Sales Reports


Back Office >Reports > Sales Audit / Media / Sales Reports




Nearly all of the Reports in SwiftPOS can be filtered by either a date range or data. The date range can either be selected from the drop down list of Periods or entered manually.


Sales Audit Reports


Report Name



Report Description

Average Transaction Times (Seconds)



Reports the Average Time in seconds per Terminal grouped by Location. Lists Location, Terminal, number of Sales, Average Basket Time and Average Payment Time.

Cancelled Sales Audit



Reports on Cancelled Sales for the selected period, grouped by Terminal. Lists Terminal # and Description, Receipt #, Date/Time of transaction, Clerk Name, Member # and the Amount Cancelled.


In addition the detailed version lists the PLU # and Description, Qty and $ value.

Cancelled Sales Audit by Reason



Reports on all Cancelled Sales grouped by Reason. These transactions have been generated as a result of using the Cancel Sale (#5) POS Key at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Lists the Reason, Terminal Receipt # and Date/Time, Clerk, Member and Amount Cancelled.

Change Local Price Audit by Reason



Reports on all Price Change transactions grouped by Reason. These transactions have been generated as a result of using the Change Local Prices (#83) POS Key at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Lists the Reason, Terminal Receipt # and Date/Time, Clerk, PLU/Product Code and Description, and the Price Change information.

Cleared Sales Audit



Reports on Cleared Sales for the selected period, grouped by Terminal. Lists Terminal # and Description, Receipt #, Date/Time of transaction, Clerk Name, Member #, PLU # and Description and Reason Description.

Cleared Sales Audit by Reason



Similar to the Cleared Sales Audit report, except it is grouped by Reason. Lists Reason Code and Description, Terminal # and Description, Receipt #, Date/Time of transaction, Clerk # and Name, Member #, PLU # and Description.

Credit Sales Audit



Reports on Credit Sales for the selected period, grouped by Terminal. Lists Terminal # and Description, Receipt #, Date/Time of transaction, Clerk # and Name, Member #, Sale Total, PLU # and Description, Qty and $ value.

Credit Sales Audit by Reason



Similar to the Credit Sales Audit report, except it is grouped by Reason. Lists Reason Code and Description, Terminal # and Description, Receipt #, Date/Time of transaction, Clerk # and Name, Member #, Sale Total, PLU # and Description, Qty and $ value.

Detailed Audit



Reports on all Sales for the selected period, grouped by Receipt #. Lists Location # and Description, Terminal #, Receipt #, Date/Time of transaction, Clerk Name, Member #, Sale Excl Tax and Incl Tax, PLU # and Description, Qty and $ value (Incl/Excl Tax).

Detailed Audit v2



Similar to the Detailed Audit report, except it is reported in a Docket style layout.

Discount by PLU Sales



D S 

Reports on all Sales for the selected Period that have been discounted, grouped by Location, Discount Type and then Master Groups/Product Groups. Lists the Location, Discount, Master Group/Product Group, Qty, Unit Price, Sales Exc/Inc, Discounted Unit Price, Discount Exc/Inc, Discounted Sales Exc/Inc and the Discounted Sales Exc/Inc as % of the Total.  Includes Discounts to Media.


In addition the detailed versions lists the Products.

Discount Report



Reports on all discounted Sales within a selected period, grouped by Location and then Discount Type. Lists Location # and Description, Discount Type # and Description, Receipt Date/Time, Receipt #, Sale Discount value, Sale Total and % of Discount.  Includes Discounts to Media. Discount Types are :


0 - Open Value Discount manually entered at the SwiftPOS Touch Terminal.

-1 - Non Predefined Item Discounts.

-2 - Non Predefined Sale Discounts.

Other - As per the Discount ID for the Discounts set in SwiftPOS Back Office.


Note : If the Discount is deleted in SwiftPOS Back Office the report will show as Other.

Discount Sales Audit



Reports on all discounted Sales within a selected period, grouped by Discount Type and then Location. Lists Discount Type # and Description, Location # and Description, Terminal #, Receipt #, Receipt Date/Time, Member #, Clerk # and the Sales value Excl/Incl of Tax. Discount Types are as per described in the Discount Report above.  Includes Discounts to Media.

Discount Sales by Reason



The Discount Sales by reason report will display all discounts that were given under each reason code in the database, followed by date/time stamp with reference to the clerk to finalised the sale.

Item Price Change Audit by Reason



Reports on items sold that have had their price changed. Lists Reason Code and Description, Terminal # and Description, Receipt #, Date and Time, Clerk # and Name, Member # and Name, Sale Total, Product PLU # and Description, Qty, Default Price, Item Price and the Difference.

Media Audit



Reports on all Media Sales grouped by Terminal. Lists # of Sales, Clerk Name, Media Amount and Media Type # and Description.


In addition the detailed version lists the Member # and Name, Receipt # and Date/Time for each Media transaction.

Media Audit by Location



Similar to the Media Audit report, except it is grouped by Location and then Terminal. Lists Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Media Type # and Description, Transaction Count and Media Amount.


In addition the detailed version lists the Receipt # and Date/Time for each Media transaction.

Missing Receipt Numbers



Reports on any Receipt Numbers that are out of order or missing completely. Normally used by Support to identify errors.

No Sales Audit



Reports on all No Sale transactions fore the selected period. Lists Terminal # and Description, Receipt # and Date/Time, Clerk Name and Member #.

No Sales Audit by Reason



Similar to the No Sale Audit report, except it is grouped by Reason.

Paid Out Audit by Reason



Reports on Paid Out transactions grouped by Reason and then Terminal. Lists Reason # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Receipt # and Date/Time, Clerk # and Name, Member # and Paid Out Amount.

Period Location Audit



Reports on Sale transactions that fall within the selected Stocktake Trading Period but were posted outside the same Period, grouped by Location. Useful when investigating potential issues identified when reviewing the Period Location Summary report. Lists Location, Terminal, Receipt # and Date/Time, Date Processed, Clerk, Member, Sales Exc and Sales Inc. In addition the detailed version lists the Product, Clerk, Cost, Qty, Sales Exc and Sales Inc.

Price Level Change Audit by Reason



Reports on all Price Level Change transactions grouped by Reason and then Terminal. Lists Reason, Terminal, Receipt and Date/Time, Clerk and Member.

Product GP Exceptions Audit



Reports on all Sales outside of the specified GP Exceptions as setup in the Product Group Setup.

Reset Audit



Reports on all Terminal Resets within the selected period, grouped by Location. Lists Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Reset#, Receipt# and Date/Time, Clerk # and Name, Variance and Done indicator.

Sales Allergens Audit



Reports on Sale Allergens for the selected period. Lists Terminal # and Description, Receipt #, Date/Time of transaction, Clerk Name, member # and Sale Total.


In addition, the detailed version lists the PLU # and Description, Qty and Sales.

Single Media Detailed Audit



Reports on all Sale transactions related to a specific Media Type within the selected period. Defaults to Cash if no specific Media Type is selected. The report details per Member (new page per Member). Lists Member Name and #, Member's Alternate ID, Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Receipt # and Date/Time,  Receipt GST and Sales value Incl Tax, PLU # and Description, PLU Qty, GST and Sales value Incl Tax.

Stored Value Audit



Reports on Sales Transactions related to Stored Value Vouchers, grouped by Location and Terminal. Lists Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Receipt # and Date/Time, Clerk #, Sale Description, Barcode #, Voucher Name, Voucher Mapping String and Sales Value.

Stored Value Cards



Reports on all Stored Value Vouchers in the Voucher Ledger, grouped by General Ledger Type. Lists the General Ledger Type, Voucher # and Name, Valid From/To Dates, Barcode and $ value.

Stored Value Cards Expired



Reports on all Expired Stored Value Vouchers in the Voucher Ledger, grouped by General Ledger Type. Lists the General Ledger Type, Voucher, Valid From/To Dates, Barcode, Mapping String and the value remaining on the card.

Stored Value Cards Usage



Reports on all Stored Value Vouchers used, grouped by General Ledger Type and then Voucher. Lists the General Ledger Type, Voucher # and Name, Transaction # Date/Time, Location # and Description, Issue Location # and Description, Receipt # and the remaining $ value and Sale Total.

Stored Value Cards Usage Summary



Reports on all Stored Value Vouchers used, showing a summary by Voucher. Lists the Vouchers topped-up, Count of transactions with Voucher top-ups, Value of Voucher top-ups, Count of Vouchers charged, Count of transactions with Voucher charges, Value of Voucher charges and the Total Value of Vouchers topped-up and charged.

Stored Value Detailed Audit



Reports on all Stored Value Vouchers used, grouped by Receipt. Lists the Location # and Description, Terminal #, Receipt # and Date/Time, Clerk #, Member #, Receipt Sales Value Excl/Incl Tax, PLU # and Description, Qty and PLU Sales Value Excl/Incl Tax, Voucher # or Mapping String. A Voucher ID filter option has been added.

Stored Value Purchased/Redeemed Audit



Reports on all Stored Value Vouchers purchased/redeemed. Lists the Barcode, Mapping String, Purchase Location, Purchase Date, Purchase Value, Redeem Location and Date and Redeem Value.

Stored Value Purchased/Redeemed Audit by Location



Reports on all Stored Value Vouchers purchased/redeemed grouped by Location. Lists the Location ID and Description, Terminal ID and Name, Date/Time Purchased/Redeemed, Receipt#, Clerk ID and Name, Voucher ID and Name, Barcode, Mapping String, Purchased Value and Redeemed Value.

Stored Value Statement



Reports on Stored Value transactions per Stored Value Voucher. Lists the Location, Opening Balance, Date/Time of the Transaction, Receipt #, Docket Type, the total Transaction Amount and running Balance.


In addition the detailed version lists the Product Description, Qty, Tax and Transaction Amount.

String PLU Audit



Reports on all transactions containing a String PLU within the selected period, grouped by Receipt #. Lists the Terminal # and Description, Receipt # and Date/Time, Clerk # and Name, Member #, Receipt Sale Total, PLU # and Description, String, Qty and $ Value.

Summary Audit



Similar to the Detailed Audit report, except it is summarised and does not have an item breakdown for each transaction. Lists Location, Terminal, Receipt and Date/Time, Clerk, Sale Exceptions, Member, Sale Total and Tax Total. The report can be sorted by Receipt or Receipt Date/Time.


An explanation of the Sales Exceptions appears on the last page of the report.

Table Audit



Reports on Table purchases within the selected period. Reported in a Invoice format it lists the Location, Terminal ID, Table #, Clerk/Salesperson Name, Receipt Date/Time and Number. It also lists the Product Code and Description, PLU, Qty, Unit Price and Sale value (incl. tax) grouped by Print Group.

Table Invoice



Reports on Table purchases within the selected period. Reported in a Invoice format it lists the Location, Terminal ID, Table #, Clerk/Salesperson Name, Receipt Date/Time and Number. It also lists the Product Code and Description, PLU, Qty, Unit Price and Sale value (incl. tax) grouped by Print Group.

Training Mode Audit



Reports all Sales made from a Terminal using Training Mode, grouped by Terminal. Lists Terminal # and Description, Receipt # and Date/Time, Clerk # and Name and Total of sale. This only shows totals and will only display the amount once the Terminal is returned to normal sale mode.

Voucher Changes Audit



Reports on changes made to Vouchers for auditing purposes.

Voucher Exception Audit



Reports on Vouchers being abused. That is, a Clerk/Staff member scans the same Voucher on two Terminals, hence double the discount/giveaway. Vouchers are validated, but not marked as used until the sale is complete, because the sale maybe cancelled etc. This report can be filtered by Date Range, Clerk and Location.

Voucher Sales Audit



Reports on all Voucher Sales within the selected Period, grouped by Location and the Receipt #. Lists Location # and Description, Receipt #, Product Code and Description, Voucher #, Qty, Sales Incl Tax, Discount $, Sale Total and Gross Profit %.

Voucher Issued By Reason  Code



Reports on Vouchers Issued grouped by Location and then Reason. Lists Location # and Description, Reason Code & Description, Voucher ID & Name, Issued By, Issued On Date/Time, Valid Y/N and Used Y/N.

Wastage Audit by Reason



Reports on items recorded as Spoilage/Wastage grouped by Reason. Lists Reason Code and Description, Terminal # and Description, Receipt #, Date and Time, Clerk # and Name, Member # and Name, Product PLU # and Description, Qty, Cost or Retail Value. This report provides for the reporting of Wastage at either Cost or Retail value.


Sales Media Reports


Report Name



Report Description

Bank Deposit Report



Reports on all Bank Deposits for the period and filters selected. Lists Day ID, Close Date, Carried Forward, Bankable Amount, Bank Amount and Bank Date. This report can be filtered by Location.

Cash Book Audit



Reports on Cash Book transactions grouped by Location Group. Lists Posting Type, Date, Carried Forward balance, Posting Value, Reference, Clerk and New Balance.

Cash Drop Audit



Reports on all Cash Drop related transactions. Lists the Terminal, Receipt, Date/Time, Clerk and the Cash Drop Amount.


In addition the detailed version lists the Denomination, Qty and Amount.

Cash Off Detailed Listing



Reports Cash Off's committed within the selected period, grouped by Location and then Terminal. Lists Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, From/To Date/Time, Reset #, Comments, Media Type Description, Expected $ value, Actual $ value, Media Count and the $ Difference.

Cash Reconciliation Variance



Reports Cash Off's committed within the selected period, grouped by Location and then terminal, and summarised by Media Type. Lists  Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Media Type and totals for Expected $ value, Actual $ value, Media Count, the $ Difference, Transaction Count. As well as First Reset and last Reset.

Clerk Cash Off Summary



Reports all Cash Off discrepancies by Clerk. Lists Clerk # and Name, No. of Cash Offs, Expected $ value, Counted $ Value, Average $ Discrepancy, Max $ Discrepancy, Min $ Discrepancy, Total $ Discrepancy and Discrepancy %.

Clerk Media Summary (Custom)



Reports on all Media totals summarised by Terminal and grouped by Clerk and then Location. Lists Clerk # and Name, Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Total of all Media and Totals of 10 Media Types.

Detailed Transaction Media



Reports on the Detail of Media Totals. Includes a Terminal Summary Information, Media Totals, Master Group Gross Sales Summary, Master Group Discount Summary, Media Summary, Tax Summary and Tax Summaries. This report can be grouped by Location Groups, Locations and Terminals.

Drawer Media Summary (Custom)



Reports on all sales by Media by Cash Drawer. Lists the Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Drawer # and Description, Total for all Media and totals per Media.


In addition the detailed version lists the Clerk # and Name.

Location Group Media Totals



Reports on all Media Totals grouped by either Location Groups (Venues), Location, Location/Terminal, Terminal or Location Sub-Filter. Lists the Location Group (Venue), Location, Location Sub-Filter, Terminal Media, Transaction Count, Amount and Average Media Amount.


In addition a Summary version of the report can be generated, which included a Media Summary section and Cancelled Sales, Discounts and Credit Sales summary sections.

Explanation of values reported for:

  • Media - medias used to finalise sales during the reporting period.
  • Transaction Count - This is a count of transaction which included each of the medias reported. Please note that if:
    • If multiple media were used to finalise one sale, it would count towards EACH media shown.
    • If the same media were used to finalise the same sale multiple times (split between multiple EFTPOS cards for example), it would only count ONCE towards the media transaction count.
  • Media Value - The value of media that was collected (including any taxes)
  • Avg Media Value - The average value of each media collected per transaction (including any taxes).


When relating to:


  • Cancelled Sales


    • Count - To be determined once this ticket is complete.
    • Value - To be determined once this ticket is complete.
    • Avg Value - To be determined once this ticket is complete.
  • Discounts


    • Count - Total number of products/items which have had a discount applied to them during the reporting period. These are discounts which have NOT been applied to a media. Note : some SwiftPOS Discount reports such as the Discount Sales Audit report DOES include these types of discounts if trying to do a comparison between reports.
    • Value - Total value of discounts applied to those products/items. This has already contributed to the Media Value above.
    • Avg Value - Average discount amount applied per product/item which was discounted.
  • Credit Sales


    • Count - Total number of sales were finalised with a negative revenue amount. This usually from sales which have been credited/refunded via the ???Credit Item???, ???Refund Mode??? or ???Reverse Transaction??? POS Keys.
    • Value - Total value of credits/refunds applied. This has already contributed to the Media Value above.
    • Avg Value - Average value of each sale which was credited/refunded.


Media Summary (Custom)



Reports on all Media totals summarised by Terminal and grouped by Location. Lists Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Total of all Media and Totals of 10 Media Types. Note : If this report is to balance with total sales, then ensure that all used Media types are included in the 10 available to be reported. If more than 10 Media Types are used, then it is not possible to use this report. This would need to use Account Charges/Payments as well. This report contains additional information when exported to CSV file format. Percentage breakdown by Master Group added to data for exporting to CSV.

Media Summary by Location Group



Reports on all Media totals grouped by Location and then Location Group. Lists the Location Group, Location, Media, Transaction Count and Amount.

Room Media



Reports on Room Charge Media for certain Front Office interfaces.

Z Report Summary



Provides the ability to reprint Z Reports from Back Office. For more information ...


Sales Reports


Report Name



Report Description

7 Day Sales Summary



Exports Sales data to Excel (XLSX) for the 7 days prior to the To Date selected. Lists the Trading Day & Date, Location and the Qty sold and Sales value sold for each of the 7 days.


In addition the detailed version lists the Location, Master Group/Product Group, Product/PLU and the Sales value as a % of the Total.

Actual Vs Expected




Reports on Actual Sales, Expected (Normal) Sales and Retail Price Levels (Retail column), grouped by Location and then Product Group. Lists Location, Master Group/Product Group, Qty, Cost, Retail, Normal, Actual Sales, Tax, R/Discount, N/Discount and Gross Profit %. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU/Product Code.


In addition the detailed version lists the Products and Avg Default Price.

Average Daily Sales



Reports on Sales and Average Daily Sales grouped by Location and then each day within the selected period. Lists Location, Time Period, Day and date, No. of Customers, Sales (Incl Tax), Tax, Sales (Excl Tax), Discounts, Avg Sales (Excl/Incl Tax) and Sales as a % of the Total Sales. This report can be grouped by Location or Product Group.

Average Daily Sales by Time Period



Reports on Sales and Average Daily Sales grouped by Location and then each day within the selected period. Lists Location # and Description, Day and date, No. of Customers, Average Items, Sales Exc/Inc, Tax, Sales Exc, Discounts, Avg Sales Exc/Inc and Sales as a % of the Total Sales.

Average Location Sales By Time Period



Reports on the Average Sales per Time Period grouped by Location. Lists Location # and Location Description, No. of Customers, Average Sales Exc/Inc, Sales Exc/Inc and Sales as a % of the Total Sales.

Average Location Sales by Time Period by Group



Reports on the Average Sales grouped by Time Period and then Location. Data is summarised by either Master Group or Product Group. Lists Location # and Location Description, Product Group # and Description, No. of Customers, total Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Average Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Sales as a % of the Total Sales, Discount (Excl/Inc Tax), Avg Disc (Excl/Incl Tax and the Discount as a % of the Total Sales.

Average Monthly Sales



Reports on the Average Sales per Calendar Month grouped by Location. Lists Location # and Location Description, No. of Customers, total Sales (Incl Tax), Tax, total Sales (Excl Tax), Average Sales (Excl/Incl Tax) and Sales as a % of the Total Sales. This report can be sorted by Calendar or Financial Year.

Average Table Seating



Reports on the Average time in minutes Table are seated grouped by the selected Time Period and then Location. Lists Location, Time Period, Table Covers, Average Time in minutes for each Table cover for each day of the week, as well as the Average for the Week. It also lists the Average for each day of the week grouped by the selected Time Period and then Location.

Average Time Period Sales


R G 

Reports on the Average Sales per Time Period (For eg. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner). Lists the Time Periods, No. of Customers, Average Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), total Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Cost, Margin % and Sales as a % of the Total Sales.

Average Time Period Sales By Group



Reports on the Average Sales grouped by Time Period and summarised by either Master Group or Product Group. Reports on the Average Sales per Time Period grouped by Time Period and then either by Master Group or Product Group. Lists the Time Periods, Product Group # and Description, No. of Customers, total Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Average Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Sales as a % of the Total Sales, Discount (Excl/Incl Tax), Avg Discount (Excl/Incl Tax) and the Discount as a % of the Total Sales.

Average Weekly Sales



Reports on Sales and Average Sales per week grouped by Location. Lists Location # and Description, Week # and Week Starting date, No. of Customers, Sales (Incl Tax), Tax, Sales (Excl Tax), Avg Sales (Excl/Incl Tax) and Sales as a % of the Total Sales.

Basket Sales Analysis



Reports on the Products sold in one transaction (Basket). Provides a comparison of the a Gross Profit made on the sale of the Product as opposed to the overall GP mad on the Basket of Products sold with it. Data reported is grouped by Product and then Location. Lists the Location, Product/PLU, Qty sold, Sales amount, GP $ and GP %.


In addition the detailed version lists the Product/PLU, Qty sold, Sales amount, GP $ and GP %, for the other Products in the transaction (Basket).

Combo PLU Sales by Location



Reports on the Products sold that are associated with Combos grouped either by Location or Terminal. Lists the Location/Terminal, Qty sold, Cost, Sales Inc, Sales Ex, Gross Profit (GP), GP% and Sales as a % of the Total Sales.


In addition the detailed version lists the Products grouped by Combo.

Covers By Time Period by Group



Reports on all Table/Covers related sales grouped by Time Period and then summarised by Master Group or Product Group. Lists No. of Customers, Time Period # and Description, Master Group/Product Group # and Description, Qty, Cost, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Average Sales (Excl/Incl Tax) by either Covers or Customers (depending on whether Show Total Covers was selected), Tax, Gross Profit % and % Split.

Daily Sales (Tax Breakdown)



Reports on Taxes summarised by Location. Lists the Location, Customer Sales Count, Sales Inc, Sales Exc, GST and any other Taxes, Discount Inc, Discount Exc and % of Total.


In addition the detailed version lists the Trading Days.

Day Of The Week Comparison



Reports on Sales over a 2 month period for the selected day in the week grouped by Location, Time Period and Product Group. Lists the Location # and Description,

Product Group # and Description, Time Period # and Time Range, PLU # and Description, Sales per each day of the Week and the Average Sales. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.

Day Of The Week Comparison Summary



Reports on Sales over a 8 week period for the selected day in the week grouped by Location and Time Period. Lists the Location # and Description,

Time Period # and Description, total Sales per each day of the Week and the Average Sales.

Days Of The Week Summary



Reports on Sales per Day of the Week and summarised by Location. Lists the Location # and Description, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax) and Gross Profit % for each day of the week and totals for ALL. This report can be sorted by Location #, Location Description or Gross Profit.

Days Of The Week Summary by Group



Reports on Sales per Day of the Week and grouped by Master Group or Product Group. Lists the Master Group/Product Group, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax) and Gross Profit % for each day of the week and totals for ALL. This report can be sorted by Group Description, Group # or Gross Profit.

Default Price Level Sales




Reports on Products sold, grouped by Price Level and Location. Lists the Location and it's default Price Level, the sale Price Level, Product Group/Master Group, Qty, Cost, Sales, Gross Profit $, Gross Profit %, Sales as a % of the Total Sales and Discount from Default Price. This report can be sorted by Product Description or Product Code/PLU. This report can be grouped by Location and Price Level or just Price level.


In addition the detailed version lists the Products and groups them by Master Group/Product Group.

Discount Detail



Reports on Discounts summarised by Discount. Lists the Discount Type/Name and total Value of Discounts for the selected reporting Period.  Includes Discounts to Media.

Extended Specials Sales Report



Reports on Sales associated with Specials/Promotions and Mix n Matches, grouped by Promotion, Location, and then Master Group or Product Group. Lists the Promotion, Location, Master Group/Product Group, Product, Qty, Cost, Rebate, Cost - Rebate, Sales Inc, Normal Price, Expected Sales, Savings, GP %, Sales as a % of the Total Sales. Note : Values reported are NOT necessarily correct when it comes to the reporting of Happy Hour Promotions with the Apply to Media option used.

Group Sales



Reports on Sales by either Master Group or Product Group. Lists the Master Group / Product Group, Qty, Cost, Sales Inc, Sales Ex, Gross and Sales as a % of the Total Sales.

Group Sales by Location




Reports on Sales Grouped by Location and then either Master Group or Product Group. Lists the Location, Master Group/Product Group, Qty, Cost, Sales (Inc), Sales (Ex), Gross Profit $ and %. Also, a Show Summary option is available as well as reporting by either Master Group or Product Group.


With Advanced Host Integration registration this report can be filtered using:

  1. Metcash Departments
  2. Metcash Categories
  3. Metcash Commodities
  4. Metcash Sub-Commodities
  5. Metcash Sub-Range

Group Sales by Location Pivot



Exports Product Group Sales. Lists the Location, Product Group, Product Code, PLU, Qty, Cost, Sales (Incl Tax), Sales (Excl Tax), Gross Profit $ and %.

Group Sales by Order Type



Reports on Sales by Product Group, grouped by Order Type (For eg. Eat In, Take Away, etc). Lists Order Type, No. of Customers, Average Sale Amount per Customer, Product Group # and Description, Qty, Gross Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Discounts, Net Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit Margin $ and Gross Profit %. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.



Hourly Sales By Weekday



Reports on Sales summarised by the Hour for the selected Weekday over a 4 week period prior to the To Date selected. The data reported is grouped by Location.  Lists the Location, Hourly Periods and for each of the weekdays, either the Customers/Covers, Avg Sales amount per Customer/Cover, Total Sales (Inc) and the % of Sales.

Location Discount Summary



Reports on Sale discounts grouped by Location and Terminal. Lists Location, Terminal, Gross Sales, Promotion, Happy Hour, Discount, Campaign, Voucher, Mix n Match, Price Level change, Item Price change and any Others, Total Discount, Net Sales and Discount %. In addition the detailed version groups by either Master Group/Product Group, and lists the Products.

In SwiftPOS, all the sales stored are net of discounts but this report can show you want the theoretical Gross sales might have been. Because any product can have a mix of price level changes, mix and match discounts, campaigns, % discounts, happy hours, weekly specials etc it is not possible to exactly break down where the difference between gross sales and net sales but this report shows a summary of that. Also under ?Custom Batch Report Scripts? we have a ?Location Discount Summary? script that gives you an Excel export of every promotion and the different between gross and net.


Location Group Day of Week Comparison



List total Sales and Gross Profit values for each day of the week for both periods selected, grouped by Location Group and then Location. Lists the Location Group, Location, Days of the Week, Sales and Gross Profit amounts for both Periods.

Location Group Sales by Sub-Filter



Report on Sales data grouped by Location Group (Venue), then by Location Sub-Filter, and then by Master Group or Product Group. Lists the Location Group (Venue), Location Sub-Filter, Master Group or Product Group, Qty, Cost, Sales Inc, Sales Exc, % GP and % Total.


In addition the detailed version lists the PLU # and Description.

Location Group Sales Comparison



Reports on Sales data for each Location Group and compares the selected week to the previous year. Lists Location Group (Venue) # and Description, Customer Count (Week/Week Last Year/Financial Year), Total Sales (Week/Week Last Year/Financial Year), Customer Count Variance and Average Sales (Week/Week Last Year/Financial Year). This report can be sorted by a number of alternatives (see the drop down list).

Location Sales Comparison



Reports on Sales by Location. Lists Customer Count, Average Sale (Excl/Incl Tax), Cost, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit $, Total Sales and Sales as a % of the Total Sales.

Location Sales with Discount and Promotions



Reports on Sales with Discount/Surcharge and Promotions related values. The report is grouped by Location, Supplier and then Master/Product Group. Lists

Location, Supplier, Master/Product Group, Product, Size/UOM, Supplier Code, SOH (Stock On Hand), Qty, Retail Value, Discount/Surcharge, Promo, Cost, Sales Exc/Inc, Gross Profit Value and Percentage, and Sales as a % of the Total Sales. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.

Monthly and Year-to-Date Usage



Reports on Month/Year to date Stock Usage and Cost grouped by Location and Product Group. Lists Location # and Description, Product Group # and Description, Product Code and Description, Qty, Value at Cost and Cost as a % of Total Costs for both the Month/Year to date.

Multi Period Location Sales



Reports on Sales for  two selected periods, grouped by Location. Lists Location # and Description, Product Group # and Description, Customer Count, Average Sales, Sales and Sales as a % for Total Sales for each selected Period, as well as the change between the Periods as a %. This report can be reported either by Customer Count or Qty. This can be done by selecting either in the Status drop down list. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.


In addition the detailed version lists the PLU # and Description. Note : The selection by the Customer Count option is not available when the Show Detail option is selected.

OLGR Sales by Member by Date



Reports on the Quantity of Products sold grouped by Trading Date and Customer/Member. Lists the Customer/Member, Trading Date, Product Description and Qty. This report was specifically developed for monitoring by the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation.

PLU GP Exception By Location



Reports on PLUs that have been sold for a price out side of their GP percentages that have been assigned to that Location. It is important to remember that to make this report work, the GP exception name must be selected in the Location set up screen.

PLU Hourly Qty



Reports on PLU Sales Hour by Hour, grouped by Product Group. Lists Product Group # and Description and Qty sold per hour.  This report can be sorted by Product Code, Product Description or PLU #.


In addition the detailed version lists the PLU # and Description.

PLU Sales by Discount Type



Reports on PLU Sales by Discount Type. The report is grouped by Location, Discount Type and Product Group. Lists the Location # and Description, Discount Type # and Description, Unit Price, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Discounted Unit Price, Discount (Excl/Incl Tax), Discounted Sales (Excl/Incl Tax) and Sales as a % of the Total Sales. This report can be sorted by Product Description or Product Code.


In addition the detailed version lists the Product Code and Description.

PLU Sales by Location



Reports on PLU Sales grouped by Location and then either by Master Group or Product Group. Lists the Location, Master Group/Product Group, PLU, Qty, Avg Unit Cost, Cost, Sales Exc/Inc, Gross Profit, Gross Profit % and Sales as a % of the Total Sales. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #. This report can be grouped by Locations or Terminals.


With Advanced Host Integration registration this report can be filtered using:

  1. Metcash Departments
  2. Metcash Categories
  3. Metcash Commodities
  4. Metcash Sub-Commodities
  5. Metcash Sub-Range

PLU Sales by Member



Reports on PLU Sales grouped by Member and then Product Group. Lists the Member # and Name, Product Code and Description, Qty, Cost, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit % and Sales as a % of the Total Sales. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.

PLU Sales by Member by Date



Reports on PLU Sales grouped by Member. Lists the Member # and Name, Product Group # and Description, Product Code and Description, Qty, Cost, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit % and Sales as a % of the Total Sales. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.


In addition the detailed version groups the data by Trading Date.

PLU Sales by Price Level



Reports on PLU Sales by Price Level, grouped by Location and then Price Level. Lists Location # and Description, Price Level # and Description, Product Group # and Description, Qty, Cost, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit Margin $, Gross Profit % and Sales as a % of the Total Sales.  This report can be sorted by Product Description or Product Code. This report can be grouped by Location and Price Level or just Price level.


In addition the detailed version lists the Product Code and Description.

PLU Sales By Time Period



Reports on PLU Sales by Time Period, grouped by Location and then Time Period. Lists the Location # and Description, Time Period # and Description, Product Code and Description, Qty, Cost, Sales (Incl Tax), Sales (Excl Tax), Gross Profit % and Sales as a % of the Total Sales. This report can be sorted by Product Description, PLU #, Group Description or Category Description.

PLU Sales Total



Reports on PLU Sales grouped by Product Group. Lists the Product Group # and Description, PLU # and Description, Qty, Cost, Sales (Incl Tax), Sales (Excl Tax), Gross Profit % and Sales as a % of the Total Sales. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #. A Qty Only Type option has been added.

PLU Sales Total by Manufacturer



The PLU sales by manufacturer report displays Products sold by manufacturers giving cost, gross sales, discounts, net sales, GP% and % Total.

Recipe Usage by Location



Reports on the Qty of Reciped Items sold and the usage of their Sourced From Items grouped either by Master Group or Product Group. Lists the Location, Master Group/Product Group, Product, Sale Qty, Base Qty, Usage, Base Cost, Cost and % of Total.

Sales Value Exception



Reports on all Sales over a specified value (for eg. $200), grouped by Receipt #. Lists Terminal # and Description, Receipt #, Date/Time, Clerk #, Member #, Sale Total, PLU # and Description, Qty, Sale $ and Tax.

Slow Moving Items



Reports on Products that have not been sold within a selected time period, grouped by Location and then Product Group. Lists the Location # and Description, Product Group # and Description, PLU # and Description, Stock On Hand, Stock Value and Date of Last Activity. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #. This report can be grouped by Location and Product Groups or Product Groups.


With Advanced Host Integration registration this report can be filtered using:

  1. Metcash Departments
  2. Metcash Categories
  3. Metcash Commodities
  4. Metcash Sub-Commodities
  5. Metcash Sub-Range

Slow Moving Items by Usage



Reports on Products that have not been sold within a selected time period, grouped by Location and then Product Group. Lists the Location # and Description, Product Group # and Description, PLU # and Description, Stock On Hand, Stock Value and Date of Last Activity. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #. Used mainly when the Slow Moving Items report is inaccurate. This report records a usage on any parent items whenever the child item is sold. This means that if your purchased Products (parent items) are never sold and only child items are sold then this report will be of more benefit compared to the Slow Moving Items report. This report can be filtered by Location, Group and Category. The report can also be filtered by an Inactivity Period. Also the option Exclude items purchased in Inactivity Period is available when reporting.

Specials Sales Report



Reports on Sales associated with Specials/Promotions and Mix n Matches, grouped by Promotion, Location, and then Master Group or Product Group. Lists the Promotion, Location, Master Group/Product Group, Product, Qty, Cost, Rebate, Cost - Rebate, Sales Inc, Expected Sales, Savings, GP %, Sales as a % of the Total Sales. Note : Values reported are NOT necessarily correct when it comes to the reporting of Happy Hour Promotions with the Apply to Media option used.

Surcharge Sales



The surcharge sales report displays all surcharges grouped by Product Groups, giving a breakdown of the total dollar value of the various surcharges that were applied.

Tiered PLU Sales by Price Level




Reports on Products sold, grouped by Price Level and Location. Lists the Location, Price Level, Product Group/Master Group, Qty, Cost, Sales, Gross Profit $, Gross Profit %, Sales as a % of the Total Sales and Discount Base Default Price. This report can be sorted by Product Description or Product Code/PLU. This report can be grouped by Location and Price Level or just Price level.


In addition the detailed version lists the Products and groups them by Master Group/Product Group.

Top-Bottom Selling Items



Reports on the selected No. of Bottom/Top Products based on either Sales Value/Quantity or Gross Profit. Lists Product, SOH (Stock On Hand), Qty, Cost, Sales Exc/Inc, Gross Profit value and percentage. Note : Click the Top/Bottom field name in the Report Filters, to toggle between Top/Bottom reporting.

Top-Bottom Selling Items by Group




Reports on the selected No. of Bottom/Top Products based on either Sales Value/Quantity or Gross Profit grouped by either Category, Master Group or Product Group.. Lists Product, SOH (Stock On Hand), Qty, Cost, Sales Exc/Inc, Gross Profit value and percentage. Note : Click the Top/Bottom field name in the Report Filters, to toggle between Top/Bottom reporting.

Venue Sales



Reports on a Venue's Sales for a selected Location Group and Product Group Sales for a selected Product Group. Lists the Total Sales value by:

  • Master Group > Product Group / Price Level - Lists the Master Group, Product Group, Qty, Normal (Price), Price Level and Total Sales.
  • Media / Master Group - Lists the Media, Qty, Master Groups and Total Sales.
  • Product Group (for the selected Product Group) - Lists the Product Group (Selected), Product, Qty and Total Sales.
  • Clerk / Price Level - Lists the Clerk/Staff Member, Qty, Normal (Price), Price Level and Total Sales.

Venue Summary



Provides a summary overview of a selected Location Group (Venue) and reports activity summarised into the sections: Sales by Master Group > Product Group, Sales by Media, Account Charges/Payments, Points Awarded/Redeemed, Exceptions/Miscellaneous, Sales by Price Level and Sales by Clerk.

Explanation of values reported in:

Sales by Master Group > Product Group section:
  • Gross Inc - revenue collected including tax.
  • Discounts Inc - discounts including tax applied to the gross revenue. These are discounts which have NOT been applied to a media. Note : some SwiftPOS Discount reports such as the Discount Sales Audit report DOES include these types of discounts if trying to do a comparison between reports.
  • Net Inc - revenue collected including tax after discounts.
  • % Total - split of total revenue collected.


Sales by Media section:


  • Media - medias used to finalise sales during the reporting period.
  • Qty - number of times each media was used. So if multiple media were used to finalise the same sale or even zero value media was tendered, these count towards the Qty reported.
  • Amount - The value of media that was collected.
  • % Total - split of total media collected.


Account Charges/Payments section:


  • Account - Each individual account which was charged (Member/Account # and Name)
  • Charges - Total value of charges applied to that account during the reporting period.
  • Payments - Total value of payments/topups applied to that account during the reporting period.
  • Net - The difference between Charges and Payments during the reporting period.

Exceptions/Miscellaneous section:


  • Cancelled Sales
    • Total - Total number of sales which were cancelled via the ???Cancel Sale??? function.
    • Sales Inc - The total value of those sales at the time they were cancelled. This doesn???t contribute to Gross/Net revenue totals above.
    • Average - The average value of each sale at the time they were cancelled.


  • Cancelled Sales
    • Total - Total number of sales which were cancelled via the ???Cancel Sale??? function.
    • Sales Inc - The total value of those sales at the time they were cancelled. This doesn???t contribute to Gross/Net revenue totals above.
    • Average - The average value of each sale at the time they were cancelled.
  • Credit Items
    • Total - Total number of products/items which were credited/refunded via the ???Credit Item???, ???Refund Mode??? or ???Reverse Transaction??? functions.
    • Sales Inc - The total value of those products/items which were credited/refunded. This has already contributed to the Gross/Net revenue totals above.
    • Average - The average value of each item that was credited/refunded.
  • No Sales
    • Total - Total number of times the ???No Sale??? function key was used to pop a cash drawer without finalising a sale at Touch.
  • Customers
    • Total - Total number of sales which had a value not equal to 0.00. Please note that for negative sales, these count towards the total customers served.
  • Adult Covers
    • Total - Total number of adult covers entered against Tables or TAB???s during the reporting period.
  • Child Covers
    • Total - Total number of child covers entered against Tables or TAB???s during the reporting period.
  • First Sale
    • Date/Time - The first time any sale record was created during the reporting period (this may change in the future future).
    • Receipt # - The smallest receipt number recorded during the reporting period (this may change in the future).
  • Last Sale
    • Date/Time - The first time any sale record was created during the reporting period (this may change in the future).
    • Receipt # - The smallest receipt number recorded during the reporting period (this may change in the future).

Voucher Performance Report



Reports on Vouchers issued within the Date range selected, grouped by Location and Classification. Lists the Location, Classification (if assigned to a Member), Member, Voucher ID and Name, Issued By, Issued On, Stored Value Balance, Valid, Used and % Used. Where :

Valid : Is set to Yes if the Date/Time the report is run is within the Voucher's Valid From/To Date.

Used : Is set to Yes when the Voucher's Used count is equal to the Voucher's Total Uses setting, or for Stored Value Vouchers, the balance is zero and the Sum of all SV Top Ups is greater than zero.

% Used : Is calculated as precentage of the Used Count / Total Uses, or for Stored Value Vouchers it is calculated as a percentage of the (Sum of all SV Top Ups - SV Bal ) / Sum of all SV Top Ups.

Voucher Sales



Reports on Voucher Sales grouped by Location, Terminal and then Voucher. Lists Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Voucher # and Name, Receipt #, Product Code and Description, Qty, Cost, Sales (Incl Tax), Sales (Excl Tax), Gross Profit % and Sales as a % of the Total Sales.

Voucher Sales Summary



Reports on Voucher Sales by Voucher, grouped by Location and Terminal. Lists Location # and Description, Terminal # and Description, Voucher # and Name, Qty, Unit Cost, Total Cost, Unit Sale, Sales (Incl Tax) and Sales (Excl Tax).

Weekly Monthly Summary / Stock on Hand



Reports on the selected Week and Months Products sold and Stock on Hand related details. The data reported is grouped by Location and then Product Group. Lists Location, Product Group, PLU, Qty, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit $, Gross Profit % and Stock on Hand. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.

Weekly Monthly Summary



Reports on the selected Week (last 7 days) and Months (last 28 days) Products sold/not sold and their Stock on Hand. Data reported is grouped by Location and then Product Group. Lists Location, Product Group, PLU, Unit Price, Unit Cost, Unit GP %, Qty, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit %, Stock on Hand, Days left given current SOH and Reorder Qty. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.


In addition the detailed version lists the Products that have not been sold.

Weekly Monthly Summary by Group



Similar to the Weekly Monthly Summary report, except it is grouped by Product Group.  Lists Product Group # and Description, PLU # and Description, Supplier Code, Case Qty, Unit Price, Unit Cost, Unit GP %, Qty, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit %, Stock on Hand, Days left given current SOH and Reorder Qty. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.


In addition the detailed version lists the Products that have not been sold.

Weekly Sales Comparison




Reports on the Quantity and Sales value in the selected week and the same week in the previous year, grouped by Location and then Product Group. Lists Location # and Description, Product Group # and Description, 52 Weeks Previous Qty/Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Week Previous Qty/Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Week Ending Qty/Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), %LY and %LW.

In addition the detailed version lists the PLU # and Description.


With Advanced Host Integration registration this report can be filtered using:

  1. Metcash Departments
  2. Metcash Categories
  3. Metcash Commodities
  4. Metcash Sub-Commodities
  5. Metcash Sub-Range

Weekly Sales with GP



Reports on Weekly Sales for each day of the week, grouped by Week and then Location. Lists Week Commencing Date, Location # and Description, Sales (Excl and Incl Tax), GP%, GP $, Total Customers and Average Sales (Excl and Incl Tax).

Weekly Usage Summary



Reports on all Purchased Items (Non-parent and Parent products) and Reciped Items (child product) usage data for the selected week grouped by Product Group. Lists the Product Group # and Description, PLU # and Description, Usage Qty for each day of the week, Total Usage Qty, Average Usage Qty and the weeks Usage Qty as % of the Total Usage Qty. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.

Yearly PLU Group Sales Comparison



Reports on Products sold in the year to the selected date and compares to the previous year, grouped by Product Group. Lists PLU # and Description, Cost, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), GP % for selected year and previous year, Difference in $ and %. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #.



Other Reports


SwiftPOS Back Office > Terminal Sales > Search Transaction


Report Name




Table Audit



Reports on selected Table related transactions in the Search Transaction screen. This report can be generated from here.

Tax Invoice



Reports on the selected transactions in the Search Transaction screen in a Tax Invoice format. If the total value of the sale is negative the report will be titles Adjustment Note.



Reports on similar data to the Tax Invoice, however it is formatted to support the Wholesale Discount Format.

Table Invoice Consolidated



Reports on similar data to the Tax Invoice, however it now consolidates all single sales file (SSF) transactions together to report in a single Invoice rather than multiple invoices for multiple transactions. This report can be generated from here.



Legend for Reports


R/Discount and N/Discount



Retail: The expected sales value at the time the report is generated, for the associated 'Retail Price Level' assigned in Location Records / Full Edit / Price Levels.

Normal: The expected sales value for the transactions assigned price Level at the time of the sale.

Actual: The sale price.

Zero quantity will occur when items are sold and then the exact number of items are Credited or Refunded, you can check this by doing a search for the Product in Search Transactions.


Related Topics


  1. Reports
  2. Sales
  3. Sales Web Reports