Interactive Kiosk


Back Office > Touch Settings > Interactive Kiosk




This menu item is used to configure/design the setup of an Interactive Kiosk.


To Be Considered


  1. Graphics are available from SwiftPOS to assist with correct sizes for this demonstration.
  2. When designing layouts the size of Images play a role. For more information ...
  3. Full Updates are required to be sent to the SwiftPOS Touch Reception terminal, if any changes have been made to the Kiosk or its Items.
  4. If the Connect Service is running, then Interactive Kiosk will automatically connect.


Interactive Kiosk



This screen is accessed from here, and is used to create and edit Kiosk designs. The normal process is to use this menu item to create a Kiosk, then add layouts to that Kiosk.  When adding layouts, select the cell on the layout that needs to be edited. From there, select either an existing Interactive Kiosk Item or create a new one.


For information regarding the steps required to ensure the display of an Interactive Kiosk ...


Search Filters


  • The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:




The grid displays the: ID, Name and Locations. Note : To edit an entry in the grid, double click a row. Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.




  • Add - Select to add a new Kiosk.
  • Edit - Select to open the Interactive Kiosk Layout Designer screen to design/edit the selected Kiosk. Alternatively double click on any one of the Kiosks listed in the grid to achieve the same.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected Kiosk.
  • Kiosk Items - Select to open the Interactive Kiosk Items screen to create/edit items for an Interactive Kiosk, by adding Text and Image/Video (MP4) files to be displayed at Interactive Kiosks.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Interactive Kiosk Layout Designer



Kiosk / Layout Properties


  • Kiosk Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Kiosk.
  • Back Colour - Select Set to set the background colour. Select Clear to it.
  • Filter Locations - Select to open the Locations screen to select the Locations in which the Kiosk design will be  is located.
  • Mark Current Layout as Home - Select to set the selected layout as the default Home layout. This is the layout that will be displayed when the Interactive Kiosk is initially launched.
  • Add Layout - Select to open the Layout Details screen below to create a new layout.
  • Edit Layout - Select to open the Layout Details screen below to edit a layout.
  • Delete Layout - Select to delete the selected layout.
  • ID - Displays the layout Id.
  • Name - Displays the names of the layouts.
  • Rows - Displays the number of rows in each layout.
  • Cols - Displays the number of columns in each layout.
  • H - Displays a Y to indicate the home layout.


Cell Properties


  • Item - Displays Kiosk Item ID and Name of the selected item. Select the button to open the search Kiosk Items screen to select an item.
  • Type - Displays the Kiosk Item type. The following three types are available :

    • Simple Item - For images and text.
    • Kiosk Item - For a Entry Kiosk. Note : Only one of these can be added to each Interactive Kiosk.

  • Create New Kiosk Item - Select to open the Interactive Kiosk Item Edit screen above to create a new Kiosk item.
  • Edit Kiosk Item - Select to open the Interactive Kiosk Item Edit screen above to edit the selected Kiosk item.
  • Action - Select either No Action or Change Layout to ensure that when the cell/item is selected/touched the layout specified is displayed.
  • Flash Button Text - Select the box below the image to enable. Displays/Enter the text to appear in the box below the image.
  • Back/Text Colour - Select to set/change the background and text colours.




  • Kiosk Items -Select to open the Interactive Kiosk Items screen to create/edit items for an Interactive Kiosk, by adding Text and Image/Video (MP4) files to be displayed at Interactive Kiosks.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Close - Select to exit. Note : If a Home Layout has not been selected, then the following prompt will be displayed prompting this to be done prior to exiting this screen:


Layout Details



This screen is accessed from here and here.


  • Name - Displays/Enter the Name of the layout.
  • No of Rows / Cols - Displays/Enter the number of rows/columns in the layout. For Image Design Considerations information ...
  • Back Colour - Select to set the background colour.




  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.


Interactive Kiosk Item Edit



This screen is accessed from here and here.


Main Properties


  • Type - Displays either one of the following :

    • Simple - Displays text and/or an Image (BMP, GIF, JPG or PNG) file.
    • Kiosk - Displays the entry kiosk.

  • Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Kiosk Item.


Image Properties


These properties are only enabled for Simple type Kiosk Items.


  • Item Image - Select the button to open the Images screen to select an Image (BMP, GIF, JPG or PNG) file.


Text Properties


These properties are only enabled for Simple type Kiosk Items.


  • Item Text - Displays/Enter the text to be displayed. When both text and an image is to be displayed, the text will be displayed over the image.
  • Back Colour - Select to open the colour popup and select a background colour.
  • Text Colour - Select to open the colour popup and select a font colour.
  • Font - Select to open the Font popup and select a font type/style and size.
  • Text Alignment - Select to display the alignment drop down and select the appropriate positioning of the text within the Kiosk Item.
  • Text Direction - Select from the drop down list the appropriate direction of the text.




  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Image Design Considerations



When designing Kiosk layouts, it is important to have an idea of the size of the images that will be displayed. Images will be stretched to fit the size of the cells they are assigned to. This could result in images being distorted.


Once the number of cells (rows/columns) that are to appear on the kiosk, are determined, then select the images according to the size of the cells (in pixels). If the screen is placed in portrait mode then the cells and images will need to be rotated to suit.


Typical graphic file sizes (in pixels)


Assuming the Kiosk is to be run on a full HD monitor with a screen size of 1920x1080, and it will be placed in landscape mode then these would be some suggested image sizes for the layouts.


540x960 for a screen that would display 4 individual graphics. For a double width graphic then split the graphic in two and fill both cells.


540x640 for a screen that would display 6 individual graphics. For a triple width graphic then split the graphic in three and fill the three cells.


1080x960 for a screen that would give you 2 individual portrait graphics. To create a display in portrait mode, then switch the numbers over.


It is recommended that graphic files are named very clearly to match the design because it is easy to get confused as to which screen things might be placed on.



Configuring for Operation


The following outlines the steps required to ensure the display of an Interactive Kiosk:


  1. Ensure the SwiftPOS Touch Reception terminal software is installed.
  2. Design and create an Interactive Kiosk using Interactive Kiosk.
  3. Create Kiosk Items using the Interactive Kiosk Items menu.
  4. Launch the SwiftPOS Touch Reception terminal software by running C:\SwiftPOSTouch\SwiftPOS.Reception.exe file.
  5. Ensure the General Settings of the SwiftPOS Touch Reception terminal is configured so that the Interactive Kiosk is selected.


  1. In the same settings screen, also ensure the Interactive Kiosk display is set to display on a monitor other than the Reception display.


  1. In the Interactive Kiosk Settings of the SwiftPOS Touch Reception terminal, ensure the kiosk created/designed in step 2 above is selected.
  2. Restart the SwiftPOS Touch Reception terminal.
  3. The Interactive Kiosk should now be displayed. From the Kiosk display:

    • Type S and press the Enter key, and then enter the admin as the password to access the Options/Settings screens of the SwiftPOS Touch Reception terminal. The password can be changed here.
    • Type X and press the Enter key to exit the SwiftPOS Touch Reception terminal software.

Related Topics


  1. Order Kiosks
  2. POS Configuration Index - Peripheral/Printer Related Configuration
  3. Reseller Help
  4. Touch Settings