- Waiter Only Terminal mode that does not allow payments.
- Graphical Table Layout Designer with automatic layouts for different times of the day.
- Option to print Blackboard Menu with details for staff to explain to Guests.
- Table Tracking via robust Microsoft SQL Server database.
- Displays current table status on table layouts.
- Names and Covers on Tables.
- Seat Numbering.
- Split bills, split items or split remaining table balance between any number of guests.
- Join tables or transfer tables.
- Add unlimited free text for special orders.
- Forced links for cooking instructions and sauces.
- Links with multiple SwiftPOS Kitchen Video Monitors and/or Kitchen Printers.
- View and Print Blackboard Specials with full Menu details.
- Sold out alerts with quantity on hand displayed on the POS Key. Mark Products as “unavailable” from the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Links to SwiftPOS Menu Boards with warnings on sold out items.
- SwiftPOS Reservations is fully integrated with table layouts and for booking specific tables.
- Option to Auto close tables.
- Transfer bar tabs to the Restaurant and decrement stock from the correct Locations.
- Charge to tables in the Restaurant, from the Bar and decrement stock from the correct Locations.
- All table sales are recorded by individual clerks.
- Table transactions show immediately in the SwiftPOS Back Office for real time labour costs/sales turnover ratios.
- Option to replace existing instruction for previous items rung up. E.g. Change Well Done to Med Rare without having to rekey the complete sale.
- Powerful kitchen printer features allowing Entrees to be served as Mains and vice versa.
Reservations Features
- The Reservations software allows you to take Restaurant bookings in advance and assign tables to guests.
- Graphical view of reservations with arrival times that is fully integrated with the table layouts in each Location.
- Reservations are fully integrated with the SwiftPOS Membership/Loyalty software for recalling existing Customer details and recording sales history.
- Take multiple reservations simultaneously updating a single reservation database.
- Accessible from any PC on the Network running SwiftPOS Touch, no need to run 2 Reservation Books (1 Office, 1 Reception).
- Take more control of reservations, move easily between reservation dates, prepare in advance for your busy periods.
- Extremely visual, minimising the margin for error, no more allocating Tables multiple times.
- Easily join tables for larger bookings, without disrupting your main layout.
- Floor Plan can be easily copied to create new layouts for special events.
- Bookings are tracked for frequency, dining trends via the integrated Customer Loyalty.
- Management can see at a glance current restaurant status or retrieve more detailed table by table information e.g. Last Activity, Table Balance etc.
Restaurant Printing Features
- Choice of meal order presentation in Kitchen to suit the Chef.
- Serve Entree's as Mains or Mains as Entrees.
- Customer meal orders to the Kitchen printers have a larger, easier to read format.
- Support unlimited Kitchen Printers for selected Categories via Serial, USB, Ethernet or Wireless connections.
- Option to recall entire table to print to the Kitchen.
- Kitchen Printers and Floor Printer options.
- Guest Bill printing by seat excludes instructions.
- Split Items and/or split Bills with multiple EFTPOS payments or account charges for a single table.
Related Topics
- Features / Enhancements
- POS - Held/Recall Sales Operation
- POS - KVS Installation - Operation - Peripheral Settings - Reports Operation - Settings
- POS Configuration Index - Table/TAB Configuration
- POS Operation Index - Table/TAB Features