Web Store




The primary focus of the SwiftPOS Web Store application is to provide an add-on to Customers that are already running SwiftPOS Touch software and require the ability to take Orders via the Web. The Web Store application connects to the SwiftPOS database. Compared to the numerous Web Store applications that are out there on the market, the SwiftPOS version is a low cost add-on that offers simple no fuss functionality with full integration to the SwiftPOS database.


To Be Considered


  1. The Web Store will accept online payment by Eway or PayPal.
  2. SwiftPOS Web Store also has a Smart Phone Version available.
  3. Category linking is done via Categories.
  4. Ensure any PLU's created for Delivery/Shipping charges and/or Surcharges are assigned to a Family (Ensure it also flagged as a Web enabled) that is separate from the Family the Web Store Products are assigned to. If they exist in the same Family as the Products, then they will not be displayed in the Web Store.
  5. Redemption Ratios - By default, Web Store will use the Web Redemption Ratio. However, if it is set to zero, then the Classification's Redemption Ratio value set, will be used instead. However, if the Redemption Ratios feature has been used to configure Location based Redemption Ratios, then these will be used instead of the Classification's Redemption Ratio. This means that a sites needing to make use of Location based Redemption Ratios for Web Store, can now set the Web Redemption Ratio to zero and make use of the Classification's Redemption Ratios feature available.




  1. Accessing a Web Store


  1. If more than one Web Store is configured, then the Store Locations menu (as per the screen shot below) will be displayed.
  2. Click on the store you wish to enter.

  1. The Home page of the selected Web Store will be displayed.


Note : Products can be displayed in different ways. This is configured here.

  1. From here you can select the Product Families by selecting the appropriate tab at the top of the screen.
  2. You can also login, change the order the Products are displayed, as well as the number of items to displayed on the page.

  1. To View Product Information


  1. Select the More Details button associated with a Product, to view additional Product information.

  1. To Order a Product

    1. To order a Single item of a specific Product - Select the Add to Cart button associated with a Product, to add the Product to your Shopping Cart. This will view additional Product information.
    2. To order Multiple items of a specific Product - Select the More Details button associated with a Product, and then when the Product Detail screen is displayed (see above screen shot), select/enter the Quantity required and then select either the Add to Cart and Keep Shopping or the Add to Cart and Check Out button. Note : Products assigned to a Fractional Category can have a quantity entered up to 2 decimal places.  If more than 2 decimal places are entered, it will round back to 2 decimal places.


  1. Product Instructions


The SwiftPOS Web Store supports instructions on Products, and these are displayed in additional pop-out screens.

  1. To View your Orders (Shopping Cart)


  1. In the Shopping Cart, you can review your order, and make any necessary alterations.

  1. Checkout


  1. The Checkout is where you can finalise your details as seen below. Depending on the Web Stores configuration in SwiftPOS Back Office, you can adjust the amount of Points and Money to be used in the transaction, and also whether the order is for Pickup or Delivery.

  1. Create a Favourite Order


Orders can be saved as Favourites. For this option to be available to Customer/Members, the Create Touch Web Order option must be selected in the SwiftPOS Back Office. This can be found here. To create Favourite Order do as follows:


  1. Select Product Items and add them to the cart.
  2. Select Checkout Now.
  3. When the contents of the Shopping Cart are displayed and confirmed, select Proceed to Checkout.
  4. In the Order Details section of the screen, select the Add to Favourite Orders option and enter a name in the Favourite Order Name.


Note : The Order Details section will only display if the Create Touch Web Order option is selected in the SwiftPOS Back Office.

  1. Select Process Order to continue.


  1. To View your Favourite Orders


Members can save Touch orders as Favourites when placing Web Orders to Touch. These Favourite Orders can be recalled at a later date when logged into the Web Store in the same Location.

  1. When  placing the order, In the Order Details panel, select "Add to Favourite Orders" and give the Favourite Order a name up to 20 characters.

  1. To recall a Favourite Order, log into the Locations Web store, and select "My Favourite Orders" from the drop down menu on the Member Name.

  1. This will pop up the Favourite Orders window where you can add any of your Favourite Orders to the cart, or Delete any of your saved Favourite Orders.

  1. Trading Hours


When Trading Hours are configured, this will allow Orders at the Web store to be automatically set to the next Open trading time if orders are placed outside the Trading Hours.

  1. To view the Trading Hours select Trading Hours at the bottom of the Web Store page.

  1. This will display the Trading Hours that have been configured for this SwiftPOS Web Store.

  1. When placing a Web Order, the customer will only be allowed to select a date/time that is a valid Trading Hour. 

  1. The order times will be shown from the next available open time, in 15 minute intervals.

  1. Reservations




Related Topics


  1. Demo - http://webstores.swiftpos.com.au:4000/WebApps/Store
  2. POS - Phone/Web Order Operation
  3. POS - Table Tracking Settings - Order Settings
  4. Reseller Help
  5. Web Apps Overview - Web Store Features - Web Apps Setup - Web Store on a Smart Phone