Voucher Layouts


Back Office > Vouchers/Discounts > Vouchers > Layouts




This feature is used to design the Layout of the Vouchers as they will appear to customers. The Layout linked to the Voucher in the Voucher Parameters will print when the required issue parameters are met. Vouchers can also be issued manually from either the SwiftPOS Back Office or the SwiftPOS Touch terminal using the Issue Voucher keyboard function key.


Voucher Layouts



This screen is accessed from here.


The Voucher Layouts feature lists the Voucher Layout(s) currently available. It is also used to create new Voucher Layouts, copy, edit and delete existing Voucher Layouts.


Note : Double clicking anyone of the rows in the grid will open the Voucher Parameter Edit screen.


  • ID - Displays the ID of the Voucher Layout.
  • Name - Displays the name of the Voucher Layout.
  • Last Modified - Displays the date the Voucher Layout was last modified.

  • New - Select to add a new Voucher Layout.
  • Copy - Select to copy the currently selected Voucher Layout in the grid.
  • Edit - Select to edit the currently selected Voucher Layout in the grid.
  • Delete - Select to delete the currently selected Voucher Layout in the grid.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Voucher Design Edit - Voucher Layout



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Layout - The Voucher Layout is depicted on the left hand side of the Voucher Layout tab. The box can be expanded by dragging the bottom edge of the box down or by using the Add Length and Reduce Length buttons.
  • Design Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Voucher Layout.
  • Add Item - Select to add item(s) from the drop down list below to the Voucher Layout. The following items can be added:


Note : Select the information that you want to print on the Vouchers from the list of available items above.


  • Insert {Barcode} - Select this to add a Barcode to the Voucher Layout. By default the Barcode added to the Layout will represent the Voucher Barcode. Custom Barcodes can also be added to Voucher Layouts.
  • Insert {PIN} - Select to ensure the PIN is printed on the Voucher.


Custom Barcodes


Custom Barcodes can be added to Voucher Layouts. To achieve this, do as follows:


  1. Add the Insert {Barcode} item to your layout.
  2. Resize it and format it as required.
  3. Replace the text {BARCODE} in the Text field to the custom Barcode value required. For example:



  1. Select either the Set as Normal Barcode or Set as 2D Barcode button. This will convert the custom Barcode value entered to a Barcode format.


  • Add Picture - Select to add picture(s) to the Voucher Layout.
  • Copy Item - Select an item in the Voucher Layout and select this button to copy it.
  • Delete Item - Select an item in the Voucher Layout and select this button to delete it.
  • Text - Displays/Enter the text pertaining the currently selected item. Text entered cannot exceed 4000 characters. Also used to add text a BLANK item or add text to further describe an insert item. For example, below the item EXPIRY DATE was inserted into the Layout and then the text 'Expires :' was added in front:


  • Text Align - Select either Left/Centre/Right to align the content of the item that is currently selected in the Layout.
  • Conditional - Select one of the following:


  1. << NONE >> - Select to print the item print every time.
  2. CUSTOMER - Select to only print this item if there is a CUSTOMER in the sale.
  3. TABLE - Select to only print this item if there is a TABLE in the sale.
  4. ORDER - Select to only print this item if there is an ORDER in the sale.


If for example the item {Customer Name} is to only print on the Voucher when a customer is linked to the sale, then select Customer as the conditional entry.


Note : It is recommended that items that have conditions should appear on a line on their own OR if necessary share a line with another item that has the same condition.


  • Text Size - Select either one of the following to adjust the size of the font of the selected Layout item:


  1. To increase the size of the font select


  1. To decrease the size of the font select


  • Bold - Select to ensure text will be printed in bold font.
  • Text Colour - Select either Black or Red to adjust the colour of the selected Layout item:
  • Move/Size and Arrow buttons - Select the Layout item requiring to be moved or resized, then select the Move/Size button and then use the arrows to adjust the size or placement of the item.
  • Set as Normal Barcode - Select this to ensure the {BARCODE} item appears as a normal 1D Barcode, that is as


  • Set as 2D Barcode - Select this to ensure the {BARCODE} item appears as a 2D Barcode, that is as


Note : The choices of Normal Barcode or 2D Barcode will be dependent on the Barcode scanning hardware available.


  • Defaults - Select this to insert the default items into the Layout. The defaults are as follows:

  • Add Length - Select this increase the length of the Voucher Layout.
  • Export Design - Select this to export the Layout to an XML file.
  • Menu - Select this display the list of items that can be inserted into a Layout. Mostly used to add extra items to an already existing Layout item.


For example: to print the from and to dates a Voucher is valid for. Add the item {VALID FROM} using the Add Item button. Then add the text 'Valid From: ' in front of the {VALID FROM} item using the Text box. To add the To date, place the cursor after the {VALID FROM} item in the text box and add the text ' To: ' then select the Menu button and add the item {EXPIRY DATE}. The text box will appear as follows:



  • Reduce Length - Select this decrease the length of the Voucher Layout.
  • Import Design - Select this to import a Layout from an XML file.
  • Save and Close - Select to save the Layout design and close the screen. To NOT save the design and just exit, click the X to close the Voucher Layout Edit tab.


Voucher Design Edit - Associated Vouchers



This screen is accessed from here and lists all Vouchers that currently share the same Design.


Related Topics


  1. Vouchers/Discounts