Custom Points Redeem per Product


The following is a setup example of a Customers/Members paying for Products by redeeming Custom Points (ie. Points configured against individual Products).


The Scenario


When a Customer/Member wishes to redeem a Purchase of a Product using Points and the same Product has a custom Points configured against it.


The Setup Required


  1. Ensure the Allow Points Pay per Product option is selected in Global Preferences > Members tab.
  2. Configure/Set the Points redeemable for the Products and Price Levels required.


  1. Configure/Set a PP Discount Media for each Member Classification in use to ensure a balancing Media is attributed in the sale and to facilitate reporting. Note : Allocate to one of the unused Medias available.
  2. Ensure the Function Points Pay POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
  3. Send a Full Update to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.




  1. Sell Products with custom Points set and Products without custom Points set, to a Customer/Member at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
  2. Select the Points Pay POS Key.
  3. In the Select Items to Pay with Points screen:
    1. Points will appear in the Product Points column for those Products that have custom Points set.
    2. The Points to Pay column will take into account the Product Points if any and display accordingly.
    3. Select the Product with the value in the Product Points column. The Points to Pay value in the bottom right hand corner of the screen will depict the number of Points that will be redeemed from the Customer/Members Points account.


  1. Selecting the Finish button, The sales grid will show the 50 Points redeemed and the remaining balance to be paid/charged.


  1. Once finalised and sent to the Back Office, the Transaction will show the media selected against the classification is the balancing media in the sale.


Related Topics


  1. How To Examples