Points Pay Operation


Touch > Points Pay (#155) POS Key




Used to select Items in a sale that will be paid for by redeeming loyalty Points at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


To Be Considered


  1. If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.
  2. For NetPOS Interfaces that allow for multiple points Accounts/Buckets, only the first Account/Bucket listed in the Interface Settings tab with the Can Redeem (for example, the MG Interface) option selected will be considered a Points Pay Account/Bucket and will be used with the Points Pay feature. In other words the use of more than one Points Account/Bucket is NOT SUPPORTED.
  3. Items in a sale that have had a Discount, Mix & Match, Campaign or Combo applied CANNOT be paid using the Points Pay feature. These will be depicted as - Excluded - items within the Points Pay >  Select and Add Items (Points Pay) screen.
  4. Points are only redeemed when the sale is finalised in full. Note : It is recommended NOT to make use of the Points Pay feature when a sale has been held or saved to a Table/TAB.
  5. When the Allow Points Pay Per Product option is selected, SwiftPOS will NOT include media already tendered in the sale within the Select and Add Items (Points Pay) screen.




  1. Ensure the Function Points Pay POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
  2. Ensure, where appropriate, the PP Exclusions, PP Discount Exclusions, PP Discount % and the PP Discount Media settings are configured against Classifications where necessary.




  1. To Pay for items in a sale by redeeming Points


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal add a Customer/Member to a sale.
  2. Sell Items.
  3. Select Points Pay POS Key to open the Select Items to Pay with Points screen.
  4. Select from the items listed those that are to be paid with points.


This Points Pay screen is accessed from here and is used to select Items in a sale that will be paid for by redeeming loyalty Points.


  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving the selections.
  • Finish - Select to exit and save the selections and potentially finalise the sale.

  1. Select Finish to exit and return to the sales grid or finalise the sale.
    1. If all items were paid for using points, then the sale will be finalised.
    2. If not, then the sale will be re-displayed to allow for the outstanding amount to be finalised.


  1. Clearing Points Pay Items from a sale
    1. Once Items in a sale have been selected to be paid for using points by way of the Points Pay POS Key (as per above), these can be cleared as follows:
      1. Select anyone of the Points Pay entries in the sale and select the Clear Item POS Key.
      2. The following prompt will be displayed:


      1. Note : Selecting Clear in the above prompt will clear ALL Points Pay entries in the sale and NOT just the one selected.


Points Pay POS Key Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Available Interfaces - Select from the drop down list the required Interface. Note : If no interface is selected, the default used will be the interface which is set as Default in NetPOS.Net.
  • Set/Change Selected Interface - Select to select the interface selected above and set the Type and Instance.
  • Selected Interface Type - Displays the Type selected.
  • Selected Interface Instance - Displays the Instance selected.
  • Select All Available Items when Opening Screen - Select to ensure all items that can be paid with Points are selected.
  • Allow Multiple Tenders - Select to ensure multiple media can be used allowing only some of the items listed in the Select Items to Pay with Points screen to be selected. Note : if the No Other Media with Redemptions is selected at Touch, it will override the Allow Multilple Tenders if selected.


Related Topics


  1. Accounts
  2. Classifications
  3. Customer/Members
  4. How To - Custom Points Redeem per Product
  5. POS - Charge / Redemption
  6. POS Configurations
  7. POS Operations
  8. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  9. Terminal Settings