

Back Office > Terminal Sales > Basic Invoicing OR SwiftPOS Back Office > Accounts > Invoicing




This menu item is used to record POS type sales, credits, void sales and quotes from the SwiftPOS Back Office. Shortcut keys are listed to the right of the function buttons.


Before creating a transaction please ensure that the appropriate transaction type has been selected. The available transaction types are Cash/Charge, Credit/Void and Quote. It is important to remember that when creating a credit/void transaction the item quantities are automatically converted to negative quantities and do not require any further intervention to ensure the transaction is saved as a credit sale.


Note : Back Office Invoicing is only designed for simple invoicing.  Advanced features like Fuel Sales and Account charges to external interfaces, are not supported and must be done at Touch.


Basic Invoicing / Invoicing



This screen is accessed from here.


Shortcut Keys / Buttons


  • F2 / Cash/Charge - Select to create a sale transaction.
  • F3 / Void/Credit - Select to create a credit transaction.
  • F4 / Quote - Select to save the transaction as a Quote (draft) for later retrieval and further processing. When selected the F10 / Tender button changes to F10 / Save Quote. Note : When saving a Quote, a prompt will be displayed to enter a Description. This can then be used to when searching for saved quotes.
  • F5 / Purchase Order - Allows you to specify a Purchase Order number for the transaction. This feature is particularly useful when used with the Quote transaction type.
  • F6 / Sales Person - Used to select the Clerk/Staff Member who will be assigned to the transaction.
  • F7 / Sale Terminal - Select to open the Search Terminals screen and select from the list of active Terminals the transaction is to be associated with. Please be aware the Location will be automatically selected, based on the SwiftPOS Touch terminals default Location. If a mistake is being corrected that has been made at a SwiftPOS Touch terminals, then be sure to choose that SwiftPOS Touch terminal's ID, otherwise choose a SwiftPOS Touch terminal that has been assigned for SwiftPOS Back Office Invoicing.
  • F9 / Members and Accounts - Select to open the Customer/Member Search screen and select the Customer/Member to be associated with the sale transaction. Once a Customer/Member has been selected this will enable the Account Charge button in the Tender screen.
  • F10 / Tender - Enabled when either the F2/F3 buttons are selected. Select to open the Tender screen and select the media types and values tendered for payment. See below for further information re Tendering.
  • F10 / Save Quote - Enabled when F4 button is selected. Select to save the transaction as a Quote (draft) for later retrieval and further processing. The option of emailing the Quote as a PDF or XML document to the Customer/Member is now available. Note : For this to function correctly Email settings will need to be configured in Global Preferences and/or in Local Configuration.
  • F11 / Report Reset - Select to reset totals at the end of a shift or at the close of a trading day and prints (X/Z) reports for the selected SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Once the reset has occurred an entry will appear in the Terminal Cash Off screen. Note : This is equivalent to the SwiftPOS Touch Print Reports (#12) POS Key function.
  • F12 / Receipt Setup - Select to configure a receipt for printing using a RS232 Docket/Receipt printer instead of using your default windows printer. See below for further information re Docket/Receipt printing.
  • Ctrl L / Change Price Level - Changes the Price Level that Items will be sold at. When selected and when there are already items listed in the grid, the following prompt will be displayed:


  • Yes - Select to ensure that the prices of all items already listed in the grid are changed to the new Price Level selected.
  • No - Select to ensure only New Products added to the grid are priced at the new Price Level selected.
  • Cancel - Select to not go ahead with any price changes.


Please be aware that the Price Levels available will be determined by the SwiftPOS Touch terminal that is selected and the default Location that it is currently assigned to. Note : The Item Price of Products listed in the grid, that have had their price manually changed, will NOT be changed by a Price Level change.


  • Ctrl E / Event Session & Suite - Select to open the Event Session & Suite screen to make a selection.


This screen is used to select an Event Session and Suite, which will then ensure these are recorded against any Items sold using the Basic Invoicing screen. Note : Once selected, the text Event in Sale will appear in the header section of the Basic Invoicing screen.


  • Create ADO Order - Select to ensure an ADO Order is created once the Invoice is finalised.


  • Ctrl R / Reset Sales Transaction - Select to clear the grid of all transactions. The information contained in the header will not be reset. That is the Sales Person, SwiftPOS Touch terminal, Location, Price Level etc. To reset these use the buttons down the left hand side of the screen.
  • Close - Select to exit.




  • Sales Person - Displays the name of the Clerk/Staff Member selected using the F6 / Sales Person button.
  • Date/Time - Select to set the Date and Time.
  • Tax Exclusive - Select to display the Item lines exclusive of tax.
  • Terminal - Displays the SwiftPOS Touch terminal selected using the F7 / Sale Terminal button.
  • Customer - Displays the name of the Customer/Member selected using the F9 / Members and Accounts button.
  • Location - Displays the Location associated with the SwiftPOS Touch terminal selected using the F7 / Sale Terminal button.
  • Purchase Order # - Displays the Purchase Order # entered using the SwiftPOS Touch terminal selected using the F5 / Purchase Order button.
  • Price Level - Displays the Price Level. This can be changed using the Ctrl L / Change Price Level button.




The grid displays the: PLU, Description, Qty, Item Price, Total, Comments, Item Cost, GP%, Wholesale Discount and Discount Type. Note : If the Item Price displayed, is manually changed by entering a new price, then when selecting the Change Price Level button, the new price will remain unchanged. Also, the Wholesale Discount and Discount Type columns will only be visible if the site is registered for Advanced Host Integration and the Show Discount in Basic Invoicing option is selected.




  • Add Row - Select to add a row.
  • Delete Row - Select to delete the currently selected row.
  • Ship To - Select to enter the Delivery address to which the items are required to be sent.
  • Comments - Displays/Enter comments that need to be associated with the Invoice Item above. Note : To add Comments, make sure the ?COMMENTS
  • Print Picking Slip - Select to print a picking slip for a purchase order.
  • Retrieve - Select from the drop down list one of the following :


  • Quote - Select to open the Search Quotes screen to select a Quote that has previously been created and saved.
  • Supplier Invoice - Select to open the Search Supplier Transactions screen to select a Completed Invoice. Note : A Supplier with a ID of Warehouse is required to be configured for this option to function.
  • Existing Order - Allows for the retrieval of an order created by another Location to be imported for the purposes of creating an invoice. Once invoiced the newly created invoice will be available for selection from the Pending Invoices on the Supplier Invoice screen. This feature is for use where a selected Location Group (Venue) can also act as a Supplier to other Locations.
  • Import Generic Order - Select to open File Explorer to select a .XML file to be imported.
  • Import PDE - Select to open Import from PDE screen to configure the PDE settings


  • Import CSV - Select to open File Explorer to select a CSV file to be imported. The CSV file must be in the following format:

Barcode/PLU, Quantity, Location, Date (DDMMYY) Note : The file does NOT require headings.


Here is an example of sample data:


669, 5, 38, 290119


  • Pending Invoice - Select to open the Search Pending Invoices screen to select an Invoice.
  • Import from PDT - Select to import Invoices created using the PDT.






This screen will be displayed when the F10 / Tender button is selected. This is normally done once all of the Products and quantities have been selected, along with the Location, SwiftPOS Touch terminal, price level and Customer/Member, etc.


  • Amount - The amount field at the top of the screen shows the amount still needed to be tendered. If this amount is a negative value then change needs to be returned to the customer. If a sale is being paid for in multiple media types (for example : Cash and EFTPOS), then enter the amount tendered and select its media type, then repeat again for the other media type(s), until the whole sale amount has been tendered.
  • Media Types - Select from the Media Types available as displayed on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Account Charge - Select to charge the amount to the Customer/Member's account. This button will only be enabled if a Customer/Member has been selected using the F9 / Members and Accounts button.
  • More (+ shortcut key) - Select to display more Media Types. Continue to select this button to cycle back to the first display of Media Types.
  • OK - Select once all tendering has been completed. This will display the Finalise Sale screen. See below for further information re finalising.
  • Cancel - Select to cancel and exit the tendering screen.
  • Remove - Select to remove the tendered Media/Value entry selected in the list displayed above.






  • OK - Select to finalise the sale.
  • Cancel - Select to cancel and exit.
  • Print Options - Select from the drop down list shown. The format of the Invoice previewed/printed will either be one of the following:
    1. Standard Tax Invoice format - SIVC001 or Adjustment Note - SIVC001 - Either of these formats will be used depending on whether the selected sale is an Invoice or Credit Note.
    2. Wholesale Discount format - SVIC003 - This format will be used if the Wholesale Invoice Format option is selected.
  • Email Invoice as PDF - Select to email the invoice as a PDF attachment to the member.
  • Email Invoice as XML - Select to email the invoice as a XML attachment to the member.


Note :


Docket/Receipt Printing


Invoicing / SwiftPOS Back Office POS can be configured to print Dockets/Receipts to a printer connected directly to a COM port or to the default windows printer. It is possible to customise the layout of Dockets/Receipts printed directly to a Docket/Receipt printer connected to a COM port by changing the information displayed in the logo and footer lines.


Docket/Receipt Printing - Logo and Footer Lines Examples



These screens are used to configure the Receipt to be printed when printing to a RS232 Com Port.


Docket/Receipt Printing - Printer



  • RS232 (Com Port) - Select to print a Receipt to the printer connected directly to a com port on the PC. It is not necessary for this printer to have a printer driver installed as SwiftPOS communicates directly with the printer. Note : The Logo and Footer lines will need to be configured when this option is selected. See example here.
  • Windows - Select to print an Invoice to the default windows printer. Note : This option will print a full size Tax Invoice. This option does NOT require the Logo and Footer lines will need to be configured.
  • Printer Currency Symbol ASCII - Displays/Enter the ASCII equivalent value for the currency symbol to be printed. Note : The Printer Currency Symbol ASCII is used to print the Pound currency symbols in some printers. For Epson Printers the ASCII value is 156 and for Citizen printers its 160. Please check the printers manual, to find out the ASCII value of the currency symbol you require.


Printer Commands


Below is a list of printer commands used by Epson and Citizen printers. For information on printer commands please refer to the printer's manufacturer.



Epson Code

Citizen Code

Double Width



Double Height



Colour On



Colour Off






Reverse Print



Partial Cut



Full Cut



Normal Print (Expand Print Off)



Centre Justification



Left Justification



Print Logo #1



Double Size Print



Red Print



Open Cash Drawer




Examples of Docket/Receipt Setup


Logo/Header Lines


Line Number



Line 1

\1C\70\01\00\1B\61\01\1B\21\20Samford Bar and Grill\1B\21\00

Logo, Centre, Double Width, [Company Name], Normal Print

Line 2

Unit 9-10 135 Ferny Way

[Company Address]

Line 3

Ferny Hills Q 4055

[Company City], [Company State], [Company Postcode]

Line 4


[Blank Spacer]

Line 5


Invoice Type (Tax Invoice or Quote)

Line 6


[Blank Spacer]

Line 7

[Location] [Terminal]

Location Name & No., Terminal Name & No.

Line 8



Line 9


Clerk Name & No.

Line 10

Receipt # [ReceiptNo]

Receipt Number


Footer Lines


Line Number



Line 1

\1B\61\01Thank you for your patronage at

Centre, [Thank You Note]

Line 2

Samford Bar and Grill

[Company Name]

Line 3


[Blank Spacer] (used for ejecting paper for paper cut)

Line 4


[Blank Spacer] (used for ejecting paper for paper cut)

Line 5


[Blank Spacer] (used for ejecting paper for paper cut)

Line 6


[Blank Spacer] (used for ejecting paper for paper cut)

Line 7


[Blank Spacer] (used for ejecting paper for paper cut)

Line 8


Paper Cut

Line 9

[Line Not Printed]

Do Not Print

Line 10

[Line Not Printed]

Do Not Print


Barcode Scanning


It is also possible to use a keyboard wedge Barcode scanner to add items to Invoicing / SwiftPOS Back Office POS quickly and easily. A USB scanner device can be purchased and requires no setup to work with SwiftPOS, simply plug it in and start scanning. If a Barcode is scanned and no match is found a message will appear at the top of the screen, indicating there was no match found. Please note that SwiftPOS does not support the use of RS232 Barcode scanners.


The only programming required on the scanner is "USB-Alt-Mode" which simulates the depression of the Alt key when scanning a Bar Code. To test this you can use Windows Notepad and as you scan the Barcodes you will see the underscore appear in the Notepad Menu for the duration of the scan


Receipting Member Fees


Receipting of Member Fees can now be done here from SwiftPOS Touch terminals and here from SwiftPOS Back Office.


Related Topics


  1. Accounts
  2. Customer/Members
  3. Sales