



The Web Dashboard tab provides the ability to view/edit dashboards via the Web. All sales figures are including GST/TAX. Dashboards offer real time reporting in the form of aesthetic gadgets (Chart Types). The Web Dashboard was originally designed primarily for Franchise/Multi-store sites. Click here to view the appearance of the different types of Chart Types. SwiftPOS Web Dashboard requires the licenced SwiftPOS Web Reports module to operate.


If required individualised Dashboards can be created for specific Clerks/Staff Members.





  • Dashboard tab - Select the drop down arrow on the right to either:

    • View Dashboard - Select to view the Dashboard, as per the screenshot above.
    • Edit Dashboard - Select to edit the Dashboard.



  • Add Gadget - Select to open the Edit Gadget screen to add a Gadget to the Dashboard.


  • Up/Down - Select to move a Gadget up/down in the list displayed in the column titled Name.
  • Name - Displays the names of the Gadgets that are currently being displayed on the Dashboard.
  • Theme - Displays the name of the themes selected for each Gadget. Themes are selected by editing a Gadget.
  • Edit - Select to open the Edit Gadget screen to edit a Gadget.
  • Delete - Select to remove a Gadget from being displayed on the Dashboard.


Note : Security access will determine which Venues can be selected.


Edit Gadget



  • Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Gadget.
  • Type - Select from the drop down list one of the types available.

  • Chart Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following:


 Click here to view the appearance of themes and the different types of Chart Types.

  • Theme - Select from the drop down list one of the themes available. Click here to view the appearance of themes and the different types of Chart Types.
  • Transparent Background - Select to enable.
  • Update Interval - Select from the drop down list one of the following:


  • Location - Select from the drop down list one of the Locations available. Note : Selecting All Locations, will enable the Venue filter to be enabled.
  • Venue - Select from the drop down list one of the Location Goups (Venues) available. Note : Selecting All Venues, will enable the Location filter to be enabled.
  • Date Range - Select from the drop down list one of the available Periods.
  • Show Top/Bottom - Select from the drop down list one of the following:

    • Top 10
    • Bottom 10

  • Time Period - Select from the drop down list.


Custom Gadgets


Custom Gadgets can be created and displayed on the Dashboard. As an example, a sample stored procedure (called sp_GDTest.sql) can be downloaded here (Resellers only).




  1. To create a Custom Gadget do as  follows:


  1. Create a stored procedure and execute it against the SwiftPOS database using SQL Server Management Studio. On the Reseller Web page there is a sample stored procedure for a Custom Gadget. Note : If assistance is required with a Custom Gadget Stored Procedure, this is chargeable. This can effect performance of the SQL Server. If you set it for a 1 minute update, it is like running two x monthly sales reports every minute across all Locations for each gadget you create. Best to test your stored procedure on a test database first. You can test performance by opening 10-20 Tabs in a single web browser each displaying the same dashboard. Do not minimise the web browser but see how long they take to refresh. Dashboards have been performance tested by SwiftPOS with SQL Express with an 8GB SQL database.
  2. In SwiftPOS Back Office > Administration > Web Apps > Custom Gadget Types tab - create a Custom Gadget.
  3. Ensure the Stored Procedure is entered exactly as it appears in SQL Management Studio.


  • Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Custom Gadget. The name will appear above the Gadget on the Dashboard.
  • Stored Procedure - Displays/Enter the exact name of the stored procedure as it appears in SQL Management Studio.
  • Filters - Select the filter options from Date Range/Location/Time Period and/or Top/Bottom. The filter options will determine what data the Gadget can be filtered by when the Custom Gadget is being configured in the Dashboard Edit screen.
  • Chart Type Option - Select to allow users to choose a chart type when configuring the Custom Gadget in the Dashboard Edit screen.
    Chart Type - If Chart Type Option above is not selected, this will determine what Chart Type is used by the Custom Gadget in the Dashboard View.
  • Number Format - Select to display the data for the Custom Gadget as either Numbers or Currency. 

  1. In Dashboard add the Custom Gadget.


  1. Select Edit Dashboard.
  2. Select Add Gadget. This will open the Edit Gadget screen.

  1. Select from the Type drop down list the Custom Gadget.
  2. Configure the remaining settings as required.
  3. Select Update.
  4. Select View Dashboard. This will now display the new Custom Gadget on the Dashboard.

Related Topics


  1. Custom Gadgets
  2. Demo - http://webstores.swiftpos.com.au:4000/WebApps/Reports
  3. Reseller Help
  4. Web Dashboard Setup
  5. Web Apps Overview
  6. Web Apps Setup