Table Tracking Memory Settings


Back Office > Administration > SQL Tools > Miscellaneous Tools > Table Tracking Memory Settings




This menu item is used to set the maximum amount of memory that can be used by SQL Server Table Tracking Database. By default the installation of the SQL Server will set the maximum to all the memory that is available.


Note : This is not required if you are running the free Express Edition of SQL Server.


SQL Server Memory Settings



How much memory to assign to SQL Server Table Tracking?


Check the Maximum Memory allocated is 25% of the available RAM in the PC OR for low spec PCs just set it to 256 MB.


A rule of thumb is to allocate up to 25% of the total RAM in the PC.

For example : 4GB total RAM = 1GB Maximum Memory OR 16GB total RAM = 4GB Maximum Memory.

The reason that you might have to limit this is that SQL Server can consume 100% of the memory that is available and there is no memory for the SwiftPOS services or SwiftPOS application to complete their processes. Limiting SQL Server to 25% of the total memory will increase overall performance of the SwiftPOS Back Office software. For more information google SQL Server memory.

The free version of SQL Server EXPRESS is limited to 1GB of RAM so not an issue on sites running the Express Edition of SQL Server on a computer with 4GB of RAM (or higher).


Database Statistics


Select from the options available the ones that are appropriate for the Venue, and will assist in obtaining performance gains for queries.


Related Topics


  1. Back Office Memory Settings
  2. Installation
  3. SQL Server Management Studio
  4. SQL Tools