Back Office > Fuel > Tank Dip Reads
This menu item is used to record and commit Fuel Tank Dip Readings. These readings are used for SIRA Government reporting.
Tank Dip Reads
This screen is accessed from here.
Search Filters
- The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
- Full/Partial Numbers - The filter fields of this type are: Number (Enter a Tank #).
- Full/Partial Texts - The filter fields of this type are: Name (Enter a Tank Name). The wildcard for searching is the "%" symbol. If you want to search for "Coke" and "ml" anywhere in the search then you can enter "Coke%ml" to find all the different sizes of Coke.
- Check Boxes - The filter fields of this type are: Hide Committed.
- Drop Down Lists - The filter fields of this type are: Location.
- Top # Filter
The grid displays the: Read Time, Tank #, Tank, Grade, Location, Gross Volume, TC Volume, Water Height, Product Height, Temperature, Capacity, Ullage, Volume At EOD, Delivered Today and Operating Variance. Tank Dip Readings shaded with a grey background have been committed and cannot be edited. Note : To edit an entry in the grid, double click a row. Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.
- New - Select to add a new Reading.
- Full Edit - Select to open the Fuel Tank Dip Read to edit the selected Reading.
- Commit - Select to commit the selected Reading. This will ensure it cannot be changed/edited. Note : Use the Shift key to select multiple rows.
- Save - Select to save changes.
- Undo - Select to undo changes made.
- Close - Select to exit.
Fuel Tank Dip
This screen is accessed from here.
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