Time Recording


Back Office > Clerks > Clerk Time Clock




This menu item is used primarily to review/adjust incorrect Clerk/Staff Time/Shift records. The Clerk Time Clock screen, records shift start/end times and up to 3 break start/end times. Reports are available for the reviewing of Clerk/Staff Shift activity and for the monitoring of staff punctuality.


The Clerks/Staff Shift data is held in the same AJL files that sales data is stored in. Also, the ClerkTimeClockTable is only populated once the data that has been committed at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal using the Preview Time Clock Data POS Key, and then only once the Sales Processing Service has executed.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : This screen will only display Clerk/Staff Shift data that has been committed at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal using the Preview Time Clock Data POS Key.
  2. It is recommended that Clerks/Staff Clock In/Out at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, rather than using this menu item to record Shifts.


Clerk Time Clock



This screen is accessed from here.


Search Filters


  • The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
    • Date Range From/To -  The filter fields of this type are: Date Range, Shift Start/End.
    • Check Boxes - The filter fields of this type are: Incomplete shifts only and Hide Inactive Clerks.
    • Drop Down Lists - The filter fields of this type are: Clerk.
  • Apply
  • Reset




The grid displays the: Clerk, Clock On/Off, Break Start/End, Location, Pay Rate, Role and Shift Notes. Note : The Clerks/Staff Shifts displayed have been committed at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. The values in the Clock On/Off, Break Start/End, Location and Role columns can be changed where required.







  • New - Select to add a Shift.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selectedrow.
  • Reset - Select to clear the grid.
  • Time Card Export - Select to export Clerks/Staff Shift data displayed in the grid. The data is exported as a .XML file and is designed to import into the Sage WageEasy HR & Payroll solution. For file format information ...
  • Close - Select to exit.


Time Card Export File Format for WageEasy Payroll Time


Designed to import into the Sage WageEasy HR & Payroll solution


Both version 1 and 2 of the Wage Easy Timecard file are compatible, use Version 2 if you need additional features like Leave, Public Holidays, RDO, Allowance otherwise use this version (version 1).

Wage Easy Payroll can import employee worked times from any Time & Attendance, Rostering or Clock Card systems that can export the data in the following XML format. The file must have the extension *.wtc (Wage Time Cards).

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<TimeCards Version=???1.0???>

The Wage Easy Payroll Timecard File conforms to the XML standard. Each node has a closing node which has a ???/??? in front of the name. A short cut for a node that has no data (or other nodes in it) is to place a ???/??? at the end of the name as in ???<Job/>???, this is the same as ???<Job></Job>???.


It is important to remember that Wage Easy Payroll is not a Time & Attendance or Rostering system. It is therefore the responsibility of the program that creates the timecard import file to validate the times. Wage Easy Payroll can only reject times outside the pay period or when times from one shift overlap times in another shift or if no start or finish exists.


Wage Easy will reject the file unless it conforms to the XML standard and contains the correct tags as listed in this document.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Xml process instruction (must be as shown).

<TimeCards Version=???1.0???>

Root node with version number (must be as shown).


Contains all data for an employee. 


The number assigned to an Employee can be Alpha-Numerical, maximum 20 characters.


Each new shift will be contained within this tag.


Each new start and finish time will be contained within this tag.


Date time format
ie: 2000-07-17T09:12:00

Wage Easy does not use the ???SS??? (seconds) part of the time and must be set to???00???. ???HH??? are in the 24hr format. ???T???  separates the date from time.


Date time format
ie: 2000-07-17T15:12:00

Wage Easy does not use the ???SS??? (seconds) part of the time and must be set to???00???. ???HH??? are in the 24hr format. ???T???  separates the date from time.


Department number can be Alpha-Numerical, maximum 20 characters. If the Department is blank/null then the employees default Department will be used


Job number can be Alpha-Numerical, maximum 20 characters. Can be blank/null.


Total hours worked in decimal hours format ie: 15.33333 or 10 or 9.3


Sample File


The sample file below shows two employees with timecard numbers ???123??? and ???598???.

  1. Employee No 123 works only one shift within the same department (No 5) on the 9th of May 2000 from 9:02 to 12:30 and then from 13:00 to 18:00.
  2. Employee No 598 works two shifts and changes departments. The first day on the 9th of May 2000 from 9:00 to 11:00 in department 2, and then from 13:00 to 18:00 in department 3. The next shift starts on the 10th of May 2000 at 9:00 to 11:00 in department 5 and then from 13:00 to 18:00 in department 6. Please note the Employee No 598523 has two shifts.


A valid sample of the two employees hours are below in the Wage Easy Payroll Timecard Import file format. This can be cut and pasted to a text file and save as *.xml for viewing in Internet Explorer 4.0 or better.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<TimeCards Version="1.0">


Related Topics


  1. Clerks/Staff
  2. POS - Clock In/Out and Preview Time Clock Operation
  3. POS Configuration Index - Clerks/Staff Configuration
  4. POS Operation Index - Clerks/Staff Features
  5. Reports that use Clerk/Staff Shift data:
  6. Security