Supplier Reports


Back Office >Reports > Suppliers




Nearly all of the Reports in SwiftPOS can be filtered by either a date range or data. The date range can either be selected from the drop down list of Periods or entered manually.




Report Name



Report Description

Inventory Postings



Reports on all Products posted from Supplier Invoices grouped by either Product Group or Master Group. Note : If the Enable Location Based Suppliers option is selected then grouping can be done by Parent Supplier.


By Product Group - Lists Product Group, Invoice/Credit, Supplier, Posting Date, Transaction Date, Posting Clerk, Location, Product, Case Qty, Cases, Units, Total Units, Unit Cost (Excl/Incl Tax) and Total Cost (Excl/Incl Tax). This report can be sorted by Product Description or Product Code/PLU.

By Master Group - Lists Master Group, Invoice/Credit, Supplier, Posting Date, Transaction Date, Posting Clerk, Location, Product, Case Qty, Cases, Units, Total Units, Unit Cost (Excl/Incl Tax) and Total Cost (Excl/Incl Tax). This report can be sorted by Product Description or Product Code/PLU.

Inventory Postings Summary




Similar to the Inventory Postings report above, except it is summarises by Product Group or Master Group, or Product Code. Note : If the Enable Location Based Suppliers option is selected then grouping can be done by Parent Supplier as well.


By Product Group - Lists Product Group, Posting Clerk, Cases, Units, Total Units, Unit Cost (Excl/Incl Tax) and Total Cost (Excl/Incl Tax).

By Master Group - Lists Master Group, Posting Clerk, Cases, Units, Total Units, Unit Cost (Excl/Incl Tax) and Total Cost (Excl/Incl Tax).

By Product Code - Lists Product Code, Posting Clerk, Size/UOM, Cases, Units, Total Units, Unit Cost (Excl/Incl Tax) and Total Cost (Excl/Incl Tax).

Product Cost Variation Report



By Product Group - Lists Product Group, Product, Supplier, Average Cost, Average Current, Invoice Variance and current Price Levels. Also lists Location, Current Cost and suggested new selling prices.

By Master Group - Lists Master Group, Product, Supplier, Average Cost, Average Current, Invoice Variance, Current Cost and current Price Levels. Also lists Location, Current Cost and suggested new selling prices.

Purchase Order Authorisation Audit



Reports on Purchase Orders that required/require authorisation. Lists the Location, Order Date, Order #, Supplier, Status, Order Value, Requested Date/Time, Approved Date/Time and Clerk, Notification Clerks and Authorisation Clerks.

Purchase Order Delivery Summary



Reports on Purchase Order Deliveries grouped by Date Required. Lists Date Required, Transaction Date, Purchase Order #, Location # and Description, Supplier Name, Phone #, Event ID and Request ID. This report can be sorted by Date Required, Event ID, Location, Supplier or Transaction Date. This report can be grouped by Date Required, Event ID, Location, Supplier or Transaction Date. 

In addition the detailed version lists the Clerk instead of the Transaction Date.

Purchase Order Detailed



Reports on Purchase Orders selected by Status (Unauthorised/Authorised/Partially Filled/Submitted). Lists Supplier, Purchase Order, Date Created, Product Code (Stock Item) and Description, Qty, Cost and Total value ordered.  This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU.

Purchase Order Summary



Reports on Purchase Orders selected by Status (Unauthorised/Authorised/Partially Filled/Submitted). Lists Supplier, Purchase Order, Transaction Date, Posted Date, Location, Order Status and Purchase Total.

Purchases Aging Report



Reports on the Total value (Inc) of Products Purchased and the Unit Cost the same Products were purchased for in the selected From month and the 6 months previous to that. Products reported are grouped by Supplier. Lists the Supplier, Product, Supplier Code, Stock on Hand (SOH), Total value of purchases and the Unit Cost for the selected From month and the six months previous to that.

Purchases by Category



Reports on Purchases summarised by Category. Lists Category, Unit Qty, Value Purchased (Inc), Tax on Purchases and Value Purchased (Exc).

Supplier Contract Exception



Reports on Products purchased at prices that vary from the Contract Price grouped by Supplier. Lists the Supplier, Invoice Date, Invoice #, Supplier Code, Product, Purchase Price and  Contract Price. Note : The Contract Price reported can be either the default Contract Price or the Contract Price current as at the Invoice Date.

Supplier Cost Variation



Reports on the Variances in Product Purchases over a selected date Range, grouped by Product Group. Lists Product Group # and Description, Average Cost, Average Current, Current Cost, Contract Cost, Invoice Variance % and Contract Variance %.

In addition the detailed version lists the Inventory Code, Supplier ID, Supplier Code and Description.

Supplier Cost Variation (12Months)



Reports on Variances in Product Costs over the 12 months prior to the selected date, grouped by Product Group. Lists Product Group # and Description, Stock (Product) Code, Supplier ID, PLU # and Description, Cost for the previous 12 months and the Year Average.

Supplier Detailed Transactions



Reports on Supplier Invoices in detail depending on the Status selected. Lists the Supplier, Posting Clerk, Reverence (Invoice #), Transaction Date, Posted Date, Posted Location, Total Received value, Discount value, Freight value, Discount Apportioned (True/False), Transaction Total, Rounding value, Freight Dispersal Method. Product, Supplier Code, Case Qty (# Case), Cases, Units, New Cost, Old Cost, Variance %, Variance $, Tax, Total (Ex), Total (Inc) Freight (Ex) and Costing Method (C/M). This report can be sorted by As Ordered, Product Description or Code.

Supplier Listing



Reports on all Suppliers. Lists Supplier ID and Name, Address, Contact Name, Phone #, Fax #, Current Purchases, Total Purchases and Last Purchase Date.

Supplier Products



Reports on all Products assigned to Suppliers, grouped by Product Group. Lists the Product Group # and Description, Supplier Code, Supplier ID, PLU # and Description, Size, Case Qty, Last Date Purchased, Last Cost Purchased and Contract Cost. This report can be filtered by Primary Supplier or All Suppliers.

Supplier Products with Contract Pricing



Reports on Products assigned to Suppliers that currently have Contract Pricing arrangements, grouped by Product Group. Lists the Product Group # and Description, Supplier Code, Supplier ID, Product Code/PLU and Description, Size, Case Qty, Last Purchase Date, Last Purchase Price, Contract Price. Start Nuy Period and End Buy Period.

Supplier Purchases




Reports on the Purchases and Sales of Products that are assigned to the selected Supplier(s). Lists either the Master Group or Product Group, Sales Qty and SOH. This report can be sorted by Product Code, PLU or Product Description.


In addition the detailed version lists the Product, Supplier Code and Product Description.

Supplier Purchases & Sales Summary



Reports on the Purchases and Sales of Products that are assigned to the selected Supplier(s). Lists either the Master Group or Product Group, Opening Stock, Purchases Qty and Value, Sales Qty and Value, and the Stock on Hand. This report can be sorted by Product Code, PLU or Product Description.


In addition the detailed version lists the Product Code, PLU and Product Description.

Supplier Transaction Summary



Reports on Supplier Invoices depending on the Status selected. Lists the Supplier ID and Name, Reference, Type, Transaction Date, Posting Date, Location # and Description, Goods Total, Tax, Freight per Item, Rounding, Discount, Freight and Total. This report can be sorted by Transaction Date or Posting Date.  Note : If the Enable Location Based Suppliers option is selected then grouping can be done by Supplier or Parent Supplier.

Supplier Transaction Summary by Posting Date



Similar to the Supplier Transaction Summary report above, except it is filtered by period based on the Posting Date.  Note : If the Enable Location Based Suppliers option is selected then grouping can be done by Supplier or Parent Supplier.

Supplier Transaction Summary by Transaction Date



Similar to the Supplier Transaction Summary report above, except it is filtered by period based on the Transaction Date.  Note : If the Enable Location Based Suppliers option is selected then grouping can be done by Supplier or Parent Supplier.


Related Topics


  1. Reports
  2. Suppliers