Unknown Manufacturer Barcodes - Use to check every Barcode, checking if it is a valid Barcode, adding/removing leading 0's till it is valid. Retail Barcodes normally have a check sum number built into the last character of the barcode. This does not apply to other barcodes that are used to represent a Member Number or a Voucher Number. Used to produce a report of all invalid Barcodes and what they should look like. Sometimes, sites have imported Barcode files that are padded with leading zeros up to 14 characters. Since these are not valid Barcodes, they will never scan correctly at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. This process is designed to clean up Barcodes with leading zeros so that they will scan correctly. Always ensure that you have a backup of your data files before you start.


  • Export Invalid/Unknown Barcodes Report Data (CSV) - Select to export the above Report as a CSV file. Used to export the Non-Manufacturer Barcode Report above to a CSV file.
  • Delete Unused Barcodes - Select to ensure Barcodes created before a selected date, and which have never been scanned, are deleted. Note : A prompt will be displayed requesting whether a backup of the current Barcodes needs to be made before the unused Barcodes are deleted.
  • Attempt to Fix Barcodes - Used to check every Barcode for validity and then adds/removes leading 0's until it is valid.


Select Yes to commence checking for Defaults.


  • Add Barcode from Product Code - Select to add Barcodes to those Products that do not currently have a Barcode assigned, and the Product Code is numeric and 8 characters or longer. The Barcode added will then be the same as the Product Code.


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  1. SQL Tools