Gaming Export


Back Office > Data Export > Export Gaming Members




This menu item is used to export Customer/Member details to the Gaming Systems: Turbo Gaming Systems and PC Easy Gaming Systems.


Product Draw From Wizard



This screen is accessed from here.


Turbo Export


This section is used to export Customer/Member details to the Turbo Gaming Systems and is designed for use in Australia only. The current implementation of the turbo export only exports members that have had changes made to their details after the date specified in the Last Update Datetime field. For more information ...


  • Export Path - Select/Enter the path/folder to which the exported Customer/Members data will be written.
  • Member Status - Enter from the following to determine how the records will be handled when they are imported into turbo and relate to the Member Status. Please note that these settings are only applicable to overwrite and update:

    • 0 - Normal Member
    • 1 - Pending Member
    • 2 - Visitor


  • Issue Numbers - As per the Turbo specification.
  • Last Update Datetime - Set the date used to ensure only those Customer/Members will be exported from the SwiftPOS database that have had changes made since the date specified here.
  • Run Export - Select to export. This export will only work if the semaphore file does not exist in the export path.


PC Easy Export


This section is used for exporting Customer/Member details to the PC Easy Gaming Systems.


  • Export Path - Select/Enter the path/folder to which the exported Customer/Members data will be written.
  • Run Export - The run export option will attempt to export all the Customer/Members from the SwiftPOS database. This export will only work if the semaphore file does not exist in the export path.




  • Close - Select to exit.


Technical Information


Two files are used to control the turbo export, a member data file (mems.txt) and a semaphore file (Semaphore.tmp) which is used as a file lock. If the semaphore file does not exist then the export can be successfully run but if the semaphore file does exist it means that turbo has not yet processed the member data file so another export can not yet be run. Turbo will delete the semaphore file after successful import of the data file and checks for these files every 10 seconds so it is rare that the message will appear. The member data file is a fixed length file that is 46 characters in length, including the STX and ETX characters.


Field Name





Start Text. A single character with the value 3 - CHR$(3) OR 0x03 (Optional)

Record Status


See below.

Member Status


See below.

Issue Number


"0" to "4" for issues 1 to 5. Usually incremented if card is re-issued with the same number. Note : Only applicable to overwrite and update.

Member Number


5 ASCII digit member number, right justified with leading zeroes.

Member Name


Fixed length 20 characters, padded with spaces, given or preferred name first, surname last.

Birth Date


DDMMYYYY (preferred) or DD-MM-YY - member's date of birth. For reference only, i.e. this field is recommended but not essential..

Joining Date


DDMMYYYY (preferred) or DD-MM-YY - member's date of joining club. Reference only.



End Text. A single character with the value 3 - CHR$(3) OR 0x03 (Optional)


Related Topics


  1. Data Export
  2. End of Day
  3. Import/Export Overview
  4. Services Monitor - MG (Max Gaming) Settings