Price Levels / Medias / Reporting Media / Location and Product Sub Filters


Back Office > Administration > Price Levels & Media Setup




This menu item is used to configure Price Levels, Medias, Reporting Media, Location Sub Filters, Product Sub Filters, EFT Card Media Links, Custom Media Texts and EFT Acquirer Codes.


Price Level & Media Set-up - Price Levels


This tab is used to define Price Levels which can then be used across all Locations and Location Groups (Venues). There is no limit to the number of Price Levels that can be defined. It is however, much smarter practice to minimise the amount of Price Levels used to help reduce the amount of maintenance required to manage retail pricing.


SwiftPOS Back Office has 10 Price Levels installed by default. To change any of these simply click the Price Level field and enter a new name. Each Location Group (Venue) can be assigned between 10 and 50 Price Levels and of those, between 1 and 4 can be assigned to Locations belonging to the Location Group (Venue).

In practice, you generally assign 4-10 price levels per Venue and if you have 50 venues you would have 200-500 price levels.



This screen is accessed from here.




  • # - Displays the Price Level Number
  • Price Level - Displays/Enter the name of the Price Level.
  • Base Price - Used as a reference when calculating prices in the price change wizard as well as a reference when a value is set for the update expression.
  • Display Name - Used to display an alternate name for the selected Price Level at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
  • Exclude Family - Select from the drop down list the Family of Products for which the application of the selected Update Expression will not apply.
  • Update Expression - Select to open the Price Wizard. This feature allows a Price Level to automatically be calculated by applying the selected Update Expression based on another Price Level. When configured correctly it could be possible to change just one Price Level and have all other Price Levels update automatically based on the selected Update Expressions. For examples of how this functions click here. An example would be to have Members Pricing to be 10% less than non-Members pricing with rounding to the nearest 10 cents. This would exclude the Family of Products where there was no Member discounts applicable. Another example would be Retail sites where all stores sell Products at the same pricing with local pricing being applied to just a small group of Products that were Location sensitive. (like Fuel)




  • New - Select to add a row.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected row.
  • Languages - Select to set Price Levels in alternate languages.
  • Award Points - Select to open the Media Award Points screen to select the Media that will award Points to Members, when used in a Phone/Web order. By default all Media are selected.
  • Close - Select to exit.


How To Remove Price Level Expression


  1. Select the update expression (this will take you to the expression wizard)
  2. Select the formulas and expressions tab
  3. Drop down the expression list and select "none"
  4. Select finish and the expression will be back to normal.





This tab is accessed from here, and is used to configure Payment Medias to be used at SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Once changes have been saved these will be sent to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals with the next update. Sales reports by Media can be viewed here. Medias reported on can be configured here.


Note : Media numbers that can be added are limited to the number ranges 1 to 89 and 1001 to 1500. Also, the following is recommended :

  1. Ensure the Media Cash is assigned to the Media number 1. This will ensure that over tendering will reduce the amount of Cash in the drawer.
  2. Media 30 is reserved for Table Charges (to track table charges) when Table Tracking is being used.
  3. When using Integrated EFTPOS, make sure that a Media number used falls within the number ranges outlined above, NOT including Media and 30.
  4. Once a new Media has been added, it is recommended to run the General Check > Check tab > Other section > Media option.




  • # - Displays the Media Type Number. Note : Media 30 is reserved for Table Charges when Table Tracking is being used. This is to ensure table charges can be recorded against it. The default name for Media Type 30 is 'Table Charge'.
  • Media - Displays/Enter the Name of the Media Type.
  • Active - Select to ensure the selected Media Type is enabled/disabled.
  • PLU - Select to open the Search Products screen and select the PLU to be used for Cash Off Declarations at SwiftPOS Touch terminals as well as for EFTPOS Merchant Fees/Surcharges/Tips. See EFTPOS Settings here. For Cash Off Declarations to work, PLUs must be created that match the Media Names (the PLU number is not important). For example :|

PLU Number

PLU/Product Description






Once the PLUs have been created, assign them to the Media Types via the PLU Number button.

  • Payment Type - Select from the drop down list on of the following:


Note : This is mandatory if making use of the LMG Export.


  • Banking Type - Select from the drop down list the Bank Type applicable for the selected Media Type. The Bank Type is used as a reference when calculating prices in the Price Change Wizards, as well as a reference when a value is set for the Update Expression. The selections available are :

  • Foreign Currency - Select to enforce the conversion of the amount to be tendered in Foreign Currency using the selected Media by the Currency Rate specified below. When selected the following Enter Tender Amount prompt will be displayed each time the selected Media is used.


  • Currency Rate - Displays/Enter the conversion Rate for the Foreign Currency. For example, enter $1 AUD is worth $0.89 US, so $1 US is worth $1.12 AUD. Enter the AUD Value or the exchange rate for the country that you are in. Do Not enter the $0.89c.
  • No Change Given - Select to ensure that when a sale is finalised, at a SwiftPOS Touch terminal, using the Media with this option selected, then no change will be given. Note : This option CANNOT be selected for the Cash Media.
  • Tender Type Code - Displays/Enter the TMR SAP Code that equates to the SwiftPOS Media used in the payment of a sale/invoice. This is used to compose the value of the Assignment Number when exporting using the SAP Export interface. For example, 002 for the CASH Media.
  • Tender Type Description - T.b.a.




  • New - Select to create.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected row.
  • Media GST Exempt - Select to open the Media GST Exempt screen to configure those Media Types that are to be considered exempt from GST.  Note : This feature only applies to Australian based sites.
  • Award Points  - Select to open the Media Award Points screen to ensure Member Loyalty Points are awarded when a sale is finalised using the selected Media type. Note : Points will NOT be awarded as a result of a sale that has been finalised fully or partially to a media that does not have this option selected. So, in short if a sale is finalised to two media, namely partly to Cash (which has Award Points selected) and to EFTPOS (which does not have Award Points selected), then in this case, no points will be awarded to the Customer/Member.
  • Tax Setup - Select to open the Tax Setup screen.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Reporting Media



This tab is accessed from here, and is used to customise the Media used in reporting.


Reporting Media


To add a Media to the list, select the select button below the grid and select the Media required. Then select the Add button.


Medias listed in the grid will be reported in the following reports:


  1. Clerk Media Summary (Custom)
  2. Drawer Media Summary (Custom)
  3. Media Summary (Custom)

Custom Media for Detailed Transaction Media


Medias listed here will be reported on in the Detailed Transaction Media report.


Note : There is a limit to the number of Medias that can be added. When this limit is exceeded the following message will be displayed.



Delete any Medias not being used, and try again.


Location Sub Filters



This tab is accessed from here, and is used to define Location Sub Filters which can then be used to filter reports. Each Location can be assigned one Sub Filter value from each of the 4 Sub Filters. This allows the reporting of data based on grouping (using Sub Filters) similar Locations across multiple Location Groups (Venues).




Displays/Enter the column heading names to be given to the Location Sub Filters. Be aware the heading names displayed/entered here will appear on various screens throughout SwiftPOS Back Office. For example the Location Full Edit screen.



Displays/Enter the Sub Filter values to be used for filtering reports. Each Sub Filter can have up to 36 values.


Product Sub Filters



This tab is accessed from here, and is used to define Product Sub Filters which allows the specification of different parts of a Product, to then be used to ultimately create a range of Products. This feature was designed with the clothing retail market in mind. For example, for the selling of jeans, it may be necessary to specify them by Style, Colour, Wash and Rise. However, it can also be used in other markets. For example, in a Bottle Shop, Sub Filters could be created for every possible combination of UDL cans, 4 packs and/or cartons and their individual flavours, etc. Note : It is important to create the Sub Filters in an appropriate order, so as to ensure that the PLU's that are assigned to new Products are in sequential order. For example : If Sub Filters with Headings are created for Style, Size and Colour then the PLU's will be grouped firstly by Style, then Size and then Colour. 




Displays/Enter the heading name to be given to the Product Sub Filters. Be aware the names displayed/entered here will appear in the Product Creation Wizard.




Displays/Enter the Sub Filter values to be used for filtering reports. Each Sub Filter can have up to 36 values.


EFT Card Media Links



Note : The screenshot above is an example of how it might be configured in Australia.


This tab is accessed from here, and is used to link EFT Cards used in payments to SwiftPOS Media for reporting purposes. Linking is achieved as follows:

  1. In general the the first 4 characters of the Card Numbers used in a payment are returned by EFT providers, however this can be up to 10 characters. SwiftPOS uses these characters to identify (using the prefixes listed in the grid) the type of Card used and then links it to the appropriate SwiftPOS Media. For example, the returned Card Number of 54############## would normally be identified as MasterCard. Hence, the Card Numbers returned and those needing to be reported on, must  to be listed and configured in the grid.
  2. The exception being Tyro. Tyro returns only the last 4 characters. For example, ############5100. To handle this, when SwiftPOS cannot identify the Card Type (using the prefixes listed in the grid) based on the Card Numbers returned, it will then instead retrieve the Card Type from the Card data returned and search the grid below (using the prefixes listed) to locate the Card Type and then link it to the appropriate SwiftPOS Media. Hence, the Card Types returned by Tyro and those needing to be reported on, must  to be listed and configured in the grid.




  • Prefix - Displays/Enter either one of the following:
  • The first characters (up to 10) of the Card number returned by EFT Providers that are used to identify the Type of Card for payment. For example, 54 for MasterCard.
  • In the case of Tyro, enter the Card Type. For example, refer to the list below as an example.
    • EFTPOS
    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • American Express
    • Diners Club

For a complete list contact Tyro.


  • Description - Displays/Enter an appropriate description for the EFTPOS Card being linked. Note : In the case of EFT33 - Linkly (Food and Bev) the description is returned from HERE, depending on the Prefix entered.
  • Commission - Select to ensure that the Commission percentage/CPL setup here is applied.
  • Media Link - Select from the drop down list the Media Payment Type to which the entered Prefix will be linked. Note : Media Payment Types will have to configured here in order to be able to select them in the Media Link column drop down list.
  • Tax Invoice - Select to ensure that a Tax Invoice is always printed.
  • Play Sound - Select to ensure the EFTPOS.wav named sound file is played whenever an EFTPOS card is swiped, that has the associated Prefix. The sound file must be located in the C:\SwiftPOSTouch\Folders\Media Files folder and named as EFTPOS.wav. If the Media Files folder does not exist, then one will need to be created. Note : If PC EFTPOS is being used, a Master Card option exists in the Virtual PINPAD. It uses the prefix 53. See the highlighted entry in the above screenshot as an example of the required entry. 
  • Note : The settings below, if configured, will override any Surcharge settings set against the Peripheral at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.


    • Surcharge Media - Select from the drop down list the Media to which the Surcharge will be applied.
    • Surcharge PLU - Select to open the Products search screen to select the Product/PLU to assign to the surcharge imposed by the Merchant that includes GST.
    • Sur.PLU Tax Free - Select to open the Products search screen to select the Product/PLU to assign to the surcharge imposed by the Merchant that excludes GST.


Custom Media Texts



This tab is accessed from here, and is used to add/edit/delete Custom Media Texts for the purpose of managing texts that are printed on Receipts. This feature was originally designed to provide the ability for Customers to add their signature, as an act of approving the Room charges itemised on their Receipts. Below is an example of a Receipt with Custom Media Texts printed.




  • ID - Displays ID numbers of the Custom Media Texts currently configured.
  • Description - Displays the description of the Custom Media Texts currently configured.
  • Media Numbers - Displays the Media Types assigned to the Custom Media Texts currently configured.


Grid Footer


  • Add - Select open the Add Media Texts screen to add a new Media Text.
  • Edit - Select open the Edit Media Texts screen to edit a then selected Media Text.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected Media Text.


EFT Acquirer Codes



This tab is accessed from here.


Add/Edit Media Texts



This tab is accessed from here or here, and is used to assign Media Types to Custom Media Texts and to configure the the Custom Texts that will be printed on the Receipt when the assigned Media Type is used in the finalisation of a sale.




  • Description - Displays/Enter an appropriate Description of the Media Text. For example : Room Charge Receipt Texts.
  • Media Numbers - Displays/Select the Media Types that are/will be assigned to the Custom Media Texts. When the assigned Media Types are used in the finalisation of a sale, the Texts configured in the grid below will be printed on the Receipt.




  • Text - Displays/Enter the Custom Text that will be displayed on the Receipt.
  • Justify - Select from the drop down list either Left, Centre or Right to justify the printing of the Text as required on the Receipt.
  • Print Underline - Select to print an underline as a guide for completion by the Customer. For example the Customer is required to sign the Receipt above the underline.




  • Add - Select to add a Text.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected Text.


Below is an example of a Receipt showing Custom Media Texts. The Receipt was printed as a result of a sale finalised to a Media Type that has Custom Media Texts assigned to it:



Media GST Exempt



This screen is accessed from here, and is used to configure Media Types that are exempt from GST. For example, if the Media Type Redemptions is considered to be GST exempt, then select it here to ensure that any sales redeemed in Points will not result in a GST amount being recorded for the amount redeemed. For example :





  • Check All - Select to select all Media Types.
  • Uncheck All - Select to deselect all Media Types.



  • ID - Displays the Media ID.
  • Description - Displays the Media.




  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Save and Close - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Media Award Points


The content has been moved to the SwiftPOS Knowledge Base HERE


Related Topics


  1. Administration
  2. Price Wizard
  3. Product Creation Wizard