- Account Charge - Used to charge the partial/full sale amount to a Customer/Member's Account.
- Account Payment / Top Up - Used to make Payments / Top Ups into a Customer/Member's Accounts.
- Account Print - Used to print Tax Invoices (for multiple sales over a period of time) for a selected Customer/Member accounts.
- Account Status - Used to display the current status of a Customer/Member's Account.
- Allergens - Used to alert POS and Kitchen Staff to the the fact that a patron making an Order/Sale has an Allergen, and therefore extra attention must be given to the Order/Sale in question.
- Charge / Redemption - Used to charge the partial/full sale amount to a Customer/Member's Account in real time.
- Custom Points Redeem per Product - Used to redeem a Purchase of a Product using Points and the same Product has a custom Points configured against it.
- Customer - Used to either assign a Sale Transaction, Phone Order or Table/TAB to a specific Customer/Member OR search for a Customer/Member.
- Customer Alert - Used to alert a Customer/Member that their order is ready. Alerts can be sent to a Mobile Phone, Email Address or Pager.
- Customer Campaign Lookup - Used to view the Campaigns currently in progress, that are associated with the Member in the sale.
- Customer Details - Used to add/edit Customer/Members.
- Customer Sales by Location - Used to display the current Customer/Member's previous sales.
- Deposits - Used to accept advance payments as a deposit for Functions/Tables
- Email Receipt / Vouchers - Used to email the Receipts and/or Vouchers to a selected email address for the current sale.
- ePurse Accounts - Used to make a Payment / Top Up into a Customer/Member's ePurse Accounts.
- Lay-bys - Used to enable Customers to purchase goods on Lay-by.
- Lifestyle Access Control - Designed to manage access to Lifestyle facilities at a club/venue.
- New Customer/Member - Used to create a new Customer/Members.
- Offline Account Charge - Used to charge the partial/full sale amount to a Customer/Member's Account in offline mode.
- Payment / Top Up - Used to make Payments / Top Ups into a Customer/Member's Account in real time.
- Phone/Web Orders - Used to take/save Phone Orders and recall both Phone and Web Orders.
- Points Pay - Used to select Items in a sale that will be paid for by redeeming loyalty Points.
- Print Member Card - Used to print a Customer/Member's card.
- Receipt Members Fees - Used to receipt Customer/Members Fees.
- Reservations - Used to manage the Reservations of Tables. Primarily designed for restaurants, it can also be used in cafes or any other Business that offers Table Reservations.
Clerks/Staff Members
- Clerk Login - Used to enable Clerks/Staff to login to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Clerk Print Back / Summary - Used to print out the Clerk Daily Report and Daily Summary Report for the Clerk/Staff Member currently logged in.
- Clerk Tools - Allows the addition of new Clerks/Staff, assigning existing Clerks/Staff with a new ID and assigning finger prints to Clerks/Staff for use with finger print scanners.
- Clock In/Clock Out - Used to enable staff to record Shift Clock In/Out and record Break Start/End times.
- Languages - Used to select of an alternate Language.
- Messages - Used to access the SwiftPOS Messaging system at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, and is used for messaging Clerks/Staff.
- Pager - Used to trigger a Pager to notify a Customer/Member their order is ready, page a Duty Manager or request a Cash Drop.
- Report by Cash Drawer - Allows for reporting by Cash Drawer.
- Tips - Used to record Tips and add them to a sale.
- Training Mode - for staff training.
- Receipt of Goods Inwards - Used to receive goods by entering Supplier Invoices at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Requisitions - Used to enable the ordering of Products from a centralised warehouse.
- Spoilage/Wastage - Used to write off Products as a result of Spoilage/Wastage. Products written off will decrement SOH in the SwiftPOS Back Office.
- Stock Search - Used to view the Stock on Hand levels for a selected Product across all Locations.
- Stocktake - How to perform a Stocktake.
- Stock Transfers - Used to record Stock Transfers in/out of Locations.
- Launch Application - Used to launch an application/batch file/website. Also allows the provision of command line switches if necessary.
- RIP Global - Used to interface with the RIP Global App. An App that provides a seamless, touch free, paperless solution that fully automates expensing, end to end.
- Add Barcode - Used to add a Barcode, using the String Product/PLU, to a Product during a sale.
- Change Modifier - Used to Up/Down size Products in the sales grid.
- Combos - Used to enable the selling of a group of items for a set price.
- Category Prompt - Used to ensure Products assigned to a selected Category will be displayed in the form of a menu of items.
- Item Price - Used to change the current price of an item.
- Modifier - Used to sell Products quickly in multiple quantities/sizes.
- Non-Sale Products - Used to sell Non-Sale Products at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal without recording it as a sale.
- Open Priced / Manually Priced Items - Used to sell an item where the price is entered at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Product Notes - Used to query the prices and/or view the Notes for a selected Product.
- Product PLU Modifiers - This feature provides the ability to sell Products quickly in multiple quantities/sizes and to also Up/Down size in hindsight.
- Price Enquiry - Used to query the prices for a selected Product.
- Price Change - Used to effect a price change to a Product from a SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Price Change Connect - Used to set Products as active/inactive from a SwiftPOS Touch terminal and ensure these are propagated to the SwiftPOS Back Office
- Price Level Options - Price Level selection menu.
- Product Notes - Used to query the Notes for a selected Product.
- Receipt of Goods Inwards - Used to receive goods by entering Supplier Invoices at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Requisitions - Used to enable the ordering of Products from a centralised warehouse.
- Sale Instruction Operation - Used to link Instructional type Categories to Products, thus enabling the prompting of further instructions.
- Search Products - Products can be searched using either the SwiftPOS Touch Search button or the Filtered Search POS Key.
- Spoilage/Wastage -
- Stock Search - Used to view the Stock on Hand levels for a selected Product across all Locations.
- Stock Transfers - Used to record Stock Transfers in/out of Locations.
- String PLU - Enables the entering of textual information. For example, custom Cooking Instructions, Postcodes, Serial numbers, etc.
- Clerk Print Back / Summary - Used to print out the Clerk Daily Report and Daily Summary Report for the Clerk/Staff Member currently logged in.
- Consolidated Reporting - Used to only allow the Master Terminal in each Location (when Table Tracking is enabled) to run X reports and perform a reset.
- Custom Reports - For Printing of Custom Data from SwiftPOS Touch.
- Print Examples
- Reporting - Used to reset totals at the end of a shift or at the close of a trading day and print reports (X/Z Reports).
- Cash Drawer Reporting - Allows for reporting by Cash Drawer.
- Suite Print - Used to print Tax Invoices for a selected Suite.
- Add Barcode - Used to add a Barcode, using the String Product/PLU, to a Product during a sale.
- Allergens - Used to alert POS and Kitchen Staff to the the fact that a patron making an Order/Sale has an Allergen, and therefore extra attention must be given to the Order/Sale in question.
- Alter Print Group - Used by staff to change the Print Group for an item already sold and appearing in the sales grid. Used, for example, to serve entrees as mains. See also Print Group Change.
- Blackboard Specials - Used to display/print the Specials of the day.
- Camera - Used to connect to a FOSCAM camera system from a SwiftPOS Touch terminal and view a video stream.
- Cancel Sale - Used to cancel an entire sale and record the value of the cancelled sale for SwiftPOS Back Office audit reporting.
- Cash Declarations - Used to perform Cash Offs (Cash Declarations).
- Cash Drop - Used to withdraw cash from a SwiftPOS Touch till for safekeeping.
- CDC (Cashless Debit Card) - Used to restrict items being sold when finalising a sale with a Cashless Debit Card (CDC) or also known as the DSS Welfare Card.
- Change Description - Used to change the description of a Product.
- Change Finaliser - Used to change the Media Type used to finalise a sale.
- Change Instruction - Used to enable the changing of a cooking instruction, for example. From Rare to Medium Rare.
- Change Modifier - Used to Up/Down size Products in the sales grid.
- Charge / Redemption - Used to charge the partial/full sale amount to a Customer/Member's Account in real time.
- Clear All Sale Discounts - Used to clear a previously applied Sale Discount.
- Clear Item - Used to clear an item in the sale and if necessary enforce the entry of Reason Codes. The value of the cleared items will be recorded for SwiftPOS Back Office Audit Reporting.
- Credit Item - Used to credit the next item selected.
- Combos - Used to enable the selling of a group of items for a set price.
- Delivery - Suggestions to facilitate a delivery service.
- Deposits - Used to accept advance payments as a deposit for Functions/Tables
- Discounts - Used to apply a discount to a sale item/subtotal.
- Drive Thru
- EFTPOS - Used to finalise sales using EFTPOS
- Email Receipt / Vouchers - Used to email the Receipts and/or Vouchers to a selected email address for the current sale.
- Gift Cards - Used to activate a new Gift Card based on a Stored Value Voucher.
- Held/Recall Sales - Used to place the current sale on Hold or Recall a previously held sale.
- Item Price - Used to change the current price of an item.
- Item Quantity - Used to change the current quantity of an item
- Kiosk Cart - Used to enable the previewing of the current Kiosk Order when Sales Grid is hidden from view
- Lay-bys - Used to enable Customers to purchase goods on Lay-by.
- MG (Max Gaming) - Used to enable points accrual/redemption through MG (Max Gaming), as well as charging/topping up MG (Max Gaming) Cash Accounts.
- Minimise - Used to minimise the SwiftPOS Touch Keyboard window to the system tray.
- Modifier - Used to sell Products quickly in multiple quantities/sizes.
- Order Types - Used to set the Order Type text (for example, Eat In, Take Away, etc) to print on Order, Kitchen and Floor dockets.
- No Sale - Used as a means to open the Cash Drawer and to record that the Cash Drawer has been opened.
- Non-Sale Products - Used to sell Non-Sale Products at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal without recording it as a sale.
- Pager - Used to trigger a Pager to notify a Customer/Member their order is ready, page a Duty Manager or request a Cash Drop.
- Paid In/Out - Used to deposit/withdraw cash in/from the Cash Drawer at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Use Paid out for Cash Drops.
- Phone/Web Orders - Used to take/save Phone Orders and recall both Phone and Web Orders.
- Price Enquiry - Used to query the prices for a selected Product.
- Price Change - Used to effect a price change to a Product from a SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Price Level Options - Price Level selection menu.
- Print Group Change - Used by staff to change the Print Group for the next item sold. Used, for example, to serve entrees as mains. See also Alter Print Group.
- Print Receipt / Table Bill / Quote - Used to reprint the last Receipt, print a Table/Guest Bill or print a Quote for items currently in the sales grid.
- Product Notes - Used to query the prices and/or view the Notes for a selected Product.
- Product PLU Modifiers - This feature provides the ability to sell Products quickly in multiple quantities/sizes and to also Up/Down size in hindsight.
- Receipt Playback - Provides the ability to print a Barcode on a Receipt, which then can later be scanned to load the items of the original sale into the sales grid.
- Refund Sales - Used to Refund selected sale items.
- Reporting - Used to reset totals at the end of a shift or at the close of a trading day and print reports (X/Z Reports).
- Retail Sales Operations - Offers Retail type operations a Keyboard Design that is for non-Touch terminal environments.
- Review Sale - Used to review all items in the current sale at a SwiftPOS Touch terminal, when not all the items are visible in the sales grid.
- Review Transactions - Enables Clerks/Staff to review up to 7 days of transactions and if necessary reprint anyone of them.
- RIP Global - Used to interface with the RIP Global App. An App that provides a seamless, touch free, paperless solution that fully automates expensing, end to end.
- Sale Instruction Operation - Used to link Instructional type Categories to Products, thus enabling the prompting of further instructions.
- Scale Manual Tare - Used to deduct the cost of the Tare weight of Customer provided containers from the sell price based on the gross weight (including the container) of the item purchased.
- Scales - Used to add weight to a scale until it reaches a specific value. For example, $5.00 worth of Salami.
- Scheduled Price Level Changes - Used to schedule Price Level changes. Useful for sites that charge a surcharge on Public Holidays and/or Weekends.
- Spoilage/Wastage - Used to write off Products as a result of Spoilage/Wastage. Products written off will decrement SOH.
- String PLU - Enables the entering of textual information. For example, custom Cooking Instructions, Postcodes, Serial numbers, etc.
- Subtotal - Used to Subtotal a sale in order to be able to apply a Discount.
- Surcharge (Service Charge)
- SwiftPOS Mobile - Provides screenshot examples of the operation of a SwiftPOS Mobile.
- POS Operation - Guide to the main POS menu within SwiftPOS Touch.
- Tips - Used to record Tips and add them to a sale.
- Web Store - How to setup and test your Web ordering configuration.
- Allergens - Used to alert POS and Kitchen Staff to the the fact that a patron making an Order/Sale has an Allergen, and therefore extra attention must be given to the Order/Sale in question.
- Auto Step Seat - Used to automatically allocate Seat Numbers to items sold at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Available Servings - Used to provide Clerks/Staff, Product countdown information, as well as notifying when a Product has run out.
- Booking Name - Used to assign a sale to a Customer/Seat Number/Table Number/Pager Number/Tent Number/etc. Commonly used in Cafe/Bistro style Businesses.
- Call Away - Used by floor staff to notify kitchen staff to start preparing the orders for the Print Group (Entrees/Mains/Desserts/etc) for which a Call Away for a specific table has been activated.
- Change Seat Number - Used to enable the changing of the Seat Number assigned to an item sold that is still currently in the sales grid.
- Course - Used in conjunction with the Auto Step Seat option to add a ------COURSE------ line to the sales grid.
- Customer Alert - Used to alert a Customer/Member that their order is ready. Alerts can be sent to a Mobile Phone, Email Address or Pager.
- Covers - Used to enter the number of customers that are seated at a Table.
- Delayed Printing - Used to delay the Kitchen Print, Floor/Pass Print and KVS printing of Table items (assigned to a Print Group), for a specified time (in minutes).
- Deposits - Taking an advance payment as a deposit for a Function, etc.
- Finalise a Table to a Tab - Used to finalise a Table to a TAB.
- Kitchen Printing/Settings - Used to enable the printing of Kitchen Dockets when food/drink orders are taken.
- Kitchen Video System (KVS) - Used to displays order information to the kitchen which can be bumped, recalled and expedited as needed.
- Next Seat - Used in conjunction with the Auto Step Seat option to increase the Seat # that will automatically be assigned to the next item ordered by 1.
- Pager - Used to trigger a Pager to notify a Customer/Member their order is ready, page a Duty Manager or request a Cash Drop.
- Previous Seat - Used in conjunction with the Auto Step Seat option to decrease the Seat # that will automatically be assigned to the next item ordered by 1.
- Print Group Change - Used by staff to change the Print Group for the next item sold. Used, for example, to serve entrees as mains. See also Alter Print Group.
- Print Receipt / Table Bill/Quote - Used to reprint the last Receipt, print a Table/Guest Bill or print a Quote for items currently in the sales grid.
- Reopen Closed Tables - Used to bring all sale items back that are associated with a Table transaction that has been closed (finalised) and has not as yet been processed by the Z Report.
- Reservations - Used to manage the Reservations of Tables. Primarily designed for restaurants, it can also be used in cafes or any other Businesses that offers Table Reservations.
- Re-order Table Items - Used to reorder Table items previously sold. Generally used to reorder drinks.
- Seat Number Operation - Used to allocate a Seat Number to the next items sold at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Split Bill - Used to split Table Items, move items between Seats, pay for selected items and print Guest Bills. Generally used to split Table Items to a specific Customer and then pay for them.
- Table Floor Plan Display - Used to view and manage Tables at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Table/Tab Information - Used to enter information about a Table/TAB when it is being created.
- Table/TABs - Operation of Tables and TABs
- Transfer Table Items - Used to transfer Table items between Tables.
- Gift Cards - Refer to Manage Gift Cards/Vouchers for more information.
- Mix n Match - Operation
- Raffles - Used to manage the selling of Raffle Tickets and perform Raffle Draws.
- Vouchers - Refer to Manage Gift Cards/Vouchers for more information.
- Account Charge
- Account Payment / Top Up
- Account Print
- Account Status
- Add Barcode
- Allergens
- Alter Print Group
- Auto Step Seat
- Available Servings
- Blackboard Specials
- Booking Name
- Call Away
- Camera
- Cancel Sale
- Cash Declarations
- Cash Drawer Reporting
- Cash Drop
- Category Prompt
- CDC (Cashless Debit Card)
- Change Description
- Change Finaliser
- Change Instruction
- Change Modifier
- Change Seat Number
- Charge / Redemption
- Clear All Sale Discounts
- Clear Item
- Clerk Login
- Clerk Print Back / Summary
- Clerk Tools
- Clock In/Clock Out
- Combos
- Consolidated Reporting
- Course
- Covers
- Credit Item
- Custom Points Redeem per Product
- Custom Reports
- Customer
- Customer Alert
- Customer Campaign Lookup
- Customer Details
- Customer Sales by Location
- Delayed Printing
- Delivery
- Deposits
- Discounts
- Drive Thru
- Email Receipt / Vouchers
- ePurse Accounts
- Finalise a Table to a Tab
- Gift Cards
- Held/Recall Sales
- Item Price
- Item Quantity
- Kiosk Cart
- Kitchen Printing/Settings
- Kitchen Video System (KVS)
- Languages
- Launch Application
- Lay-bys
- Lifestyle Access Control
- MG (Max Gaming)
- Messages
- Minimise
- Mix n Match
- New Customer/Member
- Next Seat
- No Sale
- Non-Sale Products
- Offline Account Charge
- Open Priced / Manually Priced Items
- Order Types
- Pager
- Paid In/Out
- Payment / Top Up
- Phone/Web Orders
- Pocket Vouchers
- Points Pay
- Previous Seat
- Price Change
- Price Change Connect
- Price Enquiry
- Price Level Options
- Print Group Change
- Print Examples
- Print Member Card
- Print Receipt / Table Bill / Quote
- Product PLU Modifiers
- Product Notes
- Raffles
- Receipt Members Fees
- Receipt of Goods Inwards
- Receipt Playback
- Refund Sales
- Reopen Closed Tables
- Reporting
- Requisitions
- Reservations
- Retail Sales Operations
- Review Sale
- Review Transactions
- Re-order Table Items
- RIP Global
- Sale Instruction Operation
- Scale Manual Tare
- Scales
- Scheduled Price Level Changes
- Search Products
- Seat Number Operation
- Product Notes
- Split Bill
- Spoilage/Wastage
- Stock Search
- Stock Transfers
- Stocktake
- String PLU
- Subtotal
- Suite Print
- Surcharge (Service Charge)
- SwiftPOS Mobile
- POS Operation
- Table Floor Plan Display
- Table/Tab Information
- Table/TABs
- Tips
- Training Mode
- Transfer Table Items
- Vouchers
- Web Store
Related Topics
- Keyboard Designer - POS Keys
- POS Configurations
- POS Operations
- Touch Toolbar and Tools
- Scheduled Tasks
- Services
- SwiftPOS Touch Installation
- Terminal Settings