Email Groups


Back Office >Clerks > Clerk Email Groups




This menu option is used primarily set up Clerk Emailing Groups and assign Clerks/Staff to the Groups. The Emailing Groups are used for the following:


  1. End of Day Batch Reporting where multiple Clerks/Staff can be notified by email.
  2. Purchase Order Authorisations to notify selected Clerk/Staff that a PO is pending authorisation. Note : See also Clerk Authorisation limits and Supplier PO Authorisation Limit and Manual POs Only option.


Clerk Email Groups



This screen is accessed from here.


Email Groups


  • Name - Displays/Enter the Clerks/Staff Email Group Name.
  • Notify - Select from the drop down list one of the following:
    • All - Select to ensure all Clerks/Staff assigned to the Email Group are notified via email when an authorisation is required.
    • All up to authorised - T.b.a.
    • Authorised only - Select to ensure only authorised Clerks/Staff with a high enough authorisation limit will be sent the request.


Unassigned Clerks (with Email Address)


Clerks will only be listed in the grid if they:

  1. Have an Email Address configured, and
  2. Meet the Location Group and Clerk Group filters selected.


  • # - Displays the Clerk Number.
  • Clerk Name - Displays the Clerk Name.




  • +/- - Select to assign/un-assign the selected Clerk/Staff Member.
  • >/< - Select to assign/un-assign all Clerks/Staff.


Assigned Clerks


  • # - Displays the Clerk Number.
  • Clerk Name - Displays the Clerk Name.




  • New - Select to add a Clerk Email Group.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected row.
  • Close - Select to exit.




To create a new Clerk/Staff Group, do as follows:


  1. Select New.
  2. Enter a meaningful Clerk Email Group Name.
  3. Assign Clerks from the Unassigned list and add them to the Assigned list by selecting the arrows > or >.
  4. Select Save.


Related Topics


  1. Clerks/Staff
  2. POS Configuration Index - Clerks/Staff Configuration
  3. POS Operation Index - Clerks/Staff Features
  4. Security