Stocktake & Period End


Back Office > Inventory > Stocktake & Period End




This menu item enables the Locking of Locations for Stocktaking, as well as facilitates the Stocktake process. Also, it provides the ability to Record Period Opening StockNote : Locations can be scheduled to be locked via the End of Day process. For more information ... Stocktake data can be entered manually or via a PDE device.


To Be Considered


  1. Not all Locations may be listed in the Inventory Count Locations screen when Adding a new stock count. This maybe due to the fact that some of the Locations are Drawing Stock from another Location.
  2. Another reason is that the Inventory Count Locations screen will only display those Locations specific to the Clerk currently logged in. This can be viewed by checking the Clerk/Staff Group the current Clerk is assigned to and then checking which Location Group (Venue) is assigned to the same Clerk/Staff Group. The Location Group (Venue) will determining which Locations are displayed in the Inventory Count Locations screen.


Stocktake & Period End



This screen is accessed from here.


Search Fields


  • Search - Enter the description or the partial description to return all the Locations that have the text entered, appearing in their description. For example : Enter 'Bottle' to return all Locations with that same text somewhere in their description.




  • # - Displays the Location Number.
  • Description - Displays the Location Description.
  • Started - Displays the Start date and time the Stocktake was started.
  • Last Committed - Displays the date and time the previous Stocktake was done
  • Lines - Displays the number of lines (Products) in the Stocktake.




  • Add - Select to open the Locations screen to select the Location at which a Stocktake is to take place. Refer to  Locations for more information. Note : Once a Location has been selected, saved and confirmed, the inventory will be locked for the duration of the Stocktake.
  • Count Entry - Select to open the Location Inventory Count screen. Note : If another user is currently counting the selected Location, a message will be displayed, alerting the user that they should NOT continue unless they wish to overwrite the other user's count data.
  • Record Period Opening Stock - Normally done once monthly. For more information ... Note : This button will only be displayed if the Clerk currently logged in has the appropriate access authority and has been assigned to all Location Groups (Venues) via Clerks/Staff Groups. Also, Recording a Period is now logged and can be found in the SwiftPOS SQL Application section of the Event Logs.
  • Release - (To be used for rolling stocktakes in the middle of a trading period) Select to release the stock in the selected Location and remove the Location entry record from the screen. Note : When releasing the stock for the selected Location, any uncommitted Stocktake entries will be deleted.
  • Schedule Stocktake - Select to open the Scheduled Stocktakes screen to schedule dates against Locations for future Stocktakes.
  • Tools - Select from the drop down list one of the following options:


  • Export Data to File - Select to select a folder into which all Products and Locations will be exported as .TSV files (see below) for uploading to a PDA device. Note : Only Products with Barcodes of 14 characters or less will be exported.


  • Export Data to Denso - Select to export all Products  with Barcodes up to 14 characters and all Locations to a connected PDE device.  Note : Only Products with Barcodes of 14 characters or less will be exported.
  • Import Stock Count - Select to open the Import Stock Count screen to import Stock Counts.


  • Reports - Select from the drop down list one of the following options:



  • Close - Select to exit. If a Stocktake is in progress, it will be saved to complete at a later date.


Location Inventory Count



This screen is accessed from here and is used to add Products for a manual count or import Stocktakes from the PDE.


Search Filters





  • Location - Displays the selected Location at which a Stocktake is taking place.
  • Start Date - Displays the Date/Time the Location was locked for Stocktaking.
  • Reference ID - Enter an appropriate reference (up to 15 chars).  Note : In V10 - Select the search button to select from the list of predefined References.
  • Product Count - Displays the number of Products listed in the grid.


Find Fields


  • Code/PLU- Enter the Product Code/PLU to select the Product in the grid.
  • Description - Enter the initial characters of the Product Description to select the Product in the grid.


Other Fields


  • Add/Replace :
    • To Add, Increase or Decrease counts, toggle select the Add/Replace button above the Count column until the label Add is displayed. Then :
      • To Add counts to the Products Listed, select a row, enter a count in the field below the Add button and press the Enter key. The count value entered will appear in the Count column for the selected Product.
      • To Increase the count of an already counted Product, select the already counted Product and enter the increase in the field below the Add button and press the Enter key. The increase entered will added to the value in the Count column for the selected Product.
      • To Decrease the count of an already counted Product, select the already counted Product and enter the decrease (enter a negative value, eg. -3) in the field below the Add/Replace button and press the Enter key. The decrease entered will subtracted from the value in the Count column for the selected Product.
    • To Replace the count of an already counted Product with a new count, toggle select the Add/Replace button above the Count column until the label Replace is displayed. Then :


      • Enter the new count in the field below the Replace button and press the Enter key. The new count value entered will appear in the Count column for the selected Product.


  • Current - Displays the current count value of the selected Product.
  • Inventory Item - Displays the Product Code/PLU and Description of the currently selected Product.




  • Order - Displays a sequence number, which represents the order in which the Products are counted.
  • PLU - Displays the Product PLU.
  • Description - Displays the Product Description.
  • Count - Displays the Product's current stock count
  • Stock - Displays the Product's current Stock on Hand (SOH).
  • Cost - Displays the Product's current per item cost in the selected Location.
  • Variance Qty - Displays the Variance Quantity, ie. the difference between the SOH quantity and the quantity of the stock counted.
  • Variance Value - Displays the Variance Value, ie. the difference between the SOH value and the value of the stock counted.
  • Count Value - Displays the value of the Stock counted. Note : Click the Save Changes button and then select the Recalculate Variances button to refresh the Variance Qty, Variance Value and Count Value.


Grid Footer


  • Add Item - Select to open the Search Product screen and select a Product to add to the grid. Only Purchased Item Products that are active in the selected Location will be displayed in the Search Product screen.
  • Delete Item(s) - Select to delete the selected Products from the grid. To select multiple Products press and hold the Ctrl key while selecting the rows to be deleted.
  • Reset - Select to clear the grid of all Products.
  • Recalculate Variances - Select to refresh the Variance Qty, Variance Value and Count Value (for use when other stock movements have occurred whilst the Location is locked for Stocktake).




  • Save Changes - Select to save changes.
  • Undo Changes - Select to delete the selected Product Group.
  • Commit - Select to commit the Stocktake, disable the Stock Hold feature and release any Locked Inventory. Also, a Browse for Folder prompt will be displayed to locate and select a folder in which the following Stocktake reports will be saved:

  • Tools - Select from the drop down list one of the following options:


  • Import Stock Count - Select to open the Import Stock Count screen to import Stocktake Counts from a connected PDE device and save it as a CSV file on the local PC, or import from a CSV file. For further information re the format of the CSV file click here. Using this feature it is now possible to import specific Stocktake Counts.
  • Export to File - Select to export Stocktake data to a CSV file for later importing using the Import from file option.
  • Add Not Counted - Select to add all active Products in the selected Location that have a non-zero SOH value to the grid. Note : When using a PDT, use this feature to retrieve any items NOT counted that have SOH. Only use after all Stock counts have been imported from the PDT.
  • Add Inactive Not Counted with SOH - Select to add all inactive Products in the selected Location that have a non-zero SOH value to the grid.
  • Unmatched Products - Select to open the Unmatched Products screen. For further information click here.
  • Reprocess PDE Import List - This allows you to reprocess the import file again and match existing Products.
  • Export Data to Denso - Select to open the PDE Upload screen to export all Products  with Barcodes up to 14 characters and all Locations to a connected PDE device.  Note : Only Products with Barcodes of 14 characters or less will be exported.
  • Export Data to File - Select to select a folder into which all Products and Locations will be exported as .TSV files (see below) for uploading to a PDA device. Note : Only Products with Barcodes of 14 characters or less will be exported.


  • Export Data to Stocker PDT File - This creates an Stocktaker_ddmmyyyy.xml file of the stocktake data.
  • Upload Software to PDE - This option will upload the stocktaking Application to the PDE or PDA.

  • Add Product Wizard - Select to invoke the Wizard which is used to return a list of Products to add to the grid to create a Stocktake list. For further information re the Add Products Wizard click here. Note : Use this feature if you are doing a manual Stock count with Count Sheets.
  • Reports - Select from the drop down list one of the following reports:




  • PDE Inventory Count in Scan Order - Select to display the Select Count screen (below) to select a Stocktake count.
  • Count Sheets - Select to display and configure the Count Sheets Report Options screens, in order to generate Stocktake Count Sheets to facilitate a manual stocktake. Count Sheet options default to the same defaults as those used by the Add Products Wizard, to ensure the Products listed on Count Sheets are in the same order as those listed Location Inventory Count screen.
  • Unmatched Inventory Report - Select to display the Select Count screen (below) to select a Stocktake count.



  • Count - Select from the drop down list of available Counts.


  • Recount Sheet - Select to display and configure the Recount Sheet Report Options screens, in order to generate Stocktake Recount Sheets to facilitate a manual recount. Variance Options can be specified to ensure only certain Products are included.


  • Show Count - Select to ensure the previous count result are also reported.
  • Variance Options - Use the options available to specify Variance tolerances which will then ensure that only those Products that have a Variance outside of the Tolerance options set, will be included in the Recount Sheet.


  • Variance Report (Since Last Stocktake) - Adds the following features:
    1. No stocktake has been done on this item in the last 60 days.
    2. Previously held stock has been mistakenly released into this trading period.
    3. Recipes have changed/added/deleted during the course of this item being sold



For report samples click here.

  • Close - Select to exit.


PDE Upload



Import Stock Count



This screen is accessed from here.


Import From


  • Import from file - Select to import from a CSV file.
  • Import from Denso - Select to import from a connected Denso device.


PDE Settings


Ensure that the relevant settings are configured correctly.


Count Details


  • Date Counted - Displays today's date.
  • Clerk - Select to open the Search Clerks screen to select a Clerk.
  • Count Description - Enter an appropriate Description to identify the Stocktake file to be imported. For example, Duke's Stock Count Section 10B.




  • Ok - Select to open a CSV file explorer screen to enable the selection of the Stocktake file to be imported.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without importing.




Refer to Locations for more information regarding the Locations screen.


LOCKing a Location, locks (creates a snapshot and enables the Stock Hold feature) the current SOH levels for all Products in the Location. This means that Product sales can still be processed in SwiftPOS Back Office without impacting the SOH level. The reason Product sales are continued to be processed, is to ensure that Member Campaigns, Vouchers, etc. can continue to be  validated against the SwiftPOS Back Office Membership/Loyalty database in real time. LOCKing Locations does not impact on normal operations while the Stocktake is on. Completion of the Stocktake and releasing (UNLOCKing) the Location for the next trading period will ensure, once again that the SOH level is adjusted by Product sales, etc.



Locked Locations appear in the Product Full Edit screen with a padlock symbol to the left of the Location Number.


  • Yes - Select to Lock the Stock levels for the duration of the Stocktake.
  • No - Select to cancel the selection. This will NOT add the Location to the Stocktake & Period End screen.


Unmatched Products



This screen displays a list of all Product PLU/Barcodes that have been imported into the Location Inventory Count screen, but have not yet been matched to Products in the SwiftPOS Back Office database.




  • PLU/Barcode - Displays the PLU/Barcode of the imported Product.
  • Inventory Count - Displays the stock count of the imported Product.
  • Find Item - Select to open the Search Products screen and select the Product that matches the unmatched Product selected.
  • Delete Item - Select to delete the selected item from the grid.
  • Save & Close - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Report - Select to generate a report.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Add Products Wizard to Stocktake Menu (for a Manual Stocktake using "Count Sheets")





  • Product Group From/To - Select to open the Search Product Groups screen to select a Product Group range and ensure all Products assigned to the Product Groups in the range are automatically added to the Stocktake list. The default is all Product Group.
  • Category From/To - Select to open the Search Categories screen to select a Category range and ensure all Products assigned to the Categories in the range are automatically added to the Stocktake list. The default is all Categories.
  • Family - Select to open the Search Families screen to select a Family and ensure all Products assigned to the Family are automatically added to the Stocktake list. The default is all Families.
  • Product Range - Select to open the Search Product Ranges screen to select a Product Range and ensure all Products assigned to the Product Range are automatically added to the Stocktake list. The default is all Product Ranges.
  • Supplier - Select to the Search Suppliers screen to select a Supplier and ensure Products added to the Stocktake list are those supplied by the selected Supplier.
  • Locations - Enter the Location IDs of the Locations from which Products will be sourced. Note : Location IDs entered must be separated by a comma. For example: 1,3,7. Leave blank for all Locations.




  • Back - Select to return to the previous step.
  • Next - Select to proceed to the next step.
  • Finish - Select to run the wizard and fill the grid with the Stocktake Products in the order as the Count Sheets.
  • Cancel - Select to exit the wizard without running it.



Group & Sorting



Select the Grouping and Sorting required for how the Products will appear when added to the grid at the completion of the Wizard.


  • Group By - Select one of the grouping options listed.
  • Sort By - Select one of the sort options listed.





  • Include Discontinued - Select to return the Products that have been discontinued.
  • Include Products with Nil SOH - Select to return the Products that have a SOH of zero.
  • Generate Count Sheets - Select to ensure a Count Sheet will be generated. Also if required select the reporting options below:
    • Hide Filters
    • Page Breaks
    • Show Cost
    • Show SOH
      • Show Cases/Units


Stock Hold Feature


The Stock Hold feature allows the completion of a Stocktake while continuing normal operation for the trading period.

Research unexpected or unacceptable variances. Best reports for this research are:


  • All Stock Movements report
  • Stock Movements Summary
  • Stocktake result
  • Stocktake Summary


Likely reasons for Variance:


  • Missing or incorrect Supplier Invoices
  • Missing or incorrect Transfers
  • Incorrect beginning inventory figure from last Stocktake. See previous printed Stocktake reports.
  • Inventory has been sold without being registered at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


Correct variances by entering new/missing transfers or Supplier Invoices, or by doing a Manual Inventory Adjustment

Print out any of the Stocktake Reports and Stock Movements Summary Reports. You can print them to disk if you don't want to waste paper. If you ever need to refer back to previous Stocktakes then you can refer to the reports on disk or hard copy.


How to do a Monthly Stocktake in conjunction with the Month End process


1st May 6am


  1. Lock the stock for all Locations before starting Trading.
  2. Post all outstanding Supplier Invoices/Transfers/Adjustments for the previous period (April) using a date/time prior to 1st May 6am.
  3. Count the Stock in all Locations before the start of Trading.
  4. Enter stocktakes (counts) for all Locations as per stocktake instructions when time permits.
  5. Print out variance reports and preview Period Location Summary report to ensure figures are correct.
  6. Sometime during the first week of May; Record Period Opening Stock - to release all the locked Locations and move into the next trading period (May).
  7. Print out the Period Location Summary for the previous period (April).


1st June 6am


  1. Lock the stock for all Locations before starting Trading.
  2. Post all outstanding Supplier Invoices/Transfers/Adjustments for the previous period (May) using a date/time prior to 1st June 6am.
  3. Count the Stock in all Locations before the start of Trading.
  4. Enter stocktakes (counts) for all Locations as per stocktake instructions when time permits.
  5. Print out variance reports and preview Period Location Summary report to ensure figures are correct.
  6. Sometime during the first week of June; Record Period Opening Stock - to release all the locked Locations and move into the next trading period (June).
  7. Print out the Period Location Summary for the previous period (May).


How to do a Stocktake independently of the Month End process


During the month


  1. Lock the stock for any Location before starting Trading.
  2. Count the Location before trade and enter the stocktake as per stocktake instructions when time permits.
  3. Print out variance reports and preview Period Location Summary report to ensure figures are correct.
  4. Release the stocktake for the Location when you are happy with the result.
  5. Print out the Period Location Summary for the previous period.
  6. Repeat the steps above for all Locations sometime during the month.
  7. If you are drawing stock from other Locations, you can stocktake each Location at different times as the "stock hold" feature will manage this. (Example: 2 Bars that have a Keg Cellar and you want to stocktake each Bar and Keg Cellar on different days.)


1st May 6am


  1. Select Record Period Opening Stock to record Opening Stock and move into the June trading period. The following prompt will be displayed:


If a Stocktake is currently in progress, then the following prompt will be displayed:



  1. Print out the Period Location Summary for the previous period.

The Stock Hold feature


A stock hold can be applied to each Location record in SwiftPOS, allowing any stock level changes from processed sales to be held temporarily while a Stocktake is underway. The way in which this feature works is that all of the sales processed for a locked Location will be held until the Location is released. Upon releasing stock again, the totals will be moved back to the Location stock table and trading will continue as normal. It is important to note that only sales are effected by this stock hold feature and that all other inventory movements such as Supplier Invoices, Inventory Adjustments, Transfers and Counts will all continue to change the SOH. Please see the following instructions for details regarding the process of locking and releasing stock:


  • To lock the inventory of a Location open the Inventory Count Entry screen, then add the Location you wish to lock.
  • Any outstanding Supplier Invoices, Inventory Adjustments and Inventory Transfers for the previous period can still effect the current Stock-on-Hand if you backdate these posting to before the date and time that the Location was locked.
  • Any posting of Supplier Invoices after the date and time the Location was locked will not effect stock-on-hand until the stocktake has been completed and the Location has been released.
  • Once all inventory postings have been completed, the Stocktake can be committed.
  • At any time, you can preview the Status report to list the current SOH for all Products and also to display the total stock currently being held.
  • To release the inventory of a Location again, open the Inventory Count Entry screen, then release the Location.



If you are new to Inventory Management the above diagram may help explain things that can effect your inventory for the current trading period. When you complete a Stocktake and find that some inventory does not balance it will give you an indication on what things to look at that may be causing the problem.


Stocktake Import File Format


The following table defines the format of the CSV Stocktake file which can be imported into SwiftPOS Back Office. This provides users with the flexibility of being able to perform their Stocktake using any application/device that is capable of creating a CSV file in the appropriate format.


Note : While the format for the file is provided for all users of the SwiftPOS Software we do not provide support for creating such files.







14 characters


This field stores the Barcode of the item that has been scanned, e.g.: 4500032693876.


5 characters


This field stores the quantity of the item that has been scanned, e.g.: 2.


4 characters


This field stores the Location where the item has been scanned, e.g.: 0001.


6 characters


This field stores the date that the Stocktake was counted on, e.g.: 01012007. Note : This field is currently NOT used by the SwiftPOS import.


How to Perform a Manual Stocktake




The following is intended to be a step by step guide to help users complete a full manual Stocktake. It is important to follow each step in order and fully complete each step before moving on to the next step. By doing so you can ensure there will be no discrepancies in your inventory levels. This guide provides information for counting stock manually. For information regarding use of a PDE, please see this page. PC specific options for this menu are set up here.


Before You Begin


Before beginning the Stocktake please ensure that you process any un-posted Supplier Invoices and inventory movements such as Transfers and Adjustments. Some adjustments and transfers may have been entered into SwiftPOS but have not been posted. Now is the time to process all of them. If all of these steps are completed successfully there should not be any unexpected variances when entering the Stocktake into SwiftPOS.


Performing the Stocktake


  1. The first step in a manual Stocktake is to open the Inventory Counts screen and add a Location. The screenshot above displays the screen which allows users to add any number of Locations. Once the appropriate Location has been selected simply press the Save & Close button. A confirmation message will appear, allowing the user to confirm or cancel the decision.
  2. The next step is to open up the Stocktake and create a list of Products to count. Start by selecting the Location that was just added and press the Edit button. From the tools menu, select Add Products Wizard to create a list of Products to be counted. Follow the steps in the wizard to add all of the active Products in the selected Location.
  3. Now that a list of Products have been created you can run the Stock Count Sheets report from the reports menu in inventory counts. This report will use the Stocktake list to determine which Products are displayed on the count sheets. You can now go and count all of the items in the selected Location, using the count sheets to record how many of each item exist.
  4. The Stocktake can now be entered into SwiftPOS by first sorting the Stocktake list in the same order as the count sheets were printed. Select the first row in the Stocktake and enter the appropriate count. When the count has been entered press the enter key to move to the next row and repeat the process.
  5. Preview the Expected Variance report to ensure that there are no unexpected variances in your inventory count.
  6. Select the Commit button to complete the Stocktake. The following confirmation message will be displayed:



Confirm that the correct Stocktake is selected, by checking the Start Date and Reference ID. Select Yes to commit.


Once a Stocktake is committed a Browse For Folder prompt will be displayed. Select the folder in which the following reports will be saved:



  1. Print out the Period Location Summary report in the Inventory Reports menu for the date range of your previous trading period and that will give you your Opening Inventory and Closing Inventory for the current period.
  2. When satisfied with the report, and a printed/electronic copy of it has been made, select the Release button to release either the selected Location or all Locations. This step will ensure the current Closing Stock will become the Opening Stock for the next period. Also, any sales made during the Stocktake, that would have have an affect on Stock Levels, will now be applied, thus decrementing stock accordingly.


How to Perform a Stocktake




The following is intended to be a step by step guide to help users complete a full manual Stocktake. It is important to follow each step in order and fully complete each step before moving on to the next step. By doing so you can ensure there will be no discrepancies in your inventory levels. This guide provides information for counting stock manually.


Before You Begin


Before beginning the Stocktake please ensure that you process any un-posted Supplier Invoices and inventory movements such as Transfers and Adjustments. Some adjustments and transfers may have been entered into SwiftPOS but have not been posted, now is the time to process all of them. If all of these steps are completed successfully there should not be any unexpected variances when entering the Stocktake into SwiftPOS.


Performing the Stocktake


  1. The first step in a manual Stocktake is to open the Location Inventory Count screen and add a Location. The screenshot above displays the screen which allows users to add any number of Locations. Once the appropriate Location has been selected simply press the Save & Close button. A confirmation message will appear, allowing the user to confirm or cancel the decision.
  2. The next step is to open up the Stocktake and create a list of Products to count. Start by selecting the Location that was just added and press the Edit button. From the tools menu, select Add Products Wizard to create a list of Products to be counted. Follow the steps in the wizard to add all of the active Products in the selected Location.
  3. Now that a list of Products have been created you can run the Stock Count Sheets report from the reports menu in inventory counts. This report will use the Stocktake list to determine which Products are displayed on the count sheets. You can now go and count all of the items in the selected Location, using the count sheets to record how many of each item exist.
  4. The Stocktake can now be entered into SwiftPOS by first sorting the Stocktake list in the same order as the count sheets were printed. Select the first row in the Stocktake and enter the appropriate count. When the count has been entered press the enter key to move to the next row and repeat the process.
  5. Preview the Expected Variance report to ensure that there are no unexpected variances in your inventory count.
  6. Select the Commit button to complete the Stocktake. The following confirmation message will be displayed:



Confirm that the correct Stocktake is selected, by checking the Start Date and Reference ID. Select Yes to commit.


Once a Stocktake is committed a Browse For Folder prompt will be displayed. Select the folder in which the following reports will be saved:


Value By Location

Status Report

PDE Expected Variance Report

PDE Inventory Count In Scan Order


Note : The report files saved are prefixed with the date/time the Stocktake was committed.


  1. Print out the Period Location Summary report in the Inventory Reports menu for the date range of your previous trading period and that will give you your Opening Inventory and Closing Inventory for the current period.
  2. When satisfied with the report, and a printed/electronic copy of it has been made, select the Release button to release either the selected Location or all Locations. This step will ensure the current Closing Stock will become the Opening Stock for the next period. Also, any sales made during the Stocktake, that would have have an affect on Stock Levels, will now be applied, thus decrementing stock accordingly.


Scheduled Stocktake



This screen is accessed from here. This screen is used to schedule the automatic locking of Locations in preparation for stocktaking. Once a Stocktake has been scheduled for a particular Location (by adding an entry into this screen) the schedule will be checked as part of the End of Day process to see if a Location must be locked. Note : For this check to occur the Lock Locations for Scheduled Stocktakes option must be selected. If the scheduled date/time falls on the same day the EOD runs and the Location is not already locked for a Stocktake, the Location will be locked and remain locked until it is manually released.


  • Add - Select to open the Select Locations screen to add a Scheduled Stocktake.


Note : The following prompt maybe displayed first:


  1. Select the date/time the Stocktake is to be scheduled for.
  2. Select 1, more or All Locations that will be doing a stocktake on the selected date/time.



  • Show/Hide History - Toggle select to show/hide Stocktakes that have been scheduled in the past.


Related Topics


  1. Inventory/Stock
  2. Local Configuration - Product/Inventory Options
  3. POS - Stocktake Operation
  4. Record Stocktake Trading Period Opening Stock
  5. Reports - Calculated SOH by Location Report - For sites the do not use Stocktake Trading Periods and want to see a summary of their trade.