Customer/Member Search Operation


Touch > Customer (#102) POS Key




Used to either assign a Sale Transaction, Phone Order or Table/TAB to a specific Customer/Member OR search for a Customer/Member at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : Accounts, Customers, Members and Loyalty Customers are often referred to in the documentation when discussing topics relating to Customers/Patrons of a site.
  2. If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.
  3. Note : The number of Customer/Members returned by a search is limited to a maximum of 50. This is to reduce network traffic.




  1. Ensure the Function Customer POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.




  1. How To Add A Customer/Member To An Order/Sale

  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, enter the number of an existing Customer/Member.
  2. Select the Customer POS Key. The Customer/Member's Name will appear in the sales grid. The Customer/Member's details displayed in the sales grid can be controlled here.
  3. Sell items and finalise the sale. Given the sale is associated with a Customer/Member, it can also be charged to their account using the Account Charge POS Key, provided they have the funds in their account.
  4. The items sold will now be attributed to the Customer/Member and can therefore be reported on by filtering on Customer/Member.


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, sell items.
  2. Enter the number of an existing Customer/Member.
  3. Select the Customer POS Key. The Customer/Member's Name will appear in the sales grid. The Customer/Member's details displayed in the sales grid can be controlled here.
  4. Finalise the sale. Given the sale is associated with a Customer/Member, it can also be charged to their account using the Account Charge POS Key, provided they have the funds in their account.
  5. The items sold will now be attributed to the Customer/Member and can therefore be reported on by filtering on Customer/Member

  1. How To Search For A Customer/Member

    1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Customer POS Key. This will open the Customer Search screen.
    2. In the Search field at the top of the screen type in text and select Done. The wildcard for searching is the "%" symbol. Searching of Customers/Members now includes spaces. For example, to search for a Customer/Member named Andrew Harris, one can now enter one of the following:


      1. Andrew Harris
      2. Andrew
      3. Harris
      4. An
      5. Ha
      6. A H
      7. An Ha
      8. rew ris
      9. etc


    1. The Customer/Members found will be displayed in the grid.
    2. Select from the list displayed to assign a Customer/Member to a Sale/Phone Order/Table/TAB, etc.


Customer Search



This screen is accessed from here and enables the searching of Customer/Members


  • Search - Enter text to search for Customer/Member that have the text entered, in either their names/addresses/contact details/etc. Note : A search can also be conducted based on the full/partial entry of an Address, Email Address or Mobile Phone Number. Even though these may not be visible in the grid, they can still be used to do a search. Note : The number of Customer/Members returned by a search is limited to a maximum of 50. This is to reduce network traffic.




  • Displays the Customer/Member Number, Alt (Alternate ID), First Name, Last Name and Address information of up to 50 Customer/Members returned by the search. Note : The Address information will only be displayed if the Show First Address Line on Customer Search Screen setting has been selected.

Selecting the Customer/Member currently highlighted will select that Customer/Member and add him/her to the Sale/Phone Order/Table/TAB, etc.


Grid Buttons


  • Edit - Select to open the Customer Details screen to edit the  Customer/Member's details.
  • New - Select to open the Customer Details screen to add a new Customer/Member. Note : This New button can be hidden by ensuring the Disable New Customer Button from Customer Search screen setting is selected.
  • Up/Down Arrows / Page Up/Down - Select to navigate through the Customer/Members displayed in the grid.
  • Keyboard Show/Hide - Select to show/hide the keyboard.




Use the keyboard displayed at the bottom of the screen to enter text to search.

Customer/Member details displayed in the sales grid can be controlled here.

Customer/Member details printed on Receipts can be controlled here.


Customer POS Key Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Available Interfaces - Select from the drop down list the required Interface. Note : If no interface is selected, the default used will be the interface which is set as Default in NetPOS.Net.
  • Set/Change Selected Interface - Select to select the interface selected above and set the Type and Instance.
  • Selected Interface Type - Displays the Type selected.
  • Selected Interface Instance - Displays the Instance selected.
  • Alternate Member Look Up - Select to do a Customer/Member Look Up using the Alternate Member ID, rather than using the default, Member Number.
  • Use EFTPOS Card Reader - Select to use the EFTPOS Card Reader to access the Customer/Member's Card.
  • Override Next Card Swipe - Select to ensure the next time a Customer/Member's Card is swiped, it will override the default operation.
  • Account Members Only - Select to limit the lookup of Customer/Members to only those that have a Charge Limit of greater than zero.
  • Don't Prompt When Changing Members - This option supresses the Prompt at Touch when changing the Member in a Sale.
  • Display Numeric Keyboard For Search - Select to only display a numeric keypad in the Customer Search screen, to replace the qwerty keyboard displayed as default.


Related Topics


  1. Accounts
  2. Customer/Members
  3. POS Configuration Index - Account/Customer/Member Configuration
  4. POS Operation
  5. POS Operation Index - Account/Customer/Member Features
  6. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  7. Terminal Settings