OPOS Drivers




Note : We recommend the use of Windows printer drivers over OPOS drivers as they provide greater stability, as well as a greater range of functionality and flexibility. OPOS drivers can sometimes cause Windows to become unreliable. This applies to printers only.


What is OPOS?


Microsoft Point of Service for .NET version 1.12 (POS for .NET) is a class library that enabling POS developers access to Microsoft .NET technologies, that  provide a simple and consistent interface for communicating with Point of Service (POS) peripheral devices. It provides an interface for .NET Framework applications to interact with POS devices, in compliance with the UnifiedPOS standard (aka UPOS). In addition, it provides windows plug and play (PnP) support. There are thirty-six classes of POS peripherals supported including cash drawer, receipt printer, Barcode scanner, magnetic strip reader (MSR), line display, RFID, Biometric, Belt, Check Scanner, Fiscal Printer, Electronic Journal, Image Scanner, Item Dispenser, Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Reader (MICR), PIN Pad, signature capture device, etc. In addition, POS for .NET supports many legacy devices where OPOS service objects are available.





    • Microsoft Point of Service for .NET 1.12 (POS for .NET)

      • To download select Download from the Microsoft Download Center.
      • Choose Save or Save this program to disk to copy the download to your computer for installation at a later time.
      • Unzip the downloaded file, and run Setup.exe.

    • Hardware Specific OPOS Drivers

Once the Microsoft Point of Service class is installed (see above) any hardware specific OPOS drivers need to be installed. In most instances these are supplied on the CD accompanying the hardware or can be downloaded from the hardware manufactures web site.

  • If using Toshiba Line Displays or Magnetic Stripe Readers, then the latest  CCO drivers (v1.9 or later) can be found here.




  1. Assign a Logical Device Name to each device.

Now that all the drivers are installed you must give each device a Logical Device Name (LDN) so that SwiftPOS Touch will recognise the device correctly. Not all OPOS drivers include a utility to create a LDN so we have included a utility to perform this function. It is installed in the SwiftPOSTouch folder and is called SOMgr.exe

  1. How to assign a LDN

    1. Run the SOMgr.exe application.

    1. Select the Get POS Devices button.
    2. Select from the devices listed, the device to assign a LDN to, so it becomes highlighted.
    3. Enter a name in the Logical Name field then select the Add Logical Name button.

  1. To View all Devices assigned a LDN

    1. Run the SOMgr.exe application.
    2. Select the Get Logical Names button.

Note : Any specific device settings should now be set using the configurations utility provided by the manufacturer prior to being added as a new Peripheral at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.


Related Topics


  1. POS Configuration Index - Peripheral/Printer Related Configuration
  2. POS Operation
  3. POS Operations
  4. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  5. Terminal Settings