Clear Member/Customer Operation


Touch > Clear Customer/Member (#117) POS Key




Used to remove the current Customer/Member from a sale at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : Accounts, Customers, Members and Loyalty Customers are often referred to in the documentation when discussing topics relating to Customers/Patrons of a site. 
  2. If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.




  1. Ensure the Function Clear Customer/Member POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.




  1. How to remove a Customer/Member from a sale

    1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, add a Customer/Member to a sale.
    2. Add items to the sale.
    3. Select the Clear Customer/Member POS Key.
    4. The New Customer screen is displayed.
    5. Enter the details and select Done.


New Customer POS Key Settings



This screen is accessed from here. For information on how to access the POS Key's settings screen, click here.


  • Available Interfaces - Select from the drop down list the required Interface. Note : If no interface is selected, the default used will be the interface which is set as Default in NetPOS.Net.
  • Set/Change Selected Interface - Select to select the interface selected above and set the Type and Instance.
  • Selected Interface Type - Displays the Type selected.
  • Selected Interface Instance - Displays the Instance selected.
  • Primary Classification - Select from the drop down list the Classification to be used as the default Primary Classification.
  • Linked Classifications -  Select to open the Linked Classifications screen and select the default Linked Classifications.
  • Linked Interest Groups - Select to open the Interest Groups screen and select the default Interest Groups.
  • Default Credit Limit - Displays/Enter the default Credit Limit
  • Get Default Credit Limit from Global Preferences - Select to set the default Credit Limit to the default set in the Global Preferences.
  • Automatically Get Next ID - Select to ensure the next available CUstomer/Member ID is retrieved automatically.
  • Auto Start Sale - If you are scanning a Members Card into the sale, then it is likely that you also want to start a sale to the Member.
    • Initiate Member Receipt after validation - Select to enable
  • Show Alternate ID - Select to ensure the Customer/Member's Alternate ID is displayed.


Related Topics


  1. Accounts
  2. POS Configuration Index - Account/Customer/Member Configuration
  3. POS Operation
  4. POS Operation Index - Account/Customer/Member Features
  5. Customer/Members
  6. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  7. Terminal Settings