Limit Loyalty Points Build Up and Issue a Voucher


The following is a setup example of a issuing a Voucher to limit the build up of Loyalty Points.

The Scenario


When a Customer/Member buys a Product and earns Loyalty Points, and when their current Loyalty Points exceeds the Loyalty Points limit set in the Voucher Issue Triggers, then a Voucher is issued and the Customer/Member's Loyalty Points are reduced by the Loyalty Points limit set in the Voucher Issue Triggers. The Customer/Member has 2 weeks to redeem the issued Voucher.


The Setup Required


  1. Create a Voucher Layout for the Voucher that is to be issued to the Customer/Member.


Note : If the Voucher has a Barcode, make sure a Barcode scanner has been setup at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal to enable the scanning of the Voucher on redemption.


  1. Create a Voucher Action.

  1. Create Voucher Parameters to control the issuing and redemption of the above Voucher.


  1. Assign the Voucher Action created above as an action to the Voucher.




  1. To issue the Voucher, do as follows:
    1. Sell enough Products to the Customer/Member that ensures the number of Loyalty Points earned exceeds the 50 Member Points limit set in the Voucher Parameters screen above.
    2. Once the Customer/Member Points has exceeded the limit (50) set, then make another sale to the same Customer/Member.
    3. The Free Coffee Voucher should be issued, and the number of Loyalty Points held against the same Customer/Member is reduced by the limit (50) set.
  2. To Redeem the Voucher, do as follows:
    1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, add the Customer/Member to a sale.
    2. Scan the Voucher or select the Voucher Entry POS Key and enter the barcode.
    3. The Select and Add Items screen will be displayed. Select a Coffee and finalise the sale.
    4. The Customer/Member's Loyalty Points should now be reduced by the limit (50) in the SwiftPOS Back Office.


Sample of Voucher Issued and Receipt when Redeemed




Related Topics


  1. How To Examples