Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Table Tracking
This menu item provides the ability to configure/customise the Table Tracking feature to suit the size of an establishment. Some Table Tracking related settings are also accessible from the Back Office > Touch Settings > Keyboards > Keyboards Menu.
To Be Considered
- Tables/Tabs
- Small Sites:
- If the requirement is to keep Tables/TABs open for more than one day, then we would recommend that Accounts are used instead. This will ensure that all the sales are accounted for, and the SOH is updated in the Back Office. At any time an Account summary (using the Account Print Back (#47) POS Key) can be printed and looks very much like a Table/TAB bill. Sometimes sites don't want to bother with TABs or with assigning a different ranges of Tables/TABs to different Locations. However, they still want to be able to decrement SOH and report on sales in the different Locations, but still allow Customers to move freely between Locations (for example, between Bar and Restaurant) without having to continually do Table/TAB Transfers. Note : The Enable Single Transaction Sales Mode option must NOT be selected in order to report hourly sales and sales by the different Locations.
- Assign all your Tables/TABs to a single Location. This would normally be the Location that uses Tables/TABs the most.
- Ensure that the Tables/TABs are visible in all other Locations where you want them to be visible.
- Enable Consolidated X and Z Reporting to make balancing easier, however this is optional.
- Allow committing with Open Tables/TABs - Configuring the settings via Report Settings, allows Tables/TABs to be left open at the end of the night when end of day reports are produced. Leaving Tables/TABs open over long periods of time make it difficult to do end of day balancing. However some sites insist on working this way. The recommendation is to charge the Table/TAB off to an account in the SwiftPOS Back Office so it can be dealt with at a later date. This makes it easier to do end of day balancing as all Tables/TABs are closed when end of day reports are run.
- Waiter Mode - This feature allows the Tables to be finalised using a Tender/Payment POS Key on the current (Waiter) terminal. Otherwise, the only choice available is to charge items to a Table or TAB. This setting is terminal specific and not Location specific. This means that the Keyboard Layout used at Cashier terminals can also be used at Waiter terminals, avoiding the requirement of staff needing to learn multiple keyboards. To use this feature a Waiter Terminal Licence will need to be purchased.
- Note : Please ensure the Table Tracking database has been backed up before changing any of the settings.
Table Tracking - General
This screen is accessed from here.
- Connected To - Select the Set button to open the Connect to Server screen and configure the SQL Server Connection to establish a connection to the Table Tracking database. If the Table Tracking database is local then enter as the server name. Note : A Table Tracking connection is NOT always required. For example a small Cafe using Table Tents would have no need for one. Instead use of the Hold / Recall Sale POS Key can be made. When Kitchen Video Monitors, Consolidated Reporting, Available Servings (Product Countdowns), Tables or Tabs etc. are being used then a connection is required.
- Versions: SQL Server & TT: - Displays the current version of both the SQL Server and Table Tracking database.
- Enable - Select to enable Table Tracking for the selected Location.
- Master - Select to ensure the current SwiftPOS Touch terminal is the designated Master terminal in the current Location. The Master terminal handles data updates to the Table Tracking database and is also the terminal at which Z reports should be generated when consolidated reporting is enabled. Note : If there are multiple Locations making use of Table Tracking features, then each one must have a designated Master terminal. This is also a requirement for Menu Boards. Also, when this option is selected and Table Tracking is enabled, and the Prompt for Cash Drawer Assignment option is selected (in Fast Clerks mode), then the Reports > Report Options > Cash Off by Cash Drawer option will be accessible to select/unselect.
- Reindex Master - Select to ensure that the current SwiftPOS Touch terminal is set as the Reindex Master. This option is only useful to those sites that have multiple Locations, make use of a single Table Tracking database, have multiple Table Tracking Master terminals, and make use of Raffle Tickets. To avoid deadlocks occurring, on restart of the Touch terminals, when Raffles are reindexed, select one of the SwiftPOS Touch terminals to be the Reindex Master.
- Waiter Terminal - Select to ensure that the SwiftPOS Touch terminal is set to Waiter Mode. This will ensure that no sales can be finalised from this SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Consolidated X/Z reporting - Select to ensure X reports run from each of the SwiftPOS Touch terminals are consolidated into one Z report for all terminals. If this option was NOT selected then X and Z reporting will need to be performed at each POS terminal. It is still possible to view reports on any POS terminal with consolidation enabled and it is also highly recommended that it be used when Table Tracking is in use. Note : Covers will not show with this setting enabled. Also, this option will be disabled when the Cash Off by Cash Drawer option is selected.
- Header - This consolidates the headers when using Consolidated Reporting. Note : This option is only enabled if the Enable Consolidated X and Z reporting is selected.
- Terminals - Select to ensure Totals for all POS Terminals are reported rather than reporting for each specific POS Terminal. Note : This option is only enabled if the Enable Consolidated X and Z reporting is selected.
Once selected, X reports will need to be run at all POS terminals in order for them to be to be consolidated at the Master Terminal when the Z report is run. The reason for this, is that the Master Terminal is not aware of which POS Terminals are still in use or not. Running the X reports at each of the POS terminals indicates they are closed and not in use and are available for consolidation when the Z report is run at the Master Terminal. This means POS terminals that are still in use will NOT get locked by the Z report.
For example, a site with 2 Locations, say a Restaurant and a Bar, and where the Restaurant closes at 9pm and the Bar closes at midnight. X reports would be run at all the Restaurant POS terminals at close (9pm) and then also at all Bar POS terminals at close (midnight). Once all X reports have been done then the Z report is run at the Master Terminal, which gathers all the X reads and consolidates them into the Z report. If the Z report was done when the Restaurant closed it would lock all the Bar POS terminals as well.
- Delayed Printing - Select to enable delayed printing. This ensures the Table Tracking Master terminal monitors Tables for items that have been marked for delayed printing. For more information ...
- Auto Commit Clerk Time Clock Data - Select to ensure that Time Clerk data is committed automatically and sent to the Back Office. Note : When this option is selected, the Preview Time Clock Data POS Key is not required, as Time Clerk data does not require committing. Also, the entry of Shift Notes will NOT be possible.
- Manual Report Data - Select to enable this feature, which is primarily for sites that use Table Tracking and have an unreliable wireless network, causing frequent connection loss to the Table Tracking database. For more information ...
- Reprice on Member Swipe - Select to ensure that all Table Items are repriced, when a Customer/Member is added to the Table. Note : Selecting this option may result in Happy Hour pricing, already applied to products in the sale, being removed when the Member is added to the sale.
- Enable Single Transaction Sales Mode - For more information ...
Note : You cannot change this if you have Tables open currently, it must be done at the end of the day after the Z Reports have been completed.
Note : If you enable this feature, you will not get consecutive receipt numbers in the SwiftPOS Back Office because all the transactions from multiple SwiftPOS Touch terminals are consolidated into a single sale. Without Create Single Sales File For Every Table - Every time you open a Table or add items to a Table, etc., this will consume a receipt number. These receipt numbers will not get sent back to SwiftPOS Back Office until the Table is finalised. These receipt numbers will then return with the correct Date/Time from when they were consumed. |
Cloud Sync Service
Displays the current status of the Cloud Sync Service and provides access to the Update and Run Console buttons.
- Create Database - Select to create a Table Tracking Database. Note : This button is only enabled when no Connection Setup is configured.
- Tools - Select to login and open the Table Tracking Tools Menu. Note : A Master password is required to access this menu.
- Reset & Upgrade - Select to reset the Table Tracking database and upgrade it to the latest version. Note : The following prompt will be displayed if it is detected that the database is already been upgraded by another Touch terminal.
- Locations - Select to open the Table Tracking Locations screen and select the Locations.
- Table / TAB # Ranges - Select to open the Table / TAB # Ranges screen and set the Table /TAB Numbers.
Table/TABs 1
This tab is accessed from here.
- Allow Cancel Sale Table - Select to allow a Table sale to be cancelled. This can be overridden so that it is restricted to Manager's only.
- Allow Cancel Sale TAB - Select to allow a TAB sale to be cancelled. This can be overridden so that it is restricted to Manager's only.
- Allow Item Clearing - Select to allow items to be cleared off a Table. If selected then use the Credit Item POS Key to remove an item from the sale. This can be security password controlled so that it is restricted to Manager's only. To distinguish items credited using this feature from other credited items refer to Reason Codes.
- Allow Table Sales Only - Select to ensure that prior to adding a Product to a sale, a Table has to have been already opened. If not, an appropriate prompt will be displayed to enforce this. Note : Transfers In/Out to other Locations or Phone/Web orders will not be able to be done when this feature is selected.
- Auto Save Table after Seconds of inactivity - The auto save option enables Tables to be saved automatically after a specified period of inactivity. To turn this feature off simply set the auto save value to 0 seconds. This feature should be used if you have staff that are leaving tables open on their waiter stations. If the table is not closed then it is not possible to open the table from another SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Recommend to set this to 45 seconds.
- Tables - Displays the current Table # range as configured by the Table / TABs # Ranges button.
- TABs - Displays the current TAB # range as configured by the Table / TABs # Ranges button.
- Default Order Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following:
Note : Normally set to Eat In, this will ensure the Order Type is defaulted to Eat In whenever a sale is made that is linked to a Table. The default Order Type can always be modified later (when using Table First Mode) by making use of the Order Type POS Key. Table Last Mode will always use the default Order Type selected here. Also a default Order Type can also be set for all sales. This can be set here. |
- Hide Clerk Info when Opening a Saved Table - Select this to exclude Clerk/Staff Member related information (number and name) from being inserted into the sales grid whenever a saved Table is opened.
Available Servings
- Enable - Select to enable the Available Servings feature and display the Available Servings quantity on preconfigured Product POS Key(s) that have the Check Available Servings setting selected. The Available Servings feature stores all of it's data within the Table Tracking database.Lock to Master after Guest Bill Issued - Select to ensure only the Master Terminal can open a Table once the guest bill has been printed. Note : If OrderAway and/or TouchMini are being used, then when Available Servings is enabled here, then in the Location selected in the Retrieve Setting From setting below, then the Turn on quantity checks option will need to be enabled in OrderAway and/or on each TouchMini device within the same Location.
- Retrieve Settings From - Select from the drop down list the Location from which the Available Servings quantity will be retrieved and then be displayed on the Product POS Key(s) at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. The default is the current Location.
- Disable Out of Stock Buttons - Select to ensure that when Available Servings quantity of zero has been reached the Kiosk button for that item is disabled. Note : This only applies to Product POS Keys that have the Check Available Servings option selected and are also included in a Kiosk 1 or 2 style Keyboard. An example of a disabled Kiosk button is:
For more information re Available Servings |
Table/TABs 2
This tab is accessed from here.
- Kitchen Print Transfer Table Options - Select from the drop down list one of the following options for Table Transfers:
- Don't Prompt - Select to ensure a Kitchen Print of the Transfer is always printed in the Kitchen. Note : This is the default option.
- Prompt - Select to ensure Clerk/Staff Members are prompted to confirm whether a Kitchen Print of the Transfer is to be printed in the Kitchen.
- Never Print - Select to ensure a Kitchen Print is never printed.
- Lock to Master after Guest Bill Issued - Select to ensure the Table is locked to the Master Terminal once the Guest Bill has been issued.
- Lock Table to Opening Clerk - Select to ensure only the Clerk/Staff Member that initially opened the Table will be able to re-open the Table. Any other Clerk/Staff Member will require the entering of the details of an authorised Clerk/Staff Member. Once the correct details are added, a prompt will be displayed to switch the Table to the new Clerk/Staff Member, so next time, they can open the Table without requiring authorisation.
- Lock Terminal To Table - Select the Table number for this Terminal to be locked to. Key points :
- Checked requires the Table number to be selected to which the current terminal is to be locked to. Checked also means Table Last Mode can only be used.
- Unchecked the Lock To Table number returns to zero.
- If the master terminal has lock to master after guest bill printed, and they do a guest bill, you can not add more items from the non master, if this feature is enabled, that sale will be cancelled
- Table sales can only be finalised at SwiftPOS Touch terminals in this Location that do not have this setting checked.
- Prompt for Covers Only - Select to prompt the Clerk/Staff Member to enter a number of covers whenever a Table is created. Note : If both the Prompt for Table Info and the Prompt for Covers Only options are selected, then SwiftPOS Touch will default to the Prompt for Table Info option.
- Auto Step Seat - Select to ensure that the Auto Stepping through Seats feature is enabled. This feature is primarily designed for fine dining Restaurants to enable the quick allocation of Seats. The Course (#585), Previous Seat (#586) and Next Seat (#587) POS Keys are also available as part of this feature. Note : This option will only be enabled if the Prompt for Covers Only option is selected.
- Prompt for Kitchen Print on Clearing Items - Select to ensure the Kitchen is notified whenever items are cleared from a Table order.
- Prompt for Table Info - Select to invoke the Table info screen whenever a new Table is created. The Table info screen allows covers, booking information and credit limits to be set against the Table.
- Prompt for Table Clean Mode - Select to ensure a prompt is displayed to place the Table into clean mode.
- Prompt when X Covers is exceeded - Select to warn Clerk/Staff Members when an entered Covers exceeds the X limit specified. if covers over the specified limit are to be added to a table. Assists in avoiding too large Covers from being entered.
- Sort Split Bill by Description - Select to sort the split bill screen alphabetically by Product description.
Table/TABs 3
This tab is accessed from here.
- Save Member to Table - Select to determine whether a Customer/Member on a Table is returned on subsequent openings of the same Table before the sale is finalised. If you choose not to add the Customer/Member to the Table when the purchases are made, then you can use the Subtotal POS Key to change to member's pricing prior to finalisation. Note : If Table Last Mode is used with a Table that has a member saved, it will NOT save the items to the Table at Member Price. Table First Mode should be used. To get items saved via Table Last Mode to re-price at the end, the Clerk will need to either re-lookup the member at the end OR use the Subtotal key with Apply Price Level setting set. Warning that doing either will potentially remove Happy Hour pricing which might have been applicable when the products were added to the Table.
- Save Open Tables/TABs every X mins - Select to ensure a text file is generated, that contains data related to all currently open Tables/TABS. This is used to enable the saving of all open Tables/TABs. The saved information can be used to recover lost data as a result of a system failure. The data saved will need to be re-entered, where appropriate, once the system is available again. Once configured a .TXT file will be generated at the frequency set and written to the selected path. The file will be named as follows: TableReport_T3 - Restaurant.txt. Where T3 - Restaurant is the name of the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Note : This tab will only be enabled when the Terminal is a Table Tracking Master.
- X mins - Displays/Set the frequency in minutes that a file is to be generated.
- To - Displays/Select the Location to which the file will be written.
- Include Details - Select to ensure that the file generated will include a breakdown of all items.
An example of a saved file with Include Details selected. |
- Table / TAB Media - Select to open the Table / TAB Media screen (below) to restrict the Media available for selection taking Payments for a Table/TAB.
Select from the Media List of available Medias (left hand side) to add to the list of Selected Media (right hand side) to restrict the Media available for selection when taking Deposits/Payments for Limits applying to Tables/TABs. Note : Select the Integrated option opposite the appropriate Media to ensure that it is flagged as an EFTPOS Media, and thus will require EFTPOS authorisation. Also, the text (Integrated) will appear to the left of the Media name in the Finalise Sale prompt when finalising a Table/Tab Deposit/Payment. |
- Use Reservations to Seat Tables - Select to ensure Tables can only be opened from within Reservations.
- Warn on Table/TAB Finalise - Select to avoid Clerk/Staff from accidentally pressing the Cash POS Key and finalising a sale, when in fact it should have been saved to a Table. This feature will alert the Clerk/Staff Member prior to finalising to a payment Media.
- Warn when X % of the Table Limit is exceeded - Displays/Enter the percentage value of the Table Limit, that once exceeded will result in a Warning being displayed to the Clerk/Staff Member. This is to ensure a Clerk/Staff Members can bring this to the attention of Customers/Members. For example, if a value of 80 (%) is entered against a Table that has a Table Limit of $100.00, then when the total value of orders placed against the Table exceeds $80.00, a Warning prompt will be displayed.
- Allow POS API to Finalise Tables With No Remaining Balance - Select to ensure the POS API automatically finalise and close Tables when payment is received in full for the outstanding balance. Note : This option may also be considered when TouchMini's Table service option is in use at a Venue.
This tab is accessed from here.
- Enable - Select to ensure that a Table is selected prior to finalising a sale where any Products from the selected Categories (see Categories below), are in the sale. Products that are not in the selected Categories, can be added to a sale without a Table being selected. This does not limit the items placed on a Table. For example, any food sales would require a Table, but drink sales would not require a Table. This feature was designed for a Bar POS Terminal where they order 2 drinks and a Burger which will force the food orders onto a table number. You would not use this feature in a Bistro area because all orders are on tables anyway. Note : This feature is not compatible with KVS when in Journal Mode.
- Prompt For - Select from the drop down list one of the following to select what happens when restricted items are detected on finalising a sale.
- Caption - Displays/Enter the Message Box Caption.
- Message - Displays/Enter the Message Box message.
Once enabled and a Product is sold that is in one of the restricted Categories selected, the Message Box prompt will be displayed. Click OK to open the Open Tables/TABs for All Clerks screen to either add or open a Table/TAB for the restricted Products. Note : If instead a Bistro Table is required to be opened, then cancel out of the Open Tables/TABs for All Clerks screen, and add or open a Bistro table. |
Note : This feature is not compatible with KVS when in Journal Mode.
Bistro Tables
This tab is accessed from here.
- Allow Cancel of Bistro Sale - Select to allow a Bistro Table sale to be cancelled. This can be overridden so that it is restricted to Manager's only.
- Alert Inactivity After X mins - Displays/Set the time in minutes for a Bistro Table to not have any activity. The B displayed in the Status Info of the SwiftPOS Touch Toolbar will change to an orange B, alerting the operator that Bistro Tables may need attending.
- Auto Close All Bistro Tables - Select to ensure Bistro Tables are automatically closed when the order goes to the kitchen. It is recommended to deselect this feature when using Reservations. As then, the Bistro Table will only be closed when the guests have left and the Table has been cleared.
- Enable ordering from Floor Plan - Select to use Bistro Tables in Floor Plan Display.
- Use Reservations - Select to ensure Bistro Tables can only be opened from within Reservations. More information ...
This tab is accessed from here.
- Enable - Select to enable.
- Report Area - Select from the drop down list one of the following, to match the reporting level that is required.
This is normally the End of Shift or End of Day Report resetting. |
- Password - Set to limit other staff members from being able to view the web page without the correct password.
- Theme - Select from the drop down list the preferred theme (colour scheme) for the Dashboard.
- Refresh Interval - Displays/Set the interval in seconds between updates.
- Region - Select from the drop down list the appropriate Region.
Reseller Help - For POS Dashboard Setup information
This tab is accessed from here and is used to enable the alerting of Clerks/Staff to the fact that Fuel Prices have changed in the Back Office.
- Alert on Fuel Price Change - Select to enable.
- Allowed Snoozes - Displays/Enter the number of times the Clerk/Staff Member is allowed to snooze the alert. After which the alert is displayed repeatedly at the Short Snooze interval set.
- Long Snooze - Displays/Set the time in minutes that is required to elapse before the Fuel Price Change alert is displayed again after the Clerk/Staff Member has elected to snooze the first alert.
- Short Snooze - Displays/Set the time in minutes that is required to elapse before the Fuel Price Change alert is displayed.
This tab is accessed from here and is used to configure the settings for Phone/Web Orders.
- Master - Select to ensure the current SwiftPOS Touch terminal is the designated Master terminal for Orders in the current Location.
- Disable Finalising Delayed Order Prompt - Select to ensure the Finalising a Delayed Order prompt is not displayed.
- With no balance & not Delayed - This setting will print any orders that come in with no delay and are fully paid. These orders will not appear in the "orders" at Touch. Note : There will be no receipt for these orders. You can print a receipt if required from Review Transactions.
Select to ensure all new Orders created using the New Order POS Key will always be created with the Order Type selected here. If not selected then a prompt will be displayed whenever a new Order is created, prompting the selection of the Order Type. |
- Enable Caller ID - Select to enable.
- Port - Displays/Set the Port number for the Caller ID Peripheral.
- Print delayed orders xx mins delivery - Displays/Enter the average time in minutes to cater for the preparation of Orders prior to Pickup/Delivery. If for example, the time here is set to 30 minutes, then 30 minutes prior to the Pickup/Delivery Date-Time, the Order will be printed at the Kitchen printer triggering the preparation of the Order. If more time is required for an individual Order, then the Kitchen Docket can be printed manually by selecting the Print button here. Note : To ensure Orders are printed immediately (regardless of the delay time) once an Order is saved, enter a minutes value of -1 here.
- Show Member / Booking Name - Select to ensure both names are displayed in the Phone / Web Orders screen. If not selected, by default the Booking Name will be displayed.
- Use Company Address for Delivery Directions - Select to ensure the Address recorded against Locations, Location Groups (Venues) and Registration (SwiftPOS Rego) are used, in that order, to determine the directions that will be displayed when the Google Maps button is selected, in the Directions column of the Phone / Web Orders screen.
- Sort Rows in Pending Order By - Select from the drop down lists to change the way Orders are listed in the Phone / Web Orders screen.
This tab is accessed from here.
See Terminal > tyro Platform for additional Setup.
Payment Media - Select the Payment Media to be used.
Surcharge PLU - Select the PLU to be used for Tyro Connect surcharges.
This tab is accessed from here and is used to configure the Metcash eCommerce (Shop My Local) settings required to ensure the successful placing of orders by Customer via a Metcash Web Store. In conjunction with the settings configured here, attention will also need to be given to configuration of the settings required in the Service Monitor here.
Enable Metcash eCommerce - Select to enable.
API URL - Enter the URL details provided.
Application Key - Displays/Enter the key provided.
Subscription Key - Displays/Enter the key provided.
Bearer Token - Displays/Enter the token provided.
Store ID - Displays/Enter the your Store's ID.
Site ID - Displays/Enter the your Site's ID.
Payment Media - Displays/Enter the payment Media ID.
Delivery Charge PLU - Displays/Enter the PLU of the Delivery Charge Product.
Table Tracking Locations
This screen is accessed from here.
- Active - Toggle select to set whether Tables in the Locations listed are visible (True) or not (False) from the current terminal. Note : Locations will only be listed if they have a Master Terminal enabled.
Table / TAB # Ranges
This screen is accessed from here. The Table / TAB # Ranges screen is used to configure ranges of Table / TAB numbers in the different Locations in a Location Group (Venue).
If TABs are to be transferred from the Bar to the Restaurant (Table), then instead of using TABs, it is recommended that a Table # Range is created for the Bar. Then using the Table Transfer feature, these Bar Tables can be transferred to a Restaurant Table.
Alternatively, one or more Restaurant Tables can be linked to a TAB. This would ensure that the Table can be finalised to a TAB using the Finalise to TAB POS Key. The Table(s) will be effectively be paid for when the linked TAB is eventually finalised.
- ID - Displays the Location number.
- Location / TAB - Displays the name of the Locations in the Location Group (Venue).
- From/To - Displays/Set the Table / TAB # Range for the selected Location/TABs. Table # Ranges CAN OVERLAP between Locations. A value of zero in both columns indicates no Tables are assigned to that Location. Even though there are no Tables assigned to a Location, any terminals in that Location can still access the Tables from other Locations (if they have Table / TAB # Ranges configured).
- Barcode Prefix - Select to open the Enter Barcode Prefix prompt to enter a Barcode Prefix. For example, Enter TAB for TAB related Barcodes and TBL for Table related Barcodes.
- 2D - Select the 2D option to ensure the Barcode is printed as a 2D Barcode rather than a 1D.
- OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
- Cancel - Select to exit without saving.
Table Tracking Tools Menu
This menu is accessed from here.
The Table Tracking database tools menu contains a number of maintenance tasks that can be performed on the Table Tracking database.
- Backup Database - Select to perform a backup of the Table Tracking database. Please note that regular backups of ALL databases should be carried out as a scheduled task. Note : Please ensure a backup of the Table Tracking database has been done before selecting anyone of the following menu items:
- Reindex Database - Select to reindex the Table Tracking database. This can improve access speed in certain circumstances.
- Shrink Database - Select to shrink the database.
- Clear Database - Select to clear the entire Table Tracking database (excluding Table maps). This should be done in the following circumstances:
- On any new site prior to going live.
- If the Software Upgrade instructions advise it.
- Clear One Table - Select to clear a single Table by entering the Table Number. Generally only used in an emergency.
- Clear ALL Orders & Tables - Select to clear all web orders and Tables from the Table Tracking. Note : Do not use this feature on a live site!
- Clear ALL Global Held Sales - Select to clear all of the held sales stored in the Table Tracking database. Note : Do not use this feature on a live site!
- Clear OLD Orders - Select to clear out old phone/web orders.
- Clear Menuboard Tables - Select to clear any schedules or Menu Board designs to ensure the update from the SwiftPOS Back Office current.
- Clear ALL Reservations - Select to clear all reservations in the Table Tracking database. Note : Do not use this feature on a live site!
- Clear WIFI Codes - Select to clear the Vending Table if required.
- Clear Clock In / Out Data - Select to clear all of the held sales stored in the Table Tracking database.
- Clear Visitor Photos - Select to clear all of the held sales stored in the Table Tracking database.
Close - Select to exit.
This menu is accessed by selecting the right arrow in the top left hand corner of the Table Tracking Tools Menu above.
- Clear Call Item Data - Select to clear all the Call Item data in the Table Tracking database.
- Clear Raffle Data - Select to clear all the Raffle data stored in the Table Tracking database.
- Clear Raffle Tickets - Select to clear all the Raffle Tickets stored in the Table Tracking database.
- Clear KVS Sales - Select to clear all the KVS Sales data stored in the Table Tracking database.
- Clear KVS Settings - Select to clear all the KVS Settings data stored in the Table Tracking database.
- Clear Expired Vending Codes - Select to clear all Vending Codes that have been used and have expired for more than 30 days.
- Clear Terminal IDs in Report Data - Select to clear all Terminal IDs in Report Data. This will ensure that any old and obsolete POS terminals previously reported on in X and Z reporting will no longer be included as part of these reports.
- Set 0 Default Available Servings To -1 - Select to ensure the default value for Available Servings that have NOT BEEN set is reset to -1.
Close - Select to exit.
Scan TAB/Table Barcodes
The scanning of TAB/Table Barcodes can be done at SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
This enables Barcodes to be scanned, and the TAB/Table to be opened at Touch, or items added to a TAB/Table without knowing the TAB/Table number. To do this, do the following:
- Add a Card Mask
Add the Card Masks similar to the ones below () , to the Barcode Scanner Peripheral.
This screen is accessed from here and is used to add/manage card masks that are generally required when using a Barcode Scanner Peripheral. In the example above the TAB and Table card masks have been configured to scan for a 4 digit TAB/Table number.
- Configure the Table / TAB # Ranges
Set the Barcode Prefix for the Table / TAB # Ranges, as can be seen in the example below.
This screen is accessed from here.
2D - Select the 2D option to ensure the Barcode is printed as a 2D Barcode. |
- Print a TAB/Table Barcode
- Select the TAB/Table (#30) POS Key to open the TAB/Tables screen listing the currently open TABs/Tables.
- Select the Barcode button on the right of the TAB/Table for which a Barcode is to be printed. The following popup will be displayed:
This screen is accessed from here. |
- Select either Print or Email. This will result in the Barcode being printed/emailed.
Example of a Table/TAB Barcode ticket printed, that can then be scanned at the SwiftPOS Touch Terminal and new items added to the Table/TAB.
Note : The text appearing in the highlighted areas (in the example above) can be customised via the Receipt Messages button associated with the Receipt Printer Peripheral. In the example above the Table/TAB 25 text is generated using the {Table Number} variable. The non-highlighted area CANNOT be customised. |
- Open a TAB/Table
- Scan the TAB/Table Barcode at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- The TAB/Table's items will be loaded into the sales grid.
- Add an item to a TAB/Table
- Sell an item.
- Scan the TAB/Table Barcode.
- The item will be automatically added to the TAB/Table.
Consolidated Reporting
This feature is used to only allow the Master Terminal in each Location (when Table Tracking is enabled) to run Z reports and perform a reset. All other SwiftPOS Touch terminals will only be able to run X reports. They will not be able to do a reset. This feature is specific to Table Tracking and is the recommended way to do reporting at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
To Be Considered
- If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.
- Consolidated Reporting will also consolidate any Table Charges done on waiter stations with payments done on the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Ensure the Function Print Reports POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
- Ensure Table Tracking has been enabled.
- Ensure the Master Terminal has been configured in each Location.
- Ensure the Table Tracking setting Consolidated X and Z Reporting is selected.
- On all other SwiftPOS Touch terminals (except the Master Terminal), ensure the Lock Terminal setting is selected after running the X reports.
Please use the following process to correctly use the Consolidated Reporting feature. These instructions start off from a point during trade where a SwiftPOS Touch terminal (not the Master Terminal) is ready to be shutdown for the day.
- Run a daily X report on the SwiftPOS Touch terminal (not the Master Terminal) and print the report if required.
- The SwiftPOS Touch terminal should be automatically locked, as outlined above.
- As other SwiftPOS Touch terminals are no longer required for trade repeat steps 1 and 2 above for each.
- When trade has completed for the day ensure that any remaining SwiftPOS Touch terminals other than the Master Terminal have had their X report run.
- Run a daily Z report on the Master Terminal. You will notice that the report includes a Z report for all of the other SwiftPOS Touch terminals in the Location.
- When the Z report is reset all of the other SwiftPOS Touch terminals in the Location will also be reset and unlocked.
Manual Report Date Update feature with X/Z Reporting (for unreliable wireless networks)
This feature is all about X/Z-Report data, where it is stored and when it is updated. The feature was introduced for sites that have unreliable wireless networks and were having problems balancing Z-Reports. It is not recommend to use the Terminal Lock screen after every sale because that is the trigger to move Z-Report data to the Table Tracking Master. If you are still half out of wireless range at the end of the sale then you may still suffer report balancing issues.
- Disabled - Default.
- Every time a transaction occurs on a Waiter Terminal, the X/Z-Report data is saved to the Table Tracking Master for each sale.
- Table/TAB charges update the Table Tracking Master and sales are sent to the Back Office as per normal.
- Consolidated X and Z Reporting:
- Enabled - X/Z-Reports on the Table Tracking Master will report on all POS Terminals.
- Disabled - X/Z-Reports on each POS Terminal request the X/Z Report totals from the Table Tracking Master.
- Enabled - This feature is primarily for sites that use Table Tracking and have an unreliable wireless network, causing frequent connection loss to the Table Tracking database.
- Every time a transaction occurs on a Waiter Terminal, the X/Z-Report data is saved locally for each sale.
- Table/TAB charges update the Table Tracking Master and sales are sent to the Back Office as per normal.
- Consolidated X and Z Reporting:
- Enabled ? Waiter terminals need to be locked manually or do an X-Read and lock, which will send the locally held Report data to the Table Tracking Master and then produce the X/Z Consolidated Report on the Table Tracking Master.
- Disabled ? All X/Z report data is saved locally. Z-Reports on each POS Terminal send the locally held X/Z Report data to the Table Tracking Master and then produce the X/Z Report locally. Ideally, this would happen at the end of the shift when you do the Z-Reports.
If Waiter terminals are not locked then the consolidated reports will be missing sales data.
If the Waiter Terminals are out of wireless range then they cannot be locked.
Note : If Table Tracking is NOT being used, then all X/Z Reporting is done locally at each SwiftPOS Touch Terminal. To keep things simple it is recommended to NOT connect to a Table Tracking Database.
Related Topics
- POS - Reporting Operation - How Table Tracking effects Reporting at the POS
- POS - Table/TAB/Bistro Table Operations
- POS Configuration Index - Table/TAB Configuration
- POS Operation
- POS Operation Index - Table/TAB Features
- Touch Toolbar and Tools
- Terminal Settings