Touch > Tools > Select right arrow once > Server Tools
The Server Tools menu contains a number of server related functions.
Server Tools
This screen is accessed from here.
- Connect to Server - Used to make a connection to SwiftPOS Connect if the terminal has been disconnected. This option is not normally used because it can be achieved from the sales screen by clicking the Online button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
- Disconnect from Server - Used to disconnect from SwiftPOS Connect. This option is not normally used because it can be achieved from the sales screen by clicking the Online button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
- Request Full Update - Requests a full update from SwiftPOS Connect. This option is not normally used because it can be achieved from the sales screen by clicking the No Updates button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
- Print Custom Reports - Select to open the Custom Reports screen to add/manage Custom Reports.
- Change Terminal Location - Used to Change the Terminal's Location that the terminal is assigned to without having to perform the change in the SwiftPOS Back Office. Note : Changes made will be logged and can be viewed by generating the Database Activity Report (ADM002). Also, it is recommended to do Z Read at the SwiftPOS Touch Terminal BEFORE changing Locations as the Report data will be lost once the Location has been changed.
- SwiftPOS Back Office Price Change - Select to effect a price change to a Product from a SwiftPOS Touch terminal. For more information ... To change the prices of multiple items use the Price Change (#505) POS Key.
- Backup Settings to Server - Used to Backup the SwiftPOS Touch settings. Backup files will be written to the PC/Server hosting the SwiftPOS Connect application. Backup files can be viewed by right clicking the SwiftPOS Touch terminal in the Touch POS Terminal screen in SwiftPOS Connect and select to open the folder where you will see Backups. This feature can also be used to Configure Multiple SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
- Restore Settings from Server - Used to restore all of the SwiftPOS Touch settings files from SwiftPOS Connect. This allows an administrator to create a standard installation set up for multiple sites.
- Resend Sales Files - This will pop up a menu and allow the recreation of sales files for any receipt number range or date range to send to the SwiftPOS Back Office. It may be useful if a Hard Disk failure has occurred at the SwiftPOS Back Office computer and when no backups are available. If the sales have already been processed by the SwiftPOS Back Office they will simply be ignored the second time so there is no possibility of sales being doubled up. Note : If running NetPOS interfaced with third party applications then this feature cannot be used as it will double up sales transactions in NetPOS for room charges etc.
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