End of Day Options


Back Office >Administration > Location Groups (Venues) > Full Edit > End of Day button




The End of Day Options screen is used to configure the End of Day process. The End of Day service is currently used to process batch reports, as well as selected processes. It will also consolidate Inventory movements history in a future build of SwiftPOS.


To Be Considered


  1. Global Preferences Settings
  2. Location Group (Venue) Settings


End of Day Options



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Start of Trading Day - Displays the time as set here.
  • Recommended Run Time - Displays the recommended Run Time. It is generally recommended that the End of Day process be started 5 minutes after the Start of Trading Day. This will ensure that all reports etc run with the Yesterday date range selected will report on Yesterday's trade. Note : For sites that requires reports to run between midnight and the Start of Day trading time, for more information ...
  • Run Time - Displays/Enter the time that End of Day processes will be run each day. The recommendation is to set the Run Time to be 5 minutes after the Start of Trading Day time. For example:|

Start of Trading Day

Recommended Run Time

06:00 AM

06:05 AM

12:00 AM

12:05 AM

This will ensure that any Batch reports run, with the date range set to 'Yesterday', will report on the previous days trade.


Note : The End of Day service must be restarted once the Run Time has been changed.


  • Date Last Run - Displays the date the last time the End of Day process was run.
  • Set Process Last Run - Select to set the Last Run date to today's date.




  • Enabled - Select to include the selected process as part of the End of Day run.
  • Process Description - Lists the processes that are currently available to be included in the End of Day run. For further information see below.
  • Period to Keep - Enter the period in Days/Months where appropriate.
  • Last Run - Displays the date the last time individual processes were run.
  • Process End Time - Used by the Suel SAP export.




  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit. Note : The Location Group (Venue) record must be saved after these changes have been made or they will be lost.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving.


Note : The End of Day service must be run from an account with the same Regional Settings as the account used to configure End of Day.


End of Day Processes


The following processes are currently available to be included as part of the End of Day run:


  • Process Batch Reports - Select to export Batch Reports. Note : Reports will be printed at the printer as specified here.
  • Reset Account Balances - Select to reset:

  • Reset Campaign Data - Select to reset only those Member Campaigns with the End of Day Reset option selected.
  • Send BART Report Data - Select to post aggregate sales data for each Location Group (Venue) based on values configured here.
  • Send Venetian Report Data - Select to post aggregate sales data for each Location Group (Venue) based on values configured here .
  • Send Micropower General Ledger Financials - Select to export Sales and Creditor (Supplier Invoice) related data for importing into Micropower GL. For more information ...
  • Data Rollup (months) - Select to enable. Used to rollup all transaction data that falls outside the Period to Keep (in months) specified. For example, to keep the last 2 years of data and ensure they are NOT rolled up, set the Period to Keep setting is to 24 (ie. 24 months). All sales transactions prior to the last 24 months will be rolled Up. When consolidating/rolling up data for the first time, use the Data Roll-up feature to manually rollup in 6 monthly periods for very large sites. Attempting to rollup 5 years of data in one go, may cause a size issue when creating the temporary files during the process. To do this, do as follows:

    • Determine the date of the first ever Trading Date.
    • Use the Data Roll-up feature to rollup the first 6 months of Trading data.
    • Repeat in 6 monthly periods until the required months of data to keep is reached.
      • For example, to keep the last 2 years of data and ensure they are not rolled up, DO NOT rollup for the previous 2 year period.
    • Once all except the last 2 years of data has been rolled up, ensure the checkbox for this option (Rollup Existing Data) is selected and set the Period to Keep setting is to 24 (ie. 24 months).
    • Note : Enabling this End of Day option can have an adverse impact when exporting SwiftPOS sales data. Also, this  is not specific to one Location Group (Venue).


  • Export Scan Data - Select to export data to Ontap Data / Liquor File. It uses the Group Prefix for each Location Group (Venue) and the Location based setting Consolidate Scan Data Export to consolidate data. Data can also be manually exported.  This process replaces the previous method of creating a batch Report.
  • Industry Data Online Export/Astute Business Intelligence Export - Select to export sales data for host systems like Astute Business Intelligence / IDOL. Note : The name Astute Business Intelligence Export will only appear here when creating new Location Groups, otherwise the name Industry Data Online Export will be displayed.
  • Reset Voucher Ledger (Months to Keep) - Select to delete Voucher Ledger records older than X amount of months. If you want to keep 24 months history, enter 24.
  • Clear Database Table Logs (Days to Keep) - Select the number of days of Logs to be retained. Logs outside this range will be removed when End of Day is run with this option selected. 0 = Do Not clear anything, >0 = Retain Data for that number of days. Removal of logs applies to the following Database Tables:

    • AuditLogTable - Logs are written to this table when the Log Data Changes option is enabled and are reported on using the Database Audit (ADM001) report.
    • EventLogTable - Logs are written to this table when various data items are changed/deleted (for example, Recipes, Product PLUs, Member Numbers, etc). It also logs when a Location is locked/released and when a stocktake is committed. Logs recorded are reported on using the the Database Activity Report (ADM002).
    • MemberChangesTable - Logs are written to this table when the Save Changes option is enabled and are reported on using the Member Changes Log Report (ADM006).
    • TCPEventLog - Logs are written to this table when various TCP communications events occur in the Connect service and are reported on using the TCP Event Log Report (ADM008).
    • WebEventLogTable - Logs are written to this table is populated when various events occur in web applications and are reported on using the Web Event Log Report (ADM009).

  • Export Crust Data - Select to export data to Crust Pizza.
  • Send FULL Update to SwiftPOS Touch terminals - This option will force a full update for the selected Location Group (Venue). It is used when you have disabled the Global Setting for sending updates out in real time. Note : This Setting is required for Happy Hours in SwiftPOS Touch and Higher.
  • Export Turbo Member Changes - Exports SwiftPOS Back Office Customer/Member changes to be read in by Turbo.
  • LMG POS Sales Data Export - Select to export sales data to LMG using the LMG interface settings here.
  • Email Account Statements - Select to email Account Statements on the selected dates.
  • Expire Member Points - Select to expire Loyalty Points held against Customer/Members depending on the Points Expiry (Months) setting in the Member Classification the Customer/Member is assigned to. This is similar to the Expire Member Points option available in the Delete Records menu item. The report Member Points Expired is available and can be setup to run as a batch report. (Ticket 1285)
  • IGT BI POS Sales Data Export - Select to export sales data for IGT BI.
  • BP SAP Export - Select to export sales data for QuickFuel to support BP Agency sites.
  • Barrel Promotions Export (Days to Keep) - Select to delete Barrel Promotions older than X days.
  • Member Classification Wizard - Select to ensure that the Member Classification Tier Wizard is run as part of the End of Day service. This enables the automatic tiering of Customer/Members between Classifications.
  • BP SIRA Export - Select to export Fuel related Tank Dip and Pump/Hose Readings for the purpose of SIRA Government reporting. Reporting is used to monitor Wet Stocks to ensure any leakages are brought to the attention of authorities.
  • LiquorFile Scan Data Export - Select to export sales data for the OnTap Data / Liquor File interface.
  • Apply Account Fees - Select to ensure that Account Fees set against Accounts are processed appropriately.
  • VIVA Export - Select to export sales data for integration to the Viva ERP System. Refer to the Viva.
  • MYOB Export - Select to export data for importing into MYOB (AccountRight). It is recommended that you are familiar with the MYOB Export feature before selecting this option. Note : This option will only be displayed if the site is registered for MYOB Export.
  • Lock Locations for Scheduled Stocktakes - Select to ensure that a check is done for Locations that have been scheduled for a Stocktake. If a schedule has been configured for the same day the EOD process runs, then the Location in question will be locked and the corresponding entry in the Scheduled Stocktakes screen will be removed. Locations are scheduled using the Schedule Stocktake feature.
  • Export BATA Data - Select to export & upload data into Bata. It is recommended that you are familiar with the Deputy Rostering feature before selecting this option.
  • Dynamics GP - Select to export & upload data into MS Dynamics GP. It is recommended that you are familiar with the MS Dynamics GP feature before selecting this option. Note : This option will only be displayed if the site is registered for MS Dynamics GP.
  • Deputy Rostering - Select to export & upload data into Deputy Rostering. It is recommended that you are familiar with the Deputy Rostering feature before selecting this option.
  • Clear Terminal Reports (Months to Keep) - Select to remove entries in the TerminalReportTable DB table that are older than X amount of months. If you want to keep 24 months history, enter 24.
  • XERO Export - Select to export & upload data into XERO. It is recommended that you are familiar with the XERO Export feature before selecting this option. Note : This option will only be displayed if the site is registered for XERO Export.
  • XERO Pro Export - Select to export & upload data into XERO. It is recommended that you are familiar with the XERO Pro Export feature before selecting this option. Note : This option will only be displayed if the site is registered for XERO Pro Export.
  • Business Central - Select to export & upload data into MS Dynamics 365 Business Central. It is recommended that you are familiar with the  SwiftPOS - 365 Business Central  feature before selecting this option. Note : This option will only be displayed if the site is registered for MS Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • Clear Electronic Journal Media Card Information (Months to Keep) - Select to ensure the EJMediaCardTable table is cleared of data older than X amount of months. If you want to keep 24 months history, enter 24.


Related Topics


  1. Administration
  2. Data Roll-up
  3. Location Group (Venue)