Facebook Voucher


The following is a setup example of a Voucher rewarding the first 50 Members with a free Dessert if they present the Voucher at the venue.




  1. Ensure a Voucher Layout (Design) has been created. See the sample layout below.
  2. Ensure a Voucher Action has been created.


The Setup Required


  1. In SwiftPOS Back Office > Vouchers/Discounts > Vouchers - Select New to create a new Voucher. This will open the Voucher Parameter Edit screen.





Select an appropriate Design/Layout for this Voucher


Issue/Trigger Parameters


  1. In Issue Parameters section
    1. Set the Issue Type to Manual Issue Only.
    2. Set the Qty to Issue to 1.
    3. All other parameter are not required as the Voucher will be issued from the SwiftPOS Back Office.
  2. In the Trigger Parameters section:


    1. Set the Trigger Type to Multi Use.
    2. Set the Total Uses to 50 to restrict the
    3. Select the Days on which the Voucher can be redeemed.
    4. Select either a Start/End Date or Days Valid to restrict redemption of Vouchers to a specific period.


Assigned Actions


  1. Assign a Voucher Action to the Voucher.


  1. Save the changes made to the Voucher Parameter Edit screen.
  2. Select the Issue button at the bottom of the Voucher Parameter Edit screen to issue the Voucher. This will open the Ledger Edit screen.


  1. Select the One Per Member option to restrict the redemption of the Voucher to one only per Member.
  2. Select the Save Voucher Image option. This will save the Voucher a either a .jpg or .png file.
  3. Select OK to open the Browse For Folder screen to select a folder in which the Voucher will be saved.
  4. Select a folder and select OK.


  1. This will create an entry in the Voucher Ledger and an image file will be created in the specified folder.
  2. The image file containing the Voucher can now be uploaded to Facebook.




  1. At the the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, add the Member to a sale.
  2. Scan the Voucher.
  3. Select the Dessert the Member requires.
  4. The Dessert should be added to the sale with a resultant value of zero.
  5. Finalise the sale.


Sample Voucher



Other Examples of Vouchers Issued





How to Report on the Voucher


To report on how many of these Vouchers have actually been used, see the Voucher Status Report. This will give you a good idea on how the promotion is going across multiple Businesses/Venues.

The Voucher Sales and Voucher Sales Summary will show you the Products discounted using the free product action.


Related Topics


  1. How To Examples