EFTPOS Settings


Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Peripheral List > EFTPOS > Edit




This menu item is used to configure the settings for a EFTPOS Peripherals.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : Ensure an actual printer is assigned for all integrated EFTPOS printing. Do NOT use the <<Default Printer> option because the EFTPOS cannot see it.
  2. Assign PLU Numbers to the EFTPOS Media Payment type for Merchant Fees/Surcharges/Tips.
  3. Sites much have a current Software Enhancement Licence to use this feature from when the feature was released.
  4.  Note : For Interfaces that offer Pay At Table, and this feature is being used, the Surcharge PLU MUST NOT BE included in any Discount/Mix and Match/etc. If the Surcharge PLU is included then this will cause the Table to be over tendered.
  5. Test the configuration of the EFTPOS Peripheral. This can be done by selecting the Perform Logon option from the EFTPOS Tools menu. This will attempt to send a diagnostic request to the PIN Pad using the configuration entered and report the result. First time this is attempted, it might fail so be sure to try it a couple of times before reviewing settings again.




  1. If no EFTPOS exists in the list of Peripherals, then it will need to be added.





This screen is accessed from Peripherals.


  • EFTPOS Type - Select the search button to open the EFTPOS System screen to locate and one of the currently supported EFTPOS peripherals from the options available.

  • RS232 Settings - Select to open the RS232 Settings screen and configure.
  • TCP/IP Settings - Select to open the TCP/IP Settings screen and configure.


  • Enable Event Logging - Select to enable.
  • Auto-dismiss Successful Transaction - Select to ensure the prompt confirming a successful transaction is automatically closed after a couple of seconds.
  • Synchronise with Pos Printer - Select to synchronise.
  • Configuration - Select when applicable to configure the settings appropriate to the EFTPOS software installed.
  • Merchant Copy - Select from the drop down list one of the following:

  • Always Prompt - Select to ensure a copy is always printed.
  • Prompt - Select to ensure Clerk/Staff Members are prompted to confirm whether a copy is to be printed.
  • Never Print - Select to ensure NO copy is printed.


  • Surcharge PLU - Select to open the Products search screen to select the Product/PLU to assign to the surcharge imposed by the Merchant.
  • Surcharge Media - Select to Media search screen to select the Media to assign to the Surcharge imposed by the Merchant.


EFT08 - Tyro Payments





  • Pay at Table - Select to open the EFTPOS Pay At Table Settings screen below and configure the settings as required. Note : This option is not visible from a Touch Lite POS terminal.



  • Port Number - Port 33300 on the POS is allowed on firewall.
  • URLs - These will be auto-filled once the OK button is selected. Don???t use the PC name. Ensure you use the IP Address and ensure it is static.
  • Medias - Ensure the various Medias have been configured appropriately.


To be Considered:


  • Ensure the EFTPOS terminal is on the same WiFi network. It won't work over 3G.
  • Ensure Touch is restarted (in admin mode), once all configuration changes have been made.
  • Ensure IP6 is not enabled on the default network adapter.


  • Don't Decrement Cash in Drawer - Select to ensure that Cash received as a Tip is held in a Tip jar or some other Tip vessel, and is NOT added to the Cash Drawer. If unselected, it is assumed that the Cash received as a Tip is added to the Cash Drawer until distribution at a later date. For more information click here.


EFT12 - Verifone (Vault)



  • Enable Event Logging - Select to enable.
  • Card Surcharge PLU - Displays/Select the PLU to be assigned to the Surcharge.
  • Surcharge Media - Display/Select the Media to be assigned to the Surcharge.





  • Enable Event Logging - Select to enable.
  • Auto-dismiss Successful Transaction - Select to ensure the prompt confirming a successful transaction is automatically closed after a couple of seconds.
  • Synchronise with Pos Printer - Select to synchronise.
  • Enable Tipping - Select to enable.
  • Don't Decrement Cash in Drawer - Select to ensure that Cash received as a Tip is held in a Tip jar or some other Tip vessel, and is NOT added to the Cash Drawer. If unselected, it is assumed that the Cash received as a Tip is added to the Cash Drawer until distribution at a later date. For more information click here.
  • Card Surcharge PLU - Displays/Select the PLU to be assigned to the Surcharge.
  • Surcharge Media - Display/Select the Media to be assigned to the Surcharge.
  • Configuration - Select when applicable to configure the settings appropriate to the EFTPOS software installed.
  • Surcharges - Select to open the EFT Surcharges by Card screen to configure Surcharges applicable.
  • Pay at Table - Select to open the EFTPOS Pay At Table Settings screen below and configure the settings as required. Note : This option is not visible from a Touch Lite POS terminal.



  • Port Number - Port 33300 on the POS is allowed on firewall.
  • URLs - These will be auto-filled once the OK button is selected. Don???t use the PC name. Ensure you use the IP Address and ensure it is static.


To be Considered:


  • Ensure the EFTPOS terminal is on the same WiFi network. It won't work over 3G.
  • Ensure Touch is restarted (in admin mode), once all configuration changes have been made.
  • Ensure IP6 is not enabled on the default network adapter.


  • POS/EFT Receipt - Select from one of the Print options available. Also, select the Full Receipt option if a full receipt option is required.
  • Merchant Copy - Select from one of the Print options available.


Note : If a Surcharge is not charged the we would recommend to check the PC-EFTPOS logs, as the version of the PC-EFTPOS PIN Pad that is being used may not support the feature.  Also, the Surcharge % value is sent to the EFTPOS along with each payment.


Aston Club


Select "EFT21 - Aston Club" from the drop down menu, then select the "Aston Club Configuration Tools" button to enter the configuration details.



You will then see the available customers details as below at the POS, when finalising with the Alternate EFTPOS POS Key.


Simply click on the customers portrait to finalise the sale to their Aston Club account.


EFT23 - BridgePay (Pay Gaurdian)



EFT27 - PC-EFTPOS (Cloud)



  • PC-Eftpos Cloud Setup - Select to open the PC-EFTPOS Cloud Settings screen:


Enter the details provided to configure the PC-EFTPOS Cloud settings.


  • Surcharges - Select to open the EFT Surcharges by Card screen to configure Surcharges applicable.
  • Enable Event Logging - Select to enable.
  • Receipt - Select from the print options available.
  • Print Full Receipt - Select to enable.
  • Surcharge PLU - Displays/Set the PLU of the Surcharge Product.
  • Surcharge Media - Displays/Set the Media the Surcharge will be assigned.


EFT33 - Linkly (Food and Bev)



Accessed from HERE and used to configure the EFTPOS EFT33 - Linkly (Food and Bev) Peripheral in Touch. Linkly provides integration to multiple POS vendors. Refer HERE for a list of accredited POS Vendors.


  • EFTPOS Type - Displays the EFT33 - Linkly (Food and Bev) option.
  • Enable Event Logging - Select to enable.
  • Auto-dismiss Successful Transaction - Select to ensure the prompt confirming a successful transaction is automatically closed after a couple of seconds.
  • Enable Tipping - Select to enable.
  • Don't Decrement Cash in Drawer - Select to ensure that Cash received as a Tip is held in a Tip jar or some other Tip vessel, and is NOT added to the Cash Drawer. If unselected, it is assumed that the Cash received as a Tip is added to the Cash Drawer until distribution at a later date. For more information click here.
  • Card Surcharge PLU - Displays/Select the PLU to be assigned to the Surcharge.
  • Surcharge Media - Display/Select the Media to be assigned to the Surcharge.
  • Configuration - Select to open the PC-EFTPOS TCP Settings screen to configure the settings.
  • Pay at Table - Select to open the EFTPOS Pay At Table Settings screen to configure the settings as required. Note : This option is not visible from a Touch Lite POS terminal and is currently NOT supported with Wpay.
  • POS/EFT Receipt - Select from one of the Print options available. Also, select the Full Receipt option if a full receipt option is required.
  • Merchant Copy - Select from one of the Print options available.




  • To configure Surcharges via the EFT Client (For Local connections ONLY), refer to the Linkly Surcharging User Guide for more information.
  • If supported Surcharges can also be configured at the PIN Pad Device. Refer to the Device's resource and support guides for more information.
  • Alternatively Surcharges can be configured at Touch refer HERE for more information.


Note : If a Surcharge is NOT charged then check the PIN Pad device's logs. It can be that the version of the PIN Pad device being used may not support surcharging.  Also, the value of the Surcharge as a percentage is sent to the payment provider  along with each payment.


Pay At Table


Venues will need to download install and configure the Pay@Table software. This can be sourced from HERE. Note : When configuring enaure to use the URL provided in the pay@table settings screen when prompted during the installation. All pay@table and TWA services require to be run as administrator.


PC-EFTPOS TCP Settings Screen


Accessed from HERE and used to configure the EFTPOS EFT33 - Linkly (Food and Bev) Peripheral with information provided by Linkly.


Host Settings


  • TCP Hostname - Displays/Enter the URL (provided by the payment provider) for a Cloud connection, OR an IP Address of the PC hosting Touch or for a Local connection.
  • TCP Port - Displays/Enter the Port number. The default Port when connecting using one of the following options, is:
    • Cloud - Is 443
    • Local - Is 2011


  • Connection - Select one of the following options:
    • Cloud - Choosing this option will  require information to be obtained from Linkly in order to complete the configuration. It does NOT require the Linkly EFT Client to be installed at Touch.
    • Local - Choosing this option will require the Linkly EFT Client to be installed at Touch.



  • Username & Password - Displays/Enter the username and password provided by the payment provider.


PINPAD Settings


  • Pairing Code - Displays/Enter the Pairing Code retrieved from the PIN Pad device.
  • Secret - Displays the secret returned after selecting the Refresh icon.


Printer Settings


Select from the options available one of the following:


  • Print at POS - Select to ensure Receipts will be sent to the Receipt Printer associated with the Touch terminal.
  • Windows Printer - Select to ensure Receipts will be sent to the printer configured in the EFT Client. Note : This option is not applicable when the Cloud option is selected for the Connection setting.
  • Pinpad Printer - Select to ensure Receipts will be sent to the PIN Pad device's inbuilt printer.
  • Pinpad (Sign Only) - Select to ensure Receipts that require a patron's signature will be sent to the PIN Pad device's inbuilt printer, otherwise all other Receipts will be sent to the Receipt Printer associated with the Touch terminal.


Pairing the Pinpad


  • Enter the TCP details (provided to by Linkly/PC-Eftpos), Username and Password and Pairing Code retrieved from the Pinpad. For more information ...
  • Finally, generate a Secret by selecting the green button (RHS).
    • If the pairing code matches what is on the Pinpad then a Secret will be generated.
    • If the Pairing Code does NOT match then a Secret will be NOT be generated. Retrieve a Pairing Code to try generating a Secret again.
  • Select OK to complete the pairing process.
  • The Pinpad should now be connected.


Retrieve the Pairing Code


  1. If the Pinpad is online, it will display either:
  1. To display the Pairing Code, on the Pinpad press FUNC, 8888, ENTER.


    1. Press ENTER
    2. The Pinpad will display ENTER CLOUD ID?
      1. Enter your Client ID and press ENTER
    3. The Pinpad will display VERIFICATION NO?
      1. Enter your Password and press ENTER
    4. The Pinpad will return a PAIRING CODE
      1. Note the code and press ENTER
    5. The Pinpad will return to the default Pinpad screen.
      1. Enter your Username, Password and the Pairing Code returned above.
      2. To display the Pairing Code again, on the Pinpad press FUNC, 8888, ENTER.


EFTPOS Pay at Table Settings Screen

Accessed from HERE and used to configure the Pay@Table settings.



  • Port Number - Port 33300 on the POS is allowed on firewall.
  • URLs - These will be auto-filled once the OK button is selected. Don???t use the PC name. Ensure you use the IP Address and ensure it is static.


To be Considered:


  • Ensure the EFTPOS terminal is on the same WiFi network. It won't work over 3G.
  • Ensure Touch is restarted (in admin mode), once all configuration changes have been made.
  • Ensure IP6 is not enabled on the default network adapter.

EFT37 - Spice




  • EFTPOS Type - Displays the EFT37 - Spice option.
  • Enable Event Logging - Select to enable.
  • Card Surcharge PLU - Displays/Select the PLU to be assigned to the Surcharge. Refer to Surcharge | Adyen Docs for more information.
  • Surcharge Media - Display/Select the Media to be assigned to the Surcharge. Refer to Surcharge | Adyen Docs for more information.
  • Configuration - Select to open the Spice Settings screen to configure the Spice Adapter settings as required:


  • Pay at Table - Select to open the EFTPOS Pay At Table Settings screen below and configure the settings as required. Note : This option is not visible from a Touch Lite POS terminal.



  • Port Number - Port 33300 on the POS is allowed on firewall.
  • URLs - These will be auto-filled once the OK button is selected. Don???t use the PC name. Ensure you use the IP Address and ensure it is static.


To be Considered:


  • Ensure the EFTPOS terminal is on the same WiFi network. It won't work over 3G.
  • Ensure Touch is restarted (in admin mode), once all configuration changes have been made.
  • Ensure IP6 is not enabled on the default network adapter.


  • POS/EFT Receipt - Select from one of the Print options available. Also, select the Full Receipt option if a full receipt option is required.
  • Merchant Copy - Select from one of the Print options available.


For more information refer to the Reseller Help.

EFT42 - Oolio Pay



  • Enable Event Logging - Select to enable.
  • Enable Tipping - Select to enable and to ensure a patrons are prompted to enter a Tip value.
  • Don't Decrement Cash in Drawer - Select for when Tips are received in Cash and placed in a Tip jar. That is, they are NOT part of non Cash payment (for example, EFTPOS or Credit Card) and therefore do not require Cash to be withdrawn from the Cash Drawer and placed in a Tip jar. The Cash Drawer will NOT be opened. If left unselected, then Tips received as part of non Cash payment (for example, EFTPOS or Credit Card), the Cash Drawer will be opened to facilitate the removal of the amount tipped in Cash from the Cash Drawer. For more information click here.
  • Card Surcharge PLU - Displays/Select the PLU to be assigned to the Surcharge.
  • Surcharge Media - Display/Select the Media to be assigned to the Surcharge.
  • Configuration - Select to open the Oolio Pay Settings screen to configure as required:


Terminal Settings


  • Test Mode - Select to enable to test the settings configured.
  • API Key - Displays/Enter the API Key provided by Oolio Pay. Note : This feature requires Oolio Pay to turn enable the required permissions for the API Key provided.
  • Merchant Account - Displays/Select and enter the Merchant Account based on the API Key entered above. Note : If the API Key is allocated to one Merchant Account, then selecting the Refresh button opposite will ensure the this field is prefilled. If it is allocated to multiple Merchants, then select the appropriate Merchant from the popup of available Merchants and enter it's Account into this field. Also, for security reasons the API Key entered is encrypted except for the 5 digits.
    • Refresh - Select to prefill where appropriate based on the API Key entered above.
  • Company ID - Displays/Select and enter the Company ID based on the API Key entered above. Note : If the API Key is allocated to one Merchant Account, then selecting the Refresh button above will ensure the this field is prefilled. If it is allocated to multiple Merchants, then select the appropriate Merchant from the popup of available Merchants and enter it's Company ID into this field. Also, this is not required for sales, but is only required to populate the drop down List of terminal IDs.

Terminal Settings


  • Terminal ID - Displays/Select from the drop down list the ID of the Oolio Pay device being configured. Note : The Company ID selected above is used to populate the drop down List of terminal IDs.
    • Refresh - Select to prefill where appropriate based on the API Key entered above.
  • Terminal URL - Displays/Enter the Terminal's URL.
    • Automatic - Select to automatically acquire the Terminal's URL (IP Address) automatically. Once successfully retrieved, the Terminal URL field will display the Terminal's URL (IP Address). Not selected indicates the Terminal's URL (IP Address) is fixed, and will need to be entered.
    • Test - Select to test the Terminal's URL (IP Address) .



Encryption Key


  • Key ID - Displays/Enter the Key ID.
    • Refresh - Select to prefill where appropriate based on the API Key entered above.
  • Passphrase - Displays/Enter the pass phrase.
  • Version - Displays/Enter the version.


Status Listener


  • Use POS API - Select to use the POS API.
  • Status Port - Displays/Enter/Select the Port #.



  • POS/EFT Receipt - Select from one of the Print options available. If a full receipt is required, select the Full Receipt option.
  • Merchant Copy - Select from one of the Print options available.


EFT43 - Posnet Linkpos



  • Configuration - Select to open the Posnet LinkPos Settings screen to configure the settings:




Terminal Settings


Displays as well as allows for the entry of the PosNet LinkPos credentials required:


  • Merchant Number
  • URL
  • Merchant User ID
  • Merchant ID
  • Device ID
  • Aquirer Name
  • Merchant App ID
  • Merchant Private Key


The above credentials will need to be provided and entered.




  • Password required to void transactions - Select to force the entry of a password.


  • Enable Event Logging - Select to enable.


EFT Surcharges by Card


How this works.


Each time we send an amount to the EFTPOS Terminal, we also send all the surcharges for each different card type. There is nothing stored in the EFTPOS Terminal between transactions that remembers what the surcharge amount will be. This feature needs to be supported by each individual bank and the PC-EFTPOS Terminal requires the correct firmware to support this feature also. If you cannot get the feature to work then check with PC-EFTPOS or the banks to ensure that support is enabled for this feature.



  • Bin - Select from the drop down list one of the following:









BANKCARD or China Union Pay









07 or 09



























  • Surcharge Type - Select to open the EFT Surcharges by Card screen to configure Surcharges applicable.


  • Amount - Enter the Percentage or Value of the Surcharge.
  • Card Read Type - Select from the following:


  • Prompt - Select from the following:


  • Save to Table Tracking - Select to ensure the Surcharges configured here are saved and available to other POS Terminals


Related Topics


  1. POS - EFTPOS - Operation - Tools
  2. POS - Finalise POS Key Settings
  3. POS Configuration Index - Peripheral/Printer Related Configuration
  4. POS Operation
  5. POS Operations
  6. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  7. Reseller Help - For EFTPOS Interfaces information
  8. Terminal Settings