Non-Sale Products




Used to sell Products assigned to a Non-Sale Category. This feature is designed for sites that are collecting money on behalf of others and do not want the value collected to show as sales. This feature enables the selling of Non-Sale Products at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal without recording it as a sale in the SwiftPOS Back Office.


An example of this would be a Golf Pro Shop that is collecting Green Fees and Driving Range Fees on behalf of the Golf Club. As it is only collecting the money on behalf of the Golf Club, it does not want the fees to show as part of the sales reports at the end of the month. But, does need the total of the Non-Sale Products sold to appear on the Z Report, so the it knows how much is owed to the Golf Club.


To Be Considered


  1. Accounts assigned to an Account Classification with a Reset Interval can also be used as an alternative.




  1. A Category will need to be created with the Non-Sale option selected.
  2. Products to be sold as Non-Sale Products will need to be assigned to this Category. Once sold, these Products will affect the way sales are recorded at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal and in the SwiftPOS Back Office.


Sample of Receipt



This receipt shows the sale of two Non-Sale Products. The total amount of Non-Sale Products is reported as Change, as it is being handed to the Golf Club.


Sample of Z Report



This Z Report shows the Non-Sale Items sold at the bottom of the report. These items will not show in the SwiftPOS Back Office Sales Reports.


Related Topics


  1. POS Configurations
  2. POS Operation
  3. POS Operations
  4. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  5. Products
  6. Terminal Settings